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NorthernKronic's- New Place, New Space, New Grow, Let's GO!


Grower of fine herbs...
Ido-haha thanks for the props man.. This is the largest run I have done yet.. I hope to be able to keep up the yields even when I switch to tree style.. We will see though..

Sir- Thanks man, yea I really like the #2. Def the winner when it comes to doing single cola style.. Still hard to tell which has the best flav.. #1 I think... But when it comes to making that pheno into a bush, its too focused on vertical growth and doesnt ever focus on side shoots.. Even after topping multiple times.. So we will see.. its between 1 and 2.. Might just have to keep them both around until I figure out which I like best..

RadvancanGood to see you around again Rad:wave: Yea these PC's are just awesome plants.. Just love to grow.. As long as you keep your ph stable, yours will look better than mine for sure!

Irieeyes808- Yes, in my experience the PC's that I have grown have preferred to grow in the single cola form.. Some phenos like #2 actually prefer it and I think will end up yielding best in that type of a setup.. #2 pheno in rockwool blocks E&F, would yield 3lb's + per 1k.. I know it.. But anyway Pollen Chuck is the bomb.. keep an eye out for it, because its gonna be big name one day!



Active member
ICMag Donor
RadvancanGood to see you around again Rad:wave: Yea these PC's are just awesome plants.. Just love to grow.. As long as you keep your ph stable, yours will look better than mine for sure!

High mate .... :friends:
You are right, it indicates the beginning of the growth of hybrids brutal ....:woohoo:
Within a month I know sex and then go to test female .....:yes:
Ph hold for small seedlings in the range of 5,8-6,0 and later in the range of 5,8-6,4.
The clay is pH better, how you hold the earth itself to determine the value of dressing and edit it just fine ....
Of course one time for a big pot Transfer and catch overflow water and measure Ph and Ec ....
According to the results of water more ... :smoker:


Grower of fine herbs...
Dr.DogWhatup holmes! Yea it has quite a nice grapy fuel chronic smell that the orig PC tends to have.. #1 really smells like fruit though more so than the others..

Black Rain-Thanks for stopping by BR, need to stop through your place soon!

Rad-Yea the PC does show a lot of hybrid vigor.. Grows quick and fast.. I hope you get some females this run.. With these last four I was lucky, with 4/4 females. Hopefully you will be as lucky.. Yea just Ph your feed to 6.0 if your in soiless mix and you should be good to go!

Well considering chopping the 6 #3 phenos tonight, because I know they are not going to fill out much more.. We will see how lenient/lazy of a mood I am in, when I get down there hehehe. Peace yall:wave:


Old Soul

Active member
Man, you really got it going on in here bro! Making me want to upgrade to a 1K if I can get my temps in check. They certainly seemed to go a bit quicker this time.


Grower of fine herbs...
OS- haha yea man, this 1k really helps me get these buds to the size I would like them to be.. But the canopy penetration is the best part about a 1k, even your bottom buds are dense and not popcorn fluff like I had with my 400's.. Temps can def be a bitch, cant wait till winter comes, that makes life so much easier on all of us...

They def did finish up faster this time. They were all from clone instead of from seed which I think made a big difference in the difference in finishing time...

Well, harvested the 6 #3 pheno PC's last night which was day 55... They were just ready so I introduced them to the axe hehehe.. Currently looks like I will get a good bit over an oz from each of them, and if I can keep that ratio up the harvest will be good.. But unfortunately no pics from last night, maybe I will take a pic or two of their hanging corpses for you kids.. Anyway thats all I have for now.. Peace.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
must be the grower that makes 'm fat :D
Haul as much as you can :D


Love the veg shots, NK!
How many watts in veg?

Man, you're hitting on smething that I'm missing. :bow: :respect:
And, I don't know what it is...yet! :D

I use litmus papers to test ph.
But, haven't in a very long time.

I use Pro Mix w/extra perlite, lime, & mushroom compost (LC Mix)
My water shows 6.0 Mix fert mixes show 6.0 My drainage shows 6.0

I Veg under 430WHPS & flower under 1 kW.

I don't have a ppm meter. & still dialing in PBP & LK...just starting low & bumping up incrementally...have yet to bump up to "recommended" doses...

I think my "bronzing" &/or burning issues might be defficiencies...


Grower of fine herbs...
Sir-Thanks man, no pics of the harvest of those 6. They are still hanging (going on 3 days now) they got a few left. I will snap some pics of them tomorrow..

Core-LOL i certainly will try buddy, but who really knows how much I will yield on this run? I will be happy with anything over a #.. I really hope for more but wont be dissapointed with a bit less.. Had a lot of things that went wrong nutritionally this run, my flower nutes I found were very low in ph around 4ish.. so that means P was locked out most of flower.. Got that all fixed now I think so we will see how this next run goes with everything on PBP+calmag+DN,LK now that we have the ph stable I can diagnose what is really going wrong.. Also I see now that I need more air circulation in veg because these had no stem strength.. They are falling all over the place some breaking themselves off.. The next run is going to be completely different though.. Some very large, some small some in the middle.. You will see.. Peace.

Peat- Thanks man, right now in veg I am rocking a 250 hps.. I really would like to have my 400 MH running, and I will once winter comes around, but for right now with temps like they are, this will have to do..

Hmm to be perfectly honest I dont think im really doing to much right around here right now.. def still a lot of learning.. This last flower run I had P def really bad, you can tell from all the dead brown spots that were showing up.. For nutes this time I am running full strength PBP line from a nute schedule that came in the hydrofarm 2008 catalog. I will follow the schedule and see how it goes with this next run, and will let you know...

As far as ph goes.. That shit makes a huge difference dude.. I never really tested it until I had problems this last run, and that was def the source of them... My ph ended up being somewhere around 4, locked out P and a whole bunch more micro nutes, and thats why my ladies did so poorly this round. Hopefully I will be able to fix my mistakes and move forward to bigger and better things.. Stay tuned homie:wave:

Maj-Means a lot coming from you major:headbange thanks for stopping through..

Well like I said to Sir, I will grab some pics of the hanging girls tomorrow, and then I will do one final photo shoot during their harvest.. Anyway that's all for now, peace yall:wave:



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
right on bro.
your stems might be strong its just 1k buds lol but to help with that and since u r using botanicare, pick up a bottle of silica blast. it raises ph as well as strengthening your stems and helping cope with higher temps.... 10-15 bucks for a lil bottle.
since u plan on doing bushes in the future, you may want to consider cages. very worth while and cheap. those buds ur gonna be pumpin out are gonna need it lol


Grower of fine herbs...
Sir-Hmm Well I will have to give that silica blast a try... and I have added better circulation fan to the veg now so hopefully that will help as well. But anyway, so are you saying that I should start using tomato cages when I grow bush style? I guess it makes sense, since tomatoes have some of the most easily broken limbs on just about any plant.. I have a a couple months till the cages will be available but I will def give that a go...

Well I got a couple shots of what was harvested about 5 days ago.. Went into jars earlier tonight.. All the #3 pheno PC.. earliest finishing pheno (only one with any herm tendencies when stressed) harvested at 56 days flower..

the one that is larger and greener is a cola that I just harvested off a #2 pheno when it broke its stem because it was too heavy..




Now some of them fully dried before final trim and the jars..




Well here are the semi-final numbers for the 6 in the pictures...
#3.1 = 26g
#3.2 = 20g
#3.3 = 28g
#3.4 = 27g
#3.5 = 31g
#3.6 = 28g

Total #3 pheno weight 160 grams/28= 5.714oz's
Avg #3 pheno weight 26.667/ plant

This was dissapointing for me.. obviously the #2 pheno was the only one of the three that was well suited to this style of growing, both #1 and #3 would prefer to grow as a bush.. There are still 15 more so hopefully we can get the average up to around 1 zip/per but only time will tell..

Well I plan on chopping the rest of them down relatively soon.. I will snap some shots of them when I do.. but thats all for now, peace yall:wave:

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well nice looking buds

Sorry to hear you haul was not what you expected


Registered Medical Patient
hey NK brotha, let me first just say that ur girls look stellar!!! great job on the pc's...im missin mine BIG time!!!!
OK, now my .02....when i grew my pc's, i lst'd them all and they grew incredibly well and a nice yeild to boot!!! So i would recommend tyin them down for next run and i think you will be much happier with ur yeilds!!!
Now for the whole nute issue!!! idk if u remember, but i used to use EJ all the way but i was kinda disappointed with the results...so....i switched to AN and saw HUGE differences in my girls and boys!!!! I would recommend Mother Earth Grow & Bloom along with Liquid Karma from Botanicare and Maxicrop seaweed stuff!!! it was a killer combo for me and might work for you as well!!!!
Alright, i ve rambled enuf bro, take care and ill be seein ya....peace

- z


I've never heard of needing Silica Blast in soil grows.
I've always assumed there was plenty of "silica" in "soil"... :confused:
I'm definately interested!

Peat- Thanks man, right now in veg I am rocking a 250 hps.. I really would like to have my 400 MH running, and I will once winter comes around, but for right now with temps like they are, this will have to do..

I'm sure you've covered it. :redface: (...threads get mixed in my head...)
But, what size pots do you use in veg? (& how long do you veg in those pots?)
While I'm asking, what size pots do you finish in flower?

I have "issues" when I try to veg more than 30 days in 1 gal pots.
But, I can only fit four 3 gal pots under 430W.

Before, I vegged for 45-60 days in 3 gal pots. Finishing four big girls in 7 gal pots.
Worked great! But, lacked variety & individuals were VERY heavy after watering. Ugh.

So, I'm seeing what sixteen 3 gal pots do for me.
But, a few are a couple of weeks ahead of the others.

But, nine may be a happy medium. :chin:
But, I figure I'll need to veg nine more than 30 days.
And, I can only fit four 3 gal pots under my 430W.

Regaurdless of pot size & plant count, I'd like to get close to 2 lbs under 1 kW. (theoretical max?)

Hmm to be perfectly honest I dont think im really doing to much right around here right now.. def still a lot of learning.. This last flower run I had P def really bad, you can tell from all the dead brown spots that were showing up.. For nutes this time I am running full strength PBP line from a nute schedule that came in the hydrofarm 2008 catalog. I will follow the schedule and see how it goes with this next run, and will let you know...

Is this the schedule? (scroll down to "Soil Gardens")

I'm very close in veg. But I'm at half strength in flower.
That reinforces my earlier theory that my problems (especially with Sour Grapes) are deficiency based...:crazy:

As far as ph goes.. That shit makes a huge difference dude.. I never really tested it until I had problems this last run, and that was def the source of them... My ph ended up being somewhere around 4, locked out P and a whole bunch more micro nutes, and thats why my ladies did so poorly this round. Hopefully I will be able to fix my mistakes and move forward to bigger and better things.. Stay tuned homie:wave:

Yeah man! 4 is hardcore!
That fact that you got anything out of a grow with a pH of 4 is a testament to the greeness of your thumb! :respect:

I've tested my pH strips with 4.0 & 10.0 test fluids. And, more recently, with vinegar. :D
...seems dead on to me...
I can't help but wonder how unusual it is to start with 6.0 water, have a 6.0 nute mix, & end with 6.0 drainage???
Seems a little too good to be true. But, I've got no reason to doubt it...yet...


hey peat i don't know about using silica blast either but i tell you this if i line the bottom of my pots with hydroton i get a lot of small roots when i line the bottom with dyna rock or anykind of silica product my roots are huge man big fat roots on the bottom of the pot i thought about doing a thread but i threw away my last plant i used hydroton on i now use dyna rock only,,,give it a try,,,peace


anytime bro i think i might put clones of the samething in flower next time one with hydroton and one with dyna rock and show the comparison,,,peace