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Can someone please tell me what's wrong with these?


To Have More ... Desire Less
yep itz fungus amungus..........the garden3safe will work...zappz most crap.......even powdery mildew.....nice organic stuff......@ walmat even.......:2cents:


Non Conformist
After looking at them again.

After looking at them again.

BC, older leaves are more effected because of their age. The same way older people are more likely to get diseases that younger people wont. The growth cells in the younger leaves are growing strong and fight off sickness, but as they mature they will suffer the same fate if the problem is not dealt with.

Thats why I immediately thought it was disease and not a deficiency. Fungus will usually target older leaves first, but not always.

I respectfully disagree with you. I still think they have been let go too long in those tiny pots, and are rootbound. That's a foot of plant in what looks to be about a quart of soil. Plants need at -least- a gallon per foot to do well in soil. They have been fed next to nothing and I know there's nothing left in that soil for them to eat, so they have to be hungry ( regardless ). Keep in mind a plant that's starving will eat itself from the bottom up.

With ac keeping the room cool and the humidity down, I think fungus would have really a hard time of it. BC


Active member
I respectfully disagree with you. I still think they have been let go too long in those tiny pots, and are rootbound. That's a foot of plant in what looks to be about a quart of soil. Plants need at -least- a gallon per foot to do well in soil. They have been fed next to nothing and I know there's nothing left in that soil for them to eat, so they have to be hungry ( regardless ). Keep in mind a plant that's starving will eat itself from the bottom up.

With ac keeping the room cool and the humidity down, I think fungus would have really a hard time of it. BC

I understand where you're coming from. :)

I showed the picture to my mom and gave her all the info in the original post (shes holds a maters in Botany) and she asked me

"Is the damage on the under side of the leaf, if not it is a Cercospora infection. Also, see the yellow around the lesions? This is not a deficiency."

She also explained why the older leaves are effected first. She has never been wrong on any advice she has given me, and I would trust my entire crop on her knowledge.

Also Jonezin has confirmed her suspicions.

She's saved my greenhouse many times.



Excellent diagnoses! I've seen the same problem in threads again and again and everyone thinks it's a deficiency. People look at that same 'chart' and think it's a magnesium deficiency. Your answer was the first different one I've read in a long time. It sounds about right to me as well. Tell your mom thanks!! That's awesome:)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
interesting thread. I have never seen this fungus before. I hope everything works out for you and your plants.


Non Conformist
lol Well, ok then, but it's still prolly not a good idea to let plants go this long in small pots, esp when yer not hardly feeding them. They -do- need nutrients to grow. BC


Active member
ToughGirl, I agree. The "Complete guide to Sick Plants" is an excellent thread and covers deficiency's superbly, but it really does not cover plants diseases at all. For example, what most people beleive is a calcium deficiency can very well be a bacterial infection. Like these pictures below.

Brown Spot
Septoria glycines

Bacterial Pustule
Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycinea

Bacterial Blight
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea

Frogeye Leaf Spot
Cercospora sojina

Just do a google image search for "Septoria glycines" and your first reaction will be. "calcium deficiency's" but you'll be wrong.

Haven't you ever heard people say, "My ph is right and I'm using cal-mag, but I'm having a calcium deficiency... PLEASE HELP"? I've tried telling people it could be a bacterial infection but would get flamed with the people swearing by the complete guide to sick plants. It's not complete, but it's close though.

I've talked to my mom and she is going to give me a crash course on how to differentiate diseases from deficiency's using a microscope and I'll write up a tutorial, all credit will be hers.

BC, I agree he really does need to transplant as soon as possible. A strong, feeding, growing plant can fight off disease better.


I didn't realize there had been so many posts in here.

I used the Organocide at half strength and the stuff is under control. It's not on anymore leaves.

These plants are rocking now that I transplanted them too. I know they shouldn't have been in those small pots for so long, but I was broke and couldn't afford to go get the FFOF until when I did. All of the plants are doing awesome and I cannot wait to harvest these. :woohoo:

I'm looking forward to your tutorial relief.

Thanks again for all of the help everyone. :joint:


Well I used Serenade since my pics looked exacly like leaf blight and there were no nute problems and now all my leaves look dead and have blacked tips and everything just looks plain horrible. Awesome.

Is it a spray or a thick (for lack of a better term) semen-looking liquidy thing? Cause mine definitely isn't spraying out.


Is it a spray or a thick (for lack of a better term) semen-looking liquidy thing? Cause mine definitely isn't spraying out.

Is what a semen looking liquidy thing? The Organocide? Or what are you talking about? If you're talking about that Organocide, it's kind of thick but you mix 2 oz. of it per gallon of water. So it's not thick after you mix it. It stinks pretty bad though. Even mixed at half strength like I used it. I definitely wouldn't want to have to spray all of my plants with it. Unless your grow room is in your basement or something. It reeks like fish. I don't know why it has fish oil in it when it's not an active ingredient. The active ingredient in the stuff is sesame oil. Couldn't they have used something that smells better? They sell it at Home Depot. But I don't even know if that's what you're asking about... :laughing:

Active Ingredient: Sesame Oil.............5.0%
Inert Ingredients Fish Oil .............92.0%
Exempt from EPA registration Patent Pending


Non Conformist
I know they shouldn't have been in those small pots for so long, but I was broke and couldn't afford to go get the FFOF until when I did.

Please, don't think I was bashin ya man, I wasn't. I know how the dough situation can go sometimes. TRUST ME! lol.... My post's were more to remind people in the future who are having this same problem and click in to this looking for an answer. Fungus or not, you have to keep up re-potting if you don't want strange defiencies. Plus, you always wanna keep that vigor* rolling! Happy plants = yield = Happy grower! lol

I'm glad they're doing better now. I'm also happy to see yer keepin up with this thread, so many don't once they get help. That doesn't help anyone learn because you don't know the outcome of the advice was. Oh btw, I was wondering if you could throw up a few pictures of what they look like now? Thanks.

I'm looking forward to yer tutorial as well, Relief. BC


I didn't think you were bashing me. I just wanted people to know for sure that I wouldn't have ever left them in those pots for that long if I would have had the cash for the soil sooner. The closest place to me that carries it is 50 miles from here. Plus I needed 2 bags and some other stuff so I had to wait until when I did. I ended up spending over $100 when I went to get the soil. But anyway...

Here's some updated pictures. I didn't take many of the leaves that were screwed up because I cut most of them off. There weren't really that many anyway. But the worst ones I just cut off. But I did leave a couple of them on that weren't in very bad shape. It's hard to tell but the tallest 2 are about 22" tall now. They've grown 8" in 6 days, believe it or not. One of them was 14" before I transplanted them. Here's the pics:


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A few more:


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Non Conformist
KA-BOOM! :woohoo: They exploded! lol... Cool! 8" in 6 days! that's the vigor we're after!

They should really fill that space nicely by the time they stretch out in flower. Thanks for the update, and good luck with the rest of the grow. BC


Thanks BC. I'm hoping for a pretty good yield out of these. I should end up with a pretty decent amount. I think I'd be better off (maybe) if I was using a 1000 watt instead of the 600, but if I had a 1000 I'm not sure if I'd have enough space for the height of them. :yoinks:


Well whatever is wrong with these I guess I didn't get it figured out because they are getting way worse. This mainly was the one White Widow plant at first that was getting pretty bad, but now my nicest biggest looks like was going to be the best yielding Shiva Skunk is jacked too. Now 4 out of the 7 plants have brown and dying leaves. My Blue Hash, Northern Lights and one other Shiva Skunk still look really good (I'm sure I just cursed myself too....they'll be next...). I really wish I knew what was going on with these plants.

I did a search last night for dying leaves and saw quite a few threads with the same exact problems I am having. And I noticed that almost every one of the people having these problems (if not every one) were using FFOF soil like I am. I'm not saying that FFOF is to blame, because I have no clue. But I don't remember seeing one post about this stuff where they were using another brand of soil.

I am pretty disgusted at this point. I feel like throwing all of these plants. I am on day 40 of flowering now. That big nice (well was nice) Shiva Skunk I mentioned looked awesome until like a week ago, and out of the blue it started doing what the other 2 plants are doing. The White Widow looks different for some reason, it's the same type of damage, but it's looks different.

I thought that my ph being too low was causing this crap, but I have been watering/feeding them with ph adjusted water/nutrients and it's not making any difference. The runoff ph is now better (6.3 now compared to the 5.8 that it was, but I still have a major problem. Someone told me that these Shiva Skunk are heavy feeders, so if that's the case I really don't see how they could be getting too many nutrients, because I don't give them nutrients every time I water. I water, feed, water, feed etc... I'm starting to think that my only option is to flush the hell out of them and hope they get better. They are in 4 gallon pots though, so I would need what? 12 gallons of water per pot??? :wallbash:


i usually just double it, so 8 gall, but you could probably get away with less.

and to address your FF soil issue - i'm having very similar problems
with my current girls. i'm currently in pro-mix though, so i doubt FF is to blame (have used it just fine in the past)


A calcium/magnisum deficancy can still be part of it.....You said you are using distilled water? If so than it just may be. What kind of nutes are you using? I use promix for my medium, and pbp grow/bloom/karma/calmag. If I don't use the calmag I will get the same looking problem as you. But my medium has nothing in it like your soil. I wouldn't think it wouldn't make that much of a impact in your soil. You use more trace minarals like potassium, calcium and such in flowering so I think it is a possiblity still.


New member
I am having the exact same problems in ffoc. I started using ProMix 4 and there is no change. MY first thought was Magnesium deficiency, so I sprayed with an epsom salt mixture and that didn't help. These are clones of the plants I did pretty well with before. I am using the ff nutrients exactly to their schedule, I am monitoring PH (6.3) Nothing seems to be working except feeding them more. Feeding them more is not stopping the problem but definitely seems to slow it down. So I kept up with that and now they are starting to burn so I am cutting back some. The problem is not going away though.

I am really starting to think it is a fungus of some sort personally, sometimes repeated applications are necessary from what I have read. So I am going to try one of these fungus sprays that have been mentioned. Im in day 38 of flower and it doesn't seem to be affecting the size of the flowers, just the leaves. I don't know, all I know is what I have read.