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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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At Blue Sky, not last time I shopped there but the time before, I got some Jack the Ripper that everybody had hermies with. Mine turned hermie and when I went back to Blue Sky and told the clone vender this he just gave me a snotty look and said, "well, do you want clones today or not?"

This is the medicine that keeps me going, and with a crop full of hermies all I could do is make hash. This threw me off for the next 3 months till the next harvest came out. Quality control is in every industry, but when somebody tells Blue Sky the product was below par the only thing said is, well shop somewhere else then. Or, "do a test run next time."

Those are just not acceptable answers and I believe that if cannabis goes legal then this type of crap wont happen over time. If cannabis was legal then you would be able to grow out hundreds of seeds in order to find the elite clone that doesn't hermie. Maybe some day.

yes your right, but i'm sorry i preach "do a test run on everything to everyone, because just because something does right 1000 times, what happens if you're 1001?

i've ran all the strains that everyone here feels have hermie tendancies(spl) and have not had a single cola turn hermie.

does that mean you all are full of shit, or I have some magical garden (i wish), not at all, just means that none of it hermied on me, just as yours did you.

not every strain is 100% stable to every possible way or every possible system, there are no perfect beans.

point in case, romulan, i can't get this strain to fit into the way i do things to save my life, thus i will not fill a whole room with "the perfect romulan cut from anybody" and trust me, i get offered choice romulan from various sources. it just doesn't work for me at all.

i would never fill my whole room with anything anybody gave me <period> be it from really good seed stock or from the hand of whoever.

i can remember for every hermie story i addressed in this thread, posting 10 success stories. even out of my own pocket, taking back i don't know how many jtr's and then in turn just giving them out to people, and have them come back with successful grows.

am i saying yours didn't hermie, no, but i am not calling jtr or bubblegum hermie strains in any way.

this is my belief, not the opinion of BS, as I tell you.

but if you would of just stuck to what worked for you, then threw a couple JTR's in there to see what she'd do, if it hermied on you, you simply do what you got to do, but the rest of your grow is not screwed up (test grow) - my mentor drilled this into my head, I'm just passing on something I firmly believe in, that's all.

but then again, i have never had a full grow go to shit on me either, so maybe it's not just bullshit afterall...

ok now let me go and ask this guys for the new line up...


I <3 HinduSkunk

I <3 HinduSkunk

Rainman, dunno if you know this but everywhere else in america the bud is 1/2 as potent as hindu, and with this plants high yield and the fact its childsplay to grow makes it perfect for A LOT of the medincal community to provide for themselves... who are you to tell me what works well on me!??

I love hindu and i will grow it again... :joint:

However if you do know of better genetics why couldn't you work with the staff and help us all out in the med community and pick a favorite and send them a clone, Id love to grow out what comes next after hindu as long as it can yield as much too!

PurplKush is a great strain that is a lot more work than hindu and less yielding... as for the other strain i dunno cause they arent offered!

Its like going to a volvo dealership and talking about how great a ford is!
Find a place where you can happily post about all your other successes (or a ford dealership if you wanna go by my analogy)

These last few comments are total crap cause the info is misinformative...

If you are heading to sr71, and you are a beginner i DEF 100% reccommmend HinduSkunk it yields high even under flourescents and ripens in about 8 weeks

(thats a productive post starts with "if you are heading to sr71..." followed by anything but something stupid like "turn your car around")

Some people want information about the plants at this place not a reason to never go there!

Just dug up my curing hindu of 2 months and going for a smoke and it smells so dank

Im not even defending bluesky here, just telling everyone that wants an easy good yielder for a neglectful or first time grower HinduSkunk is a great strain because its very forgiving, high yielding, great tasting and def does the trick even if its not as potent as purple kush, you are talking differences
of 14%hindu/18%purpleK percent thc which makes hindu prob about 75%-80% the pep purplekush would have which means smoke a 1.2g bowl vs a 1g bowl (which the hindu more than makes up for with its higher yields) making the above info misinformative...

The info in this page can be condensed to about 3 pages without all the drama

Some pics of Hindu under just 150w:


The revolution will not be televised.....
Karmical - You are so full of it! You and everyone here knows your plants herm(Bluesky), even if you cant say so here! What a surprise that the employee of the disp has never had any problems with his cuts! Too freaking funny that you think us so stupid to buy that in any shape. For someone who doesnt get paid to do this and is working for a disp that has a media dept, you sure are here constantly defending it. Again do you think us so stupid to buy it? I have grown several cuts from your spot with some "great"(PK, DC x SC or NCG(which is it by the way?)) and most anything else leaving your spot has been nothing but trouble. I am not gonna even get into grow rooms, light leaks, and all that BS cause you can check the gallery and see my shit is done right every time. So you keep lying to the people here and I will keep showing up and making sure they all know what a joke this is.

Jim - If you want quality cuts that will kill anything they are doing here give my man Freedom a pm. His collective is top notch and he will be able to get you any of a dozen cuts to do wha you want. Check your pm also.
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Im curious to see a clone as high quality as the hindu that can yield like that.. Any suggestions?? My friend in mendocino has a casey that is 8 ft tall already and 4 feet wide outside.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Bullrider, P-91, Rom x CC, Blue Rhino, AK just off the top of my head.


Active member
yes your right, but i'm sorry i preach "do a test run on everything to everyone, because just because something does right 1000 times, what happens if you're 1001?

You expect me to believe that a thousand people grew out the JTR and only one person got hermies. lol. I would guess it would be more around 25% to 60%.

Another thing, how come we still havn't gotten an up dated list of what Blue Sky is offering??? Is it really that hard?


yea i am not a fan of bluesky, worst fucking service ever. Not enough room to stand when waiting inside, the guy that sells clones didn't know shit about them. they sell out so you have to be outside waiting for an hour or 2 and if you live a couple hours away it can be a big ordeal. My favorite is when you're waiting outside with 20 other people and they shout anyone need meds? and then yell again you guys are waiting for clones cool stand outside pretty much telling everyone in the neighborhood that you possibly got a nice wad of cash waiting to be spent on clones. for as much business they do you would think they would renovate their shop. Fuck the clones don't even sit under a flouro they are on a shelf in some dark dingy corner.

btw the sour grapes is growing pretty well.


Active member
so here's what has been coming in these days

b/sky cotton candy
bubba kush
og kush
mendo afgoo
sour grapes
mazaar sharif
green candy
hk x sknk
Casey jones
white widow
dc x sc
blue dream


wowzers I wish I could come see you guys over there sooner than later. I'm sure your blue dream cut kills it. I'm curious about the mendo afgoo, the xj13 and the cotton candy. It'd be cool if anyone had info to share about these cuts to give us some details. Flower time? Stretch? Yield?


Active member
Are all those cuts available or just coming soon? Lets say I go this Saturday, got there 2 hours early, would all these cuts be available?

Edit: Karmical - you talked about a web site that Blue Sky has, what is it and does it have info on these ladies?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Funny. I have been to the disp. several times in the past few weeks and havent seen half of what you are claiming is coming in. I smell more BS! So you are saying that Odessey has been coming in to your spot?
if it helps i was there last Sunday and seen what i rememer sour grapes,
headband,pk,hk x sknk,Casey jones,querkle,white widow,xj-13,and even seen a sample of that xj-13, look and smelled tastey. pick me up a Hindu Skunk, be wanting to bring her back. Hope Everyone has a good Friday....


Active member
I forgot

Chemdog 6
Blueberry X - a new cut of blueberry

the mendo afgoo is being snatched up, so it will be the only one on my list that isn't up in numbers just yet.

All the rest have been coming in regular and in numbers.

I limited my updated list to what's been coming in, there are more strains coming later.


Active member
Are all those cuts available or just coming soon? Lets say I go this Saturday, got there 2 hours early, would all these cuts be available?

Edit: Karmical - you talked about a web site that Blue Sky has, what is it and does it have info on these ladies?

The forum website is linked from the Oaksterdam University webpage under links.

I would say no on their having information on the new strains.

I will post up more information on them as I get it, or you guys can talk with the nursery staff yourselves there in at 7am these days.

Saturday is still very busy and probably the only day you have to get there really early.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Why dont we just call it Apple turnover then! Since you have no idea what it is! Makes me wonder about everything else coming out of there even more so now! Just call it Chemdog!?


Registered Med User
I liked it better when bluesky had a menu with descriptions and I knew what I was getting, so u really cant please everybody. Sounds like they dont know what the hell there doing now, just trying anything, just hope yall at bluesky test your shit before putting it out from now on so we dont have anymore JTR episodes (yes that mothafucka hermied on me and a friend whos grow skills are impecable)


Active member
Real professional!!! Glad to see ya really care.

For those who havent figured it out by now.... :laughing: What a friggin JOKE

Just call it JackMeOff

Dude you should come and smoke my East LA Jesus Kush!

It's the fugging bomb...

but seriously something else I have is...
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