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What is this plant?


saw this plant in a planter at hershey park in hershey, pa

what is it, smelled actually kinda skunky and stems were sticky with one thorn on the bottom of the leaf where all the little leafs come together



Active member
saw this plant in a planter at hershey park in hershey, pa

what is it, smelled actually kinda skunky and stems were sticky with one thorn on the bottom of the leaf where all the little leafs come together

its the elusive 'red x' plant....post a smoke report if u smoke it man
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Active member
while looking at the pic on your computer you need to right click your mouse on it.

then left click on properties

then highlight the url (it prolly ends in .jpg or .gif)

then in the message on here where u want the pic u need to right click in the msg and left click paste.....then put that between

h^2 O



im still interested to know what the hell it was. fix ur sheet man

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I have been fooled by those before, while walking past a garden


glad someone knew . .its a pretty trippy plant though .does anyone agree with me that it smells skunky?

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
depends, ive seen them get to about 4-5ft with the foliage and then they can put out a flower spike to maybe 6ft or so, so good to cover some smaller bushes but nothing too big


Active member

yes it smells skunky, esp. when it gets wet. some are a little bit cat pissy/litter box stinky..dont plant them near any windows..pu.

the smell is very similar the skunkish odor of the plant i grow, but not as strong or lasting in the air..but its def that ode de skunk piss smell..

they do fool some peeps,
but the dead giveaway is .....
it has thorns. ouch.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I was just a boy delivering newspapers and I noticed a pair in two planters at the end of the sidewalk up to the house. As soon as I tried to move a leaf I thought I had been stung... I think those plants have thorns on the bottoms of their leaves to fuck with stoners :D

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