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Found a dead mouse in my tea mix


Active member
You're so careful about what ingredients you use, and now your considering using a dead mouse as your tea ingredient? :) New tea time



Well-known member
Let that tea sit for a bit
W/air pumping thru it
w/sum Mole Ass's as food..
and the Microbes will consume it..
U guys all sound a bit squeamish to be doing Organics.
Stop for a second...and think about what U R saying..
Do u know how toxic a tea made from "Room temp shellfish shells" is to a Human? Or Bat Guano?
Humans also have a Natural fear of the fly larvae (Maggots)
and they fail to realize that Maggots ONLY consume Dead flesh and their waste product...is an anti Bacterial.
(They consume Death and leave a clean place for life to resume in their path)
Once it runs thru the Digestive system of the Micro-Herd and it taken up by our plants...@ an atomic level....
Its Harmless

Grow on....try it on one plant....and have a look see what it does

The Only drawback I see is Smell....it may have an offensive odor while Brewing


I kinda agree that it could be alright but was that mouse truly Organic? We don't know..

It may have had a petro-chemical addiction and died from it's last fix of poisons.

If i add mice I'll be sure they are 100% organic. LOL

Just making a joke friends..


Well-known member
I kinda agree that it could be alright but was that mouse truly Organic? We don't know..

It may have had a petro-chemical addiction and died from it's last fix of poisons.

If i add mice I'll be sure they are 100% organic. LOL

Just making a joke friends..

Well ya if one was to undertake this endevaor on purpose..
I would make sure my Mouse was from a...
"100% Organicly feed - Hormone Free - Free Range Source"



And also we don't know how the mouse would feel about it..

Maybe the mouse family wouldn't want that for their child.. I mean somebody loved that mouse...

And it's mama...


Try at least on one plant. Give us your results, this maybe a blessing in disquise....


Active member
omg please dont tell me someone is gonna start dropping a mouse into their tea brew on purpose thanks to icmag.

no, wait... I'll bet one of you already did because of this thread.



Wow, seems like I opened a big ol' can of worms here. (organic worms but still...)

'cos I only have one plant flowering now (micro-grow) I poured the tea on the outside plants and some of the lawn, just to see if it does anything. My biggest fear was introducing spider mites into the grow and ruin everything.

This batch of tea was already an experiment with the prawn shells and banana skins and stuff and I don't think a mouse in the mix could help it, I posted on the off chance that maybe it would be ok, but in the back of my mind I knew it's not a good idea.

But a laugh in this crazy world is a laugh. So play mice people... erm nice.

From now on I keep a lid on the tea and keep it off the ground.


Active member
I remember reading a bokashi thread on another board where this woman found a mouse somewhere in the center if her bin after the fermentation was complete. She had trouble recognizing it because the hair had been completely dissolved. Just this puffy lump of flesh...

mmmm.... mickey pickles


Active member
That will make Microbeman and quadracer happy!

haha. I actually have a really big mouse problem, so the less of the little bastards around the better. Everything is stored in mason jars in the kitchen. My current mouse trap has about 20+ mice under its belt.

Kill the mice, just don't waste the tea. Haha.


Well-known member
haha. I actually have a really big mouse problem, so the less of the little bastards around the better. Everything is stored in mason jars in the kitchen. My current mouse trap has about 20+ mice under its belt.

Kill the mice, just don't waste the tea. Haha.

provide your rodent friends w/some
NON Diet soda from the Cheeeepsection...
They can NOT burp....
the Bubbles enjoyed by us Humans...R
Fatal to a Rodent
and if a Dog or Cat grabs the staggering bugger..
No poison's...only a sweetened Mouse...:joint:

(Jar lids work well....refill them in the AM)

If they R really bad PM me and i will tell ya how to Build a Trap to catch 100's @ a time