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Dehumidifier water


Can you use dehumidifier water for watering? One of the air conditioners I have has a built in 10 gallon dehumidifier, and it fills to the brim within a day. Instead of dumping all this water, would I be able to use it for my plants? It should be the same as rain water right? If I can use all the water I pour down the drain daily I'll stop buying distilled.


I thought distilling was the process of collecting condensation from steam? Is distillation just collecting whatever water is in the air then?

Either way thanks, I finally have a use for all this water and I don't have to buy a bunch of jugs every other day :woohoo:


I believe the term you are looking for is condensed...the cold coil of the a/c meets the warm air around it and the result is condensed water...without google its the best I got


oh yeah, it's good stuff, go ahead and use the stuff and drink beer...liquid bread yanno


Since I grow in soil, do I really have to worry that much about the ppm of the water that collects? I can test the pH but I don't have a way to check ppm.


Over the years I've considered using dehumidifier water. But, think about everything that COULD be in that water. Everything that's in the air. Dust, mold spores,smoke and possibly oil from all that metal. While cleaning the coils I've seen solder which could contribute some lead to the water. I don't think it's a good idea to use it.


considering how well soil mixes filter and how less critical they are in growing demands, a/c run off works fine as long as the pH is dealt with prior to using it...I live on a limestone island and need to use a quarter cup per 5 gallons of nutes at times...well water is hot, pH wise


I finally ran out of distilled so I spent half an hour hitting the water catcher with every cleaner I have, so if there was any spores or anything they definitely didn't survive that. I'm thinking about boiling it still before using it, would that help at all?


I can get a TDS meter for $30 at my local store, but I don't really want to spend that much especially since I'm not going to do hydro.

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