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How do you roll novelty sized joints?



I wanna roll a lid for my b-day since I found out cobs are for curing bud in africa or some shit.

So where online can I buy big ass papers and how do I go about that?


Try your local head shop or something dude. They take a bit of effort to get right just like anything so maybe buy 10 or so haha. Good luck on finding some.

Peace keke
a company called Elements makes a 12" long paper, you can just stick em together until its the size you want. Your other option is rips rolls. Thats a paper on a roll...you can make it as long as you want it.

As for rolling it, its all about practice man. Grab some rolling tobacco (approximately as much as you want to roll in your doober) and just try rolling a practice doober. you dont have to smoke it, just build your confidence for the real one.

hope this helps.


Ahh fuck it, I'm gonna be fucked out of my mind by the time I get around to rolling it. I'll just roll a big ass blunt. Or two, or three.


Active member
In a pinch you can get large papers from a tobacco or smoke shop. Don't forget to also get a pack of 1-1/4" papers that are gummed and extremely thin. Rizzla+ Ultra-Lights are a great brand.

Use a dollar bill or other large piece of quality rag-content/hemp paper to roll a thumb-thick doobie. (Anything thicker and it's just a waste)

Roll another one that's full from end to end and as close in diameter to the first as possible.

Pull a tiny bit of bud out of the end of the first one, pinch the end of the second one slightly and insert it into the end of the first one. Gently push them together and twist until they're mated well. Gently set it down for now.

Cut the glue strip off of one of the ultra-light papers and use that to seal the section where the two joints meet.

Ta-Daaa! You now have a big cigar-thick doobie. Should be able to make at least 2 from a half ounce, depending on the paper size. :D

Hint: The thinner and higher quality the rolling paper, the more you'll taste the cannabis. It will also make it easier to tear the paper when rolling so be careful. :D


Blunt wraps are ridiculously huge. Just dump a good ammount of herb on it, and roll it up like a cone shape! Pinch the end ftw!!


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Can't you just stick the papers together? That's what I usually do when rolling a huge ass joint. Maybe you don't want all that glue or some shit though?

I'm not too into blunt wraps, they're kind of like smoking air freshener. At least Double Platinums and stuff. Gotta love Swishers though...


Active member
Oh yeah, blunt wraps! Nothing says "Puke!" like the taste of burning tobacco wrapped around your dankly sweet homegrown. I'll thank you to keep that away from my smoke, thanks.

Maybe back when I was smoking street schwag? I was still smoking cigs back then and could almost handle it. Still tasted like crap, no matter what kind of tobacco was used.
I'd have to say check a head shop for a ganja cone. 13 grams of 3 different dankys. Between 15 people everyone passes out.lol. Burned for an hour an a half. What a trip that was.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
we did our own just had a butt load of papers and i licked and sticked and licked and sticked and licked and sticked till i thought it was a big enough joint... But im sure nowadays its much easier.. peace..



Active member
i cant even smoke a whole joint of good weed on my own, but still a birthday party is a birthday party

last time we rolled giant joints a lot of people we're almost puking :)

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