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Been vegging these for a few weeks now in the cab, flipped to 12/12 today. They are a mix of NL#5, Skunk#1, and NL#5 x Skunk#1



holy shit, my friend had that SAME bong.. we called it Professor Kaos!

Haha yeah I love that bong. It cost me $45 about 5 years ago. I was going for something nice & simple, yet effective and man did I get it. It hits so great and clears 100% every time... well, as long as your lungs can take it, haha! it was originally like $80 since its a Kaos but this was right as a local head shop was going out of business.



weed fiend
Zombie Virus 35 days from germinating seeds. 3 of 4 are female and I'm pretty sure the 4th is male. The shortest female plant has nodes 1/4" apart. If you have a short, fat space to grow, this would do the trick IMO. I hear they get a few inches taller in flower but stretch is virtually nil.



New member
Hey Guys,
About 14 days or so in flower, and I recently transplanted the females, or so I thought. The biggest one, which I initially believed was female, has developed seeds/ pollen after transplant (which I pulled off)…. I am assuming either that I was wrong when I thought she was female, or the stress from transplant led her to go herm? Here are pics…………is this a dude? Or a chick having second thoughts?
(FYI, I realize I should have taken some pics before removing the seed/nanner? , but atleast these pics will allow you guys to help determine sex)






weed fiend
FIRSTIME, if it has both male and female flowers, it's pretty safe to say it's a herm. All I can see from the pics are male flowers. Take a close look. A female calyx will have a couple of white hairs growing from the tip.


weed fiend
FIRSTIME, can you see female flowers/preflowers? A male is much more common than a herm but they do occur.

Herms will produce some bud but can also knock up the local female population. Seeds produced from hermie plants will carry the hermie gene. Problems with future plants of the same line will be moderate to severe. If it's male, I'd collect some of the pollen and make a few seeds for a future grow.

I've had problems with females throwing a nanner or three late in flower. I'm not real familiar with herms but I know they can be a moderate to severe problem depending on what your goal is.


Hey guys, was posting an update for my Diesel Ryder 150HPS SOG and thought i would share an interesting pic. I have never had this happen, Im sure its a somewhat common mutation but one of my seedlings sprouted with 3 petals, and has been forming leaves in sets of 3 instead of sets of 2. Heres a couple pics of it.



Anyone know the name for this mutation? Anyhow, the 150HPS fried up 4 of my little diesel ryders due to me being out of town a bit longer than expected, but I think the 16 I have left will all make it, most look very healthy. That bulb will sure dry the soil out fast when theres not much foliage to shade the soil, lol.



Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

I've had all sorts of mutes over the years, but never one like that.

Kind of like finding a "four leaf clover", hope it brings you a bit of luck and joy.

Looks healthy though.



weed fiend
Anyone know the name for this mutation?

I don't think this is text book but the term "trifoliate" returns 219 threads in search. These are pretty rare, been growing for 4 years and never seen one. I also read they usually revert to normal growth after the first few nodes. I hope it turns out real nice for ya, KolorBlind.

There's a thread floating around here about a dude that sold trifoliate seeds for ten or fifteen thousand dollars.:yoinks: Don't know if that was per seed or seed pack, lol.



I've had all sorts of mutes over the years, but never one like that.

Kind of like finding a "four leaf clover", hope it brings you a bit of luck and joy.

Looks healthy though.


Wow, coming from you that says a lot. 40 years of growing and never had one, I feel honored to have one grace my presence haha! Sure hope youre right about the luck, considering my male to female ratio recently I can use all the luck I can get!!

DiscoBiscuit said:
I don't think this is text book but the term "trifoliate" returns 219 threads in search. These are pretty rare, been growing for 4 years and never seen one. I also read they usually revert to normal growth after the first few nodes. I hope it turns out real nice for ya, KolorBlind.

Thanks DB, knew I could count on you to give me some technical terms :) Did a little more reading and its also referred to as whorled phyllotaxy. I have read claims that say 1 in 5,000 all the way up to 1 in 50,000. I think the 1 in 50,000 may have been referring to a mutation with quad nodes instead of triple, CRAZY! Either way its exciting and even if its male maybe I will collect some pollen. I have been wanting to pollinate my Apollo11 cross with my Diesel Ryders anyway to start working on a less smelly autoflower haha!



Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
whats up guys. i finally had time to finish building my grow box. summer has been very busy for me. box is 2x2x4 feet. i ran out of mylar, so i took the peices off my old box until i can go get some more. i can't wait to try some of all the auto flowers i bought.
