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California AC Box **Spectacular**


LOl jelly your cute.

And thank you PrinseshJasmine.

I don't have anything against LST'ing by the way. I got some plants out side tied down myself


Active member
it seems like fallowing a train of thought or reading retention is very difficult for you.

maybe your like Rain Man and your like good at counting cards or something.

Fallow, when used as a verb, means: : to plow, harrow, and break up (land) without seeding to destroy weeds and conserve soil moisture.

Perhaps it's time to let this thread go fallow.



With HD's design you could remove the fan inside the A/C unit if it wasn't a dual shaft and connected to the evaporator coil side as well. You could also just remove the condensor coil and put it into a new plenum made just for it. As far as pushing air into the fan it is similar to running the A/C with a plugged condenser coil. It decreases the load on the fan. If you push so much air that you have no load, or are actually pushing the fan faster than it was meant to go, yes that can be a bad thing. Globels design will also cause unknown turbulence and air pressures against the blades of the condenser fan. Globels design will likely need more airflow to keep the box exhausted of the hot air dumped out by the condensor. With HG's design don't stick a 12" can fan with 2000 cfm onto a 5k btu A/C and you should be fine (I would use about a 400cfm). If you want to do it perfectly hook up a flow hood and measure your volume of air movement on the unmodified A/C, then adjust your ducted fan to match it.


well if you want to make it complicated we could turn our window bangers into mini splits but that is just way over complicating things. I think. I like JellyFish's signature It fits well in this situation.


Oh and by the way I spell stuff wrong all the time. I know this. look at my f ing screen name. No one told me for years it was spelled wrong . =(

But i like it now... It makes me unique. I have had it sense my dial up prodigy days.


Invertebrata Inebriata
well if you want to make it complicated we could turn our window bangers into mini splits but that is just way over complicating things. I think. I like JellyFish's signature It fits well in this situation.
There's such a thing as over-simplifying.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Oh and by the way I spell stuff wrong all the time. I know this. look at my f ing screen name. No one told me for years it was spelled wrong .
Or maybe somebody told you, and you JUST WOULDN'T LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
I thought this quote was correcting my Really.
I might of missed the point though.

Look at this, two brief lessons and already there is improvement.

...maybe you could have been a doctor. Nah - if you were in one of my classes we'd both be in prison for assault.

Anyway, dood, all is good. This is just a forum and, as far as flame fests go, this one was pretty mild with a lot of comic relief. I gotta admit, ya' got me with that poster of Boozo!



or you could convert the window a/c to cool WITH LIQUID, for your lights or reservoir

Can't seem to upload any pics though, but this A/C box is *spectacular*

This is totally different that what is being discussed in this thread, but it is something you can make out of a window A/C. And that is a badass chiller. Mine is a 5k btu unit turned chiller for my reservoir. He actually converted his into one that can run very low temperatures, I only run mine at 66f so none of that is needed. Took about 30 minutes and a screwdriver to make.



You could also enclose the condenser coil in a container and pump water through it to cool your condenser instead of using a box and ducting air to it replacing what everyone is making in this thread. I'll try that one sometime too.


Active member
You could also enclose the condenser coil in a container and pump water through it to cool your condenser instead of using a box and ducting air to it replacing what everyone is making in this thread. I'll try that one sometime too.

Cool - but wait until the drought is over, okay?



Cool - but wait until the drought is over, okay?


You can use a swimming pool as a reservoir, or a natural water source such as a stream, or collect the water and use it on your lawn. But yes, drain to waste isn't something I agree with. I've worked on 5 ton water cooled A/C setups that dump a ton of water down the drain.



wtf? Where is the new a/c tech info?
A/C boxes set-up like this work just fine as long as the exhaust is as big as Fing possible. I got my 10,500 BTU a/c has 8 feet 14" ducting running up in to the attic. I tried to make it as short and as big as possible so that way there would be as little back pressure as possible. Too much back pressure slows down the fan and air flow to the condenser which equals less cooling efficiency.

Just look as any dual hose portable a/c. One hose for the intake to the condenser and an output hose for the hot air coming out of the condenser.