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OMG, Iguana Juice Reeks!!!

I knew going in that this stuff has fish meal as a main ingredient, but I had no idea how bad this crap smells. Seriously, it just reeks like dead, rotting fish, and a whole bunch of dead rotting fish at that!

I paid $30 for this bottle of dead fish, and there's no way I'm using this stuff inside my home. Hehe, no freaking way! At least not when Age Old Organics works just fine and doesn't have any smell at all.

Another experiment gone awry...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I knew going in that this stuff has fish meal as a main ingredient, but I had no idea how bad this crap smells. Seriously, it just reeks like dead, rotting fish, and a whole bunch of dead rotting fish at that!

I paid $30 for this bottle of dead fish, and there's no way I'm using this stuff inside my home. Hehe, no freaking way! At least not when Age Old Organics works just fine and doesn't have any smell at all.

Another experiment gone awry...

I guess you have never owned an iguana, their "juice" smells pretty bad also..would not have been that much of a surprise


New member
Stick with it , It smells good and works great ...and this is coming from a female . Don't judge good nutes for their smell , every nute has a distinct smell....embrace them!!!!!!!!


Active member
Don't judge good nutes for their smell , every nute has a distinct smell....embrace them!!!!!!!!

sometimes your nose can be a good tool. you should find out if the stuff is supposed to smell like that, or if it has gone rancid. I'm not saying I know either way, but you should.

I am allergic to fish, so I've stayed away from fish products until recently. My bottle of hydrolyzed fish juice does not smell rancid at all. You should ask around. Oh wait, you did!


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
I've used Iguana Juice in the past, and it SHOULD NOT smell like dead fish in a bucket. It has an organic fert kind of smell, like a good aact--on the sweeter side, not like sewage. I would ask the retailer you got it from for a fresher bottle, that stuff aint cheap.


Yea i had to toss a few bottles after the hydro stores around here told me about that stuff going bad while on the shelf.
now they dont carry it at all.

try sensi A and sensi B.
or connosuir a with sensi B.
Thanks for all the feedback on this!

I'll take it back to the hydro store and see what the guy has to say about taking it back. He's kind of eccentric, in a hydro store owner kind of way, so I'm not sure how much success I'll have.

There's no way I'll use this bottle, though, because the second this stuff touches my hand, it takes two minutes of hand-washing just to get the stink off. It's that stinky and that intense. Crazy.

I'll keep you updated...


I have not used this product.. How can it go bad?

I mean I understand the smell issue but what is it advertised as? Basic fertilizer or some special "program product?"

My remarks were to stimulate aerobic microorganisms and now I'm guessing that was a bad bit of advice?

Thanks ..


Active member
it can go bad just like anything else. bacteria set in and it putrefies. lotsa animal protein in there if it's fish meal.


it can go bad just like anything else. bacteria set in and it putrefies. lotsa animal protein in there if it's fish meal.

okay but why can't we bubble back to usefulness? Just wondering.


Active member
well it's like trying to rescue rancid butter. you can bubble it all you want, it's still rancid butter. ok that doesn't make too much sense.... but you can't reverse the process is my point. just like you can't let a lump of meat go rancid, then collect the juices and bubble them to make it safe (amino acids, anyone?). Further, I believe some of the more malodorous compounds are ones you don't want in your soil, or at least not in those concentrations.

probably fine on the compost heap if you don't have an animal problem, but as was mentioned it stinks very bad and could make you sick if you ingested some, so having it around edibles/smokeables is probably a bad idea. The main point though is that the smell must be god awful, beyond the colorful descriptions, which is a deal breaker for most indoor growers.

Your olfactory sense is really pretty amazing - think about it. You can actually analyze the air you breathe and things you taste for a vast array of specific chemical compounds. You're like a tricorder.


My simple organic soil sense tells me not to use anything that goes "bad" in a decompositional situation.

Microbes have to eat that and if it becomes useless in the bottle what good is it in the soil?


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I have learned from sushi that fishy smell comes from bacteria, the fish does not smell like the smell we associate fish with.

so how would one propose that a fish product could be 100% sterile?

I have had alaska mor bloom and AN iguana and they both smelled like fish from the start, one reason I never use fish products anymore


Active member
habeeb, it's not a question of sterile, but stable. Salted butter is not sterile, but it is stable on your shelf. Probably some fish fertilizers are more shelf stable than others, depending on the method used to make the product.

rotten fish juice is not without it's uses, it's just not something you want indoors or in your potted pot.


Super Mother Earth Tea smells much nicer than this stuff, even your fingers smells like fish decomposed.:D

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:
