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Recession forces new approach on drug offenses?


weed fiend
Many states can no longer afford to lock up nonviolent drug offenders. Even Texas has instigated drug courts where treatment and court supervision are substitutes for prison terms.

On August 05, US Senator Jim Web (D) Virgina will appear on The Carlos Watson Show, 11:00am eastern MSNBC to discuss what can be done on the federal level to change the way the criminal justice system handles non violent drug offenses.


Pleasantly dissociated
shit id rather do the short time than do all those classes and pay all that money, just legalize it already, thats where they get ya, 50 bucks a week for 26 weeks, rehab is a fuckin joke, believe me, ive been many times, goto aa or na, wah wah, shit is retarded, step 5 tell me all the bad shit youve done, anyway, just legalize already obama if your reading threads, i know ya like your chronic
shawkmon,ask yourself this question,"What is a year of my life worth?"
It seems to me it's worth more than $1300.

Respect bass


Pleasantly dissociated
well i did 4 months and saved 5 grand and 5 years probation plus all those charges and hasles and all the bull shit that goes with it, i say fuck it, shit i also saved bond money too, that was crazy, i alsoi got in good shape , got closer with my wife and learned a lot about who i am and i dont regret it, id say lay it down any day and read some books before i give them any money, but yes id pay 1300 for no year, ,

probation sucks yo, id do a month in jail before a year probation any fuckin day, id end up breakin probation and end up in jail anyway,

i wish it were legal but its not, i wont stop smoking or growing ever, and im not gonna let them hassle me for 5 plants, if they want to feed me, take care of me, let me watch tv, they wont let you stay in jail very long believe me, its just weed,they will get wise, drop charges way the fuck down then your out on a simple possesion at the most, it takes courage fighting the system but someone has to do it


Active member
well i did 4 months and saved 5 grand and 5 years probation plus all those charges and hasles and all the bull shit that goes with it, i say fuck it, shit i also saved bond money too, that was crazy, i alsoi got in good shape , got closer with my wife and learned a lot about who i am and i dont regret it, id say lay it down any day and read some books before i give them any money, but yes id pay 1300 for no year, ,

Did you end up taking a plea bargain?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ you got balls man. I dont know how prison is where you are, but I would not volunteer to 2 hours in a texas prison.


Active member
yes to simple possesion,time served, no felony conviction

So then whats up with this big talk
shawkmon said:
well i did 4 months and saved 5 grand and 5 years probation plus all those charges and hasles and all the bull shit that goes with it, i say fuck it, shit i also saved bond money too, that was crazy, i alsoi got in good shape , got closer with my wife and learned a lot about who i am and i dont regret it, id say lay it down any day and read some books before i give them any money, but yes id pay 1300 for no year,
Had you been smart you would have posted bond and kept making money those four months you spent locked up. Had you not been a loser to begin with you might have already been in shape and had a good relationship with your wife. Some people don't need to goto jail to read books.

shawkmon said:
if they want to feed me, take care of me, let me watch tv, they wont let you stay in jail very long believe me, its just weed,they will get wise, drop charges way the fuck down then your out on a simple possesion at the most, it takes courage fighting the system but someone has to do it

I like how you make being locked up sound so pleasant. Except, the food fucking sucks. They don't take care of you, infact Tijuana hookers get better healthcare than prisoners (at least in the USA).

By taking a plea bargain you didn't fight shit. You helped the lubricate the system and kept it flowing nice and smoothly. You want to fight the system? Then fight the mother fucking god damned charges and take the shit to a jury trial. Make them spend real time and money. Make them piss off the citizens by having them deal with jury duty bullshit.


Just one other thing....

Did you find Jesus in there?

I heard they had him locked up in prison also....


Active member
pay bond,pay lawyer, pay probation, pays machine

If you pay your bond and pay your lawyer and take your shit to trial there will be no probation. Furthermore the time that it takes to empanel a jury and hear a trial impacts other cases.

The biggest problem with the justice system are those who waive their rights. The right to a speedy trial, and then plea out. If everyone made a jury hear there cases there would be 50% less people in prison guaranteed.


weed fiend
rehab is a fuckin joke, believe me, ive been many times

Locking up nonviolent drug offenders isn't the answer. I'm sorry you don't like rehab but prison isn't on my list of acceptable options. I don't like the idea of fines and probation but at least I can protest on the street instead of inside a cage.


Pleasantly dissociated
ok my last post in this thread, all im saying is if more people said i aint gonna pay ,lock me up, they would be forced to legalize or change things because they dont have the room to lock all weed heads up


weed fiend
shawkmon, all opines are welcome in this thread. I too admit the thoughts of drug court aren't appealing. You're right, overwhelming the system might force change but maybe this bad economy is the silver lining that will keep a large number of us growers from having to test the status quot.


weed fiend
Oh well, so much for the Web interview. Only one or two questions were asked about the drug war, the rest on other pressing issues.

I paraphrasing but Web basically said incarceration is the wrong way to deal with nonviolent drug offenders. One interesting thing he said is the fact that we're locking people up that shouldn't be subjected to prison environment. I think he's smart enough to know that prison not only houses criminals, it creates criminals as well.


Patient Grower
By taking a plea bargain you didn't fight shit. You helped the lubricate the system and kept it flowing nice and smoothly. You want to fight the system? Then fight the mother fucking god damned charges and take the shit to a jury trial. Make them spend real time and money. Make them piss off the citizens by having them deal with jury duty bullshit.

Have you ever wondered why 1 small weak person with a gun could make 20 physically fit people herd like cattle? 20 people could easily overwhelm the asshole and take him out. Trouble is, he's going to take 2 or 3 people down first, and it's hard to find volunteers. 1 plane out of 4 on 9/11 had some of those people. The other 3 could have as easily taken the hijackers. Why the fuck would 10s and 10s of people stand by and let 4 assholes with boxcutters fly them into a skyscraper? Oh no, I might get a cut and need stitches. Anyway, my point is don't hold your breath. You're just not going to find people that are willing to risk doing several years vs taking a sure thing of drug court and staying out of jail. If you've got any ideas how to talk people into this I'm all ears. Hell, I'll even volunteer to be in the second wave if you can talk enough people into going first.


^ you got balls man. I dont know how prison is where you are, but I would not volunteer to 2 hours in a texas prison.

yep no shit i took the years probation over the 30 days jailtime thanks
not trying to eat prison beans nonstop while i avoid the mexican gang members who meanmug every whitey in the damn place

thanks but id rather live stress free on the outside
been locked up for 17 months before can you top that?
seems absurb that people want to go to jail to "save money"
what jail where you in?!!! sound mighty pleasant?

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