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is bud rot contagous to other plants or plant to plant


i have several strains in a green house and my casey jones has came down with bud rot at a very early stage and i was wondering because ive never had bud rot before so this is very new to me im just very worried my plant that is semi rotting it has some white and or brown grey mold where some of the buds start to form

im really worried and would like to know if bud rot can jump from a perfectly fine plant with out anysigns of bud rot.

can a plant with bud rot get a nearby healthy plant sick


Yes. But unless you are a mycologist, you can assume you have spores everwhere, already. Best bet is to elliminate the conditions that allow the rot to take hold. More air, lower humidity type deal.



Well-known member
Yes. But unless you are a mycologist, you can assume you have spores everwhere, already. Best bet is to elliminate the conditions that allow the rot to take hold. More air, lower humidity type deal.


in a greenhouse , u can move the air (larger/more fans), but lowering humidity... kinda tough to do..

i'm growing outside in conditions that get more humid the closer we get to harvest, and every year we r losing the majority of the harvest to bud rot. we tried some greencure last year, and turned the hairs brown, and not sure if it cut down on the % of rot... the only buds that showed no rot were some of sam's haze, but with a 75/80 day flowering period, they didn't mature either... guess we are fuk'd either way...


thanks so much for your help im cutting down all my casey jones with bud rot and make hash i guess shucks made 2 greenhouses with lumber and crap that paneling costs alot more than i expected and i know there is even better panels but i needed to get it done so my master kush wouldnt show any more slight signs of bud right

anyone know where to order a cheap dehumidifier that could be used in a greenhouse


ICMag Donor
Yes. I believe it is. Spores travel with air current.

Indeed it can.

Bud rot / Botrytis is a parasitic bacteria... it thrives in places that are stagnant and damp... the spores are transported by wind and water (and moisture).

Typically plants warm in the daytime and transpire (loose water)... as the temperature cools in the evening this water condensates. In gardens that are over-watered and over-warm, with poor ventilation, the water condensates on the main fan leaf and stems.

This water then runs down the fan leaf and collects in the nodes (flower sites). Because ventilation is poor and conditions ideal,, the Botrytis bacteria can take advantage of the host plant... Once established the botrytis bacteria grows fruiting bodies and releases its spores,, these spores then travel about the garden in the air alongside daily transpiration and condensation,, thus infecting new plant hosts in the process.

Dry any infect flowers well away from live plants!

If growing bio/soil/compost you are over-watering and need better air-flow!

If growing hydro - then you just need better air-flow!

Some varieties are more prone to mold than others...

Hope this helps


Active member
Interesting subject though.
Personally I don't think the spores matter much - they're gonna be there no matter what you do.
Environment is the real killer here.


ICMag Donor
Bacterial spores can usually be countered by basic garden practise / hygiene.

- ALWAYS wash clean equipment in between grows!

- NEVER leave dead or decaying matter in the garden!

- REMOVE all dead material from any plants!

- MAKE clean stem and node cuttings!

- LEAVE stem and node cuttings exposed to the air!

- KEEP plants free from unnecessary wounds that host bacterial infections!

- USE a bleach solution to wipe down infected gardens!

Hope this helps


Well-known member
we r growing outside in very humid outdoor conditions... there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.. we are fuk'd...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Using the principal, you can carry twice the payload in an airplane, IF the cargo is Canaries and you can keep 1/2 of them flying at all times.

naaa ya still need the airplane.

sounds like ya need a different strain. Either resistant to fungus or different bud structure

Or a different location.


i always noticed that when i water my soil pots to heavy or overwater or just water real good i will get hit with mold on some of my huge sweettooth's , but when i let dry out and then water real lite i wont get any mold on the sweettooths.. key in room humidity and not water to heavy along with real decent air coming in and going out.


Active member
Yup swt can be a bit of a bitch when it comes to mold.
That's why I always top her if I grow larger plants - it was recommended to me by others and they're definitely right - 1 solid head cola is a very easy target for mold. Good thing is Swt loves being topped :)

I used to run the fans only when the lights were on - turned out that was a horrible idea with the RH skyrocketing when the temperature drops... Now it's running 24/7.

Also as said before - spending some time removing dead and dying leaves is probably a good idea.

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