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Found a dead mouse in my tea mix


Would anyone still use the tea or do mice have too much bad bacteria on them?

The tea had a nice foam on the top and i found the mouse after straining it to separate the liquid tea from the solids.

I brewed about 10 prawn shells and heads, banana skins, compost and other good things and was hoping to water my skunk with it tomorrow.

Would anyone use the tea or is it better to start again with fresh ingredients? (or do I market the tea as a new organic mouse trap:wallbash:)


Would anyone still use the tea or do mice have too much bad bacteria on them?

The tea had a nice foam on the top and i found the mouse after straining it to separate the liquid tea from the solids.

I brewed about 10 prawn shells and heads, banana skins, compost and other good things and was hoping to water my skunk with it tomorrow.

Would anyone use the tea or is it better to start again with fresh ingredients? (or do I market the tea as a new organic mouse trap:wallbash:)

So you say it's a killer brew?


To Have More ... Desire Less
myself......I would start over........dead animal.....frm unknown cauzez......NOTGOOD.......I'm sure the phucker just drowned .....itz summer......look'in for water..........but once dead and submerged in a high oxgenated enviroment.......would lead to quicker breakdoqn of the carcass....which would introduce.......unknown disease......germs......and alkinda off micro organizimz to the medium...........
me i would'nt take the chance..........startover........whatz a buck worth of leftover...ingedientz.............bet U'r pissed if it killerz U'r girlz.......
or introduces some biological counterculture...into U or U'r budz........



Liquid mouse trap...


One drink and they are over the brink!

I'm with the fellas time for a new brew..


I cough up honey oil
I agree. New tea! I know what I would be thinking about every time I took a hit. DEAD MOUSE! I would start convincing myself that I can taste it!!!! LOL


To Have More ... Desire Less
I agree. New tea! I know what I would be thinking about every time I took a hit. DEAD MOUSE! I would start convincing myself that I can taste it!!!! LOL

thatz funny schit.......I could see it.....qtr to 12 @ night.....high ass @ kite......straight phuckedUP.........and contimplating......the taste of dead rodent.........WILL NOT MAKE FOR A GOOD BUZZ......or dreamz.......:2cents:


Yeah I figured there might be microherd I don't need all over the little rodent, just seemed a waste of good tea.

I'm starting a new batch now.

Might leave the tea somewhere, as a warning to the rest them!!!:nanana:

thanks everyone.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Personally, I think it makes no difference with the mouse, considering your original ingedients. Where did you get a recipe like that?

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm with Microbeman, no difference. I'd use it anyway. But, I'm also not with the 'no meat or bones in the compost' crew either. I do like my grandmother taught me and compost (or burn, or return to the earth directly) everything that will decompose.


Herbal relaxation...
myself......I would start over........dead animal.....frm unknown cauzez......NOTGOOD.......I'm sure the phucker just drowned .....itz summer......look'in for water..........but once dead and submerged in a high oxgenated enviroment.......would lead to quicker breakdoqn of the carcass....which would introduce.......unknown disease......germs......and alkinda off micro organizimz to the medium...........
me i would'nt take the chance..........startover........whatz a buck worth of leftover...ingedientz.............bet U'r pissed if it killerz U'r girlz.......
or introduces some biological counterculture...into U or U'r budz........


Gotta agree!!! Small lost afrer all, thinking what it can turn to if used...:2cents:


Active member
the only reason not to compost animals is that it attracts other animals.

I got some turkey slices, and a lobster carcass in my bokashi bin. it will be fed to the worms. I will cross my fingers.


not positive but something about dead animal carcass only screams bad to me.......there has got to be all sorts of bacteria on/in/developing on that rat


you might just have some killa mouse bud tho the risk is always up to you i think its an awsome idea to use it i mean was the mouse litteraly stabbed and did it look like a manson mouse murder in your bag or something THEN i might want to toss it out but if i didnt see mouse poop and signs of something i might just WELL TAKE A PICTURE TO SHOW IC MAG.......

then toss that mouse out then tell everyone look i got kiLLa mouse tea

as long as the mouse didnt leave much behind i think your not gonna see any signs of mold your afraid of? or other signs of change in your grow ive used alot of nasty things in my plants i once took v8 and sprite put it in my church strain gosh i really didnt like that bud, there is better hybrids out there

i didnt get mold on the church i fed V8 and sprite it was poured in once and then sprite was used after that for 2 weeks for the flush

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
hehe, good stuff. I don't see where people get ideas like dead animal carcasses being a threat to soil microbes and whatnot. I don't think those theories are much supported in nature where dead animals are often left to decompose gracefully (much to the delight of surrounding plants) without human judgement.