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Florida Growers Thread

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Gingersnap, I agree with evlme2's sativa recommendation. In Florida, bagseed will most likely get you just as good a final product as any commercial seeds if you kill the males and properly dry and cure it. Those strains are bred for outdoor cultivation in warm weather like we have here. The pot in the bag usually sucks because they grow it with seeds and they pack it still wet so it gets moldy. Then, it sits around and gets stale by the time it gets to the street dealers.

The problem with outdoor growing is that you will lose a lot of plants, especially the young ones, to pests. I would start a hundred seeds if you want a good chance of ending up with several ounces. The ones that survive will be small because you are starting so late. A hundred commercial seeds would be expensive, but you can just buy a bag of mexibrick weed and pull the seeds. I wouldn't smoke that shit, but it will be fine cooked into cannabutter and baked into a cookie. Four ounces of event the crapiest weed should still get you stoned a hundred times. Each dose will last hours.

Haze and Skunk will veg in Florida until around August. I don't know any strain that will veg longer than that once the plant (or the mom it was cut from) is sexually mature. Even some pure sativas, such as Durbin, don't have a veg season in Florida.
What sounds more desirable to you guys. Pre 98 bubs, jack's cleaner, trainwreck, casey jones or amnesia haze? What would you like to see in Florida being grown outside?


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
All of the above:D...hard to choose just one out of those

if i had to id say casey jones or amensia haze
I'm thinking the wreck could be valuable for my breeding to bring some punch and bring down flowering times. Amnesia haze has excellent reports all over... time to do some homework.
so much respect, I'm lookin up to all of you a lot.
grew up on the treasure coast and now I'm living on the space coast. Whats up evlme:wave:


Active member
from the denseness of the bubba id b a lil scared of rot and mold in our humidity :2cents: ill c ima put some out round oct :D i like the thought of the trainwreck almost got that 1 wish i did :wallbash:

stay safe


Active member
Flower your indicas in the winter for sure. They wont grow big so you need large numbers or veg them indoors first.


<<<<---- Tosses a bud to evlme2 and foolish fool :joint: Another space coaster here. Freakin AC blower motor caught fire, hot as crap right now! Stay cool!


Guest 18340

oldgreyhair, hows it going brother. Sorry to hear about the ac motor, today was fuckin ridiculously hot.
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