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Strains 2 grow for swine flu epidemic


Active member
Do the maths 5% of a population.

Your maths is flawed. It's not 5% of a population, it's 5% of those who get swine flu. Your maths is based on the assumption that 100% of the population will get swine flu.

I'm not going to argue the 'swine flu' is potentially a bit worse than the 'normal flu'. My argument is historically the 'cure' has been worse than the 'disease' and I think it's important to not just accept what we're being told is good for us at face value.

If we all accepted what we were told 'was good for us' at face value 95% of the people on this forum would not be here.


I wouldnt take that vaccine.It may be worse than the flu its self.Just go find some elderberrys.They cure all flu viruses.Ive been making wine from them for 30 years,and If you get the flu,and drink some of the wine,the flu will be gone in 3 days.If someone in your house has it,and you drink the wine{or eat the berrys},You wont catch it. The cure is probably growing somewhere in your neighborhood,if your in north america.:joint:
Too many people are watching too many youtube video's filled with lies and fear mongering. Alex Jones Prison Planet is a Business. Don't trust anyone that can gain wealth through fear and lies. Right side of his entire site is for people to waste money and syphon it to that douche.

If it comes it comes, Work out, run, eat healthy, drink water, grow your own vegetables and fruit that is full of antioxidants and essential minerals.

just my 2cents


First of all i don't believe Cannabis has any constituents which have an antiviral activity, unless a variety is found which the essential oil contains 1,8-cineol in a high amount.

Second thing is that a vaccine gives not 100% protection against the flu whether it is the normal flu or the H1N1 or so called swine flu.The problem with the influenza virus is that it mutates very quickly, so you need the same strain of influenza in the vaccine as whats in the air at that moment.

Another problem with this virus is that it affects mostly young people like in 1918 and not the elderly like the normal flu.It is 5% more dangerous than the normal flu and is more dangerous for the airways than the normal flu.

A virus like the flu don't like warm weather and become actually very active with cold weather, so thats the winter like in the southern hemisphere at this moment.

Vitamin D (2000 IU per day) seems to be far more effective against the flu than Vitamin C if we speak about an alternative solution to be protected against the flu.



Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Active member
For those that are curious about the flu, this video will give you the complete history of bird/swine/1918 flu/spanish/h1n1.

Enough to send CHILLS down my entire body. I watched all 12 parts.

Dr True Ott really does know his stuff and history on this "pandemic". If I posted the summary, people would flag me as crazy.

All I will say is I'll be passing on my all shots from now on.


Elevator Man

Active member
I've never had flu in my life, and I've yet to meet anyone here in the UK who has swine flu, or has had it, despite it being 'everywhere'. We do have some cases nearby, but most seem to be schoolchildren, and some of those seem to have caught it deliberately at 'flu parties' - presumably so they could then get Tamiflu. People are strange...

Dalaihempy - I also wanted to pick up on that point - percentage extrapolations are easily missed, but that statistic clearly states 95/5% of sufferers, not the entire population. And if you take the flu vaccine every year, how come you got swine flu so easily? Doesn't that just point out the lack of efficacy of the vaccines? Was it Tamiflu? And you lost 3kg in three days? Man, that's some flu.

I'm trying not to be sceptical, as I know people have died from swine flu, but so far, it seems extremely overblown, in terms of the risk to human survival. I would have though getting one's lungs toughened up by good weed and lots of vigorous outdoor exercise, not sharing too many salivas, and plenty of fruit and veg would be as good as anyone could do, given the circumstances.

But I can't image any strain of cannabis would 'help' fighting any fever or respiratory disease, other than by eating so much that you sleep through the worst of it...:)


Active member
But I can't image any strain of cannabis would 'help' fighting any fever or respiratory disease, other than by eating so much that you sleep through the worst of it...:)

Actually, the reason the 'swine flu' has been so deadly in healthy populations is that strong immune systems generate an overabundant response triggering a cytokine storm which causes an excess buildup of fluid/white blood cells in the lungs causing breathing difficulties and death.

It has been scientifically proven that cannabis can regulate and inhibit cytokine storms.

"[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Cannabis use was associated with a decrease in levels of IL-2, a TH1-type cytokine related to cell-mediated immunity, and an increase in levels of IL-10, a TH2-type cytokine related to humoral immunity. The decrease of proinflammatory (IL-2) cytokines and the augment of anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and TGF
1) cytokines was associated with a marked reduction in lymphocyte functionality, and a decrease in the number of NK cells. The suppression of immediate and innate responses of the immune system together with the disruption of TH1/TH2 balance might increase the susceptibility and promote the progression of infectious diseases and tumors, although the clinical relevance of these findings has not been clearly demonstrated in humans.3, 5 It also has been suggested that immunomodulatory effects of cannabinoids on inflammatory and autoimmune disorders could lead to new therapeutic interventions.6"




New member
I agree 100%! They use fear mongering to scare everyone into taking the swine flu vaccine! The regular flu kills more people then the swine flu ever will!!! Please! Do not get the vaccine! I have never had a flu vaccine in my life and I never get the flu! The swine flu lasts two days and it's gone. Those new swine flu vaccines have not even been tested!!! And our government is giving the pharmaceutical companies that produce the vaccine immunity against any lawsuits that may occur from such a large scale inoculation with an untested vaccine. Maybe the government will force us all to take that vaccine. And those that don't will get quarantined and everyone will think it's ok because the news and the government scared everyone into believing that's the American way. Don't believe the propaganda.

yea im sure as soon as they give us the "free" healthcare they can force you to get it...they are gonna force you to get the public healtcare or face 1500 a year tax fine so im sure they can fine you for not gettin the vaccine..or any other medicine they think will be for the greater good of the country(like mood control medicine)...think it could not happen..read the current bill in the house for the free healthcare..its scary stuff


Active member
The only people running a risk of death from the H1N1/Swine Flu are the elderly and yound childeren/babies...it is a proven fact that the Spanish Flu (the most common of all Flu's) is actually more dangerous than the H1N1/Swine Flu.

I would not recommend smoking anything at all if one has any flu or respiritory problem as hello smoke of any kindreally isn't good for the body/lungs....just common sense people.

I actually believe MJ would be more beneficial as a medecine if ingested orally rather than through inhalation.


The problem is if your in winter and it starts to spreed wich it will the best health systeam will not cope and they will do what they have done in australia and that will not be contain but more treat the ones that become ill from it in short the 5%.

Swine influenza or swine flu, more correctly named H1N1 influenza A, is an influenza virus first detected in the United States in April 2009. This virus was originally described as swine influenza because genetic testing showed it to share many similarities with influenza viruses which normally infect pigs. Further study however has shown that this virus is in fact very different from the influenza virus that normally infects pigs in North America. Rather it contains a mixture of genetic information from viruses that normally infect pigs in Europe and Asia as well as from viruses which normally affect avian (bird) and human hosts.

World-first H1N1 vaccine trial underway


Ground 0 was mexico and it is diffrent to the viruse that hit the us in the 70s as you can see H1N1 influenza A called swine flue was first detected in the United States in April 2009.
Sorry Dalai swine flu scare tactics happend in 1976 same thing and the idiots who got vaccine ended up the sikest. hehehe yu beleive the crooks that theres swine flu???
Whover goes and gets a swine flu injection thats who will have 2 worry, the
sheep who obey the wolves.

Id suggest yu smoke abit more and worry abit less there 1 flu and its called evil.


wait.. at first wasnt there the bird flu.. which no one ever noticed, except for all the hysteria on tv and shit in asia where its overpopulated anyway. now its the PIG flu? what next.. the DOLPHIN flu?! O no its the squirrel flu ahhhh!

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