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Seven Lights of Cannabis Wisdom



1. The Light of Utility

Cannabis is nature's most useful plant, providing hemp fibers for clothing, rope, hemp paper, hemp oil, hemp plastics stronger than steel.

2. The Light of Sexuality

The increased sensitivity and aphrodisiacal qualities of cannabis inebriation are undeniable.

3. The Light of Health

The numerous medical applications of cannabis for healing and hemp powder as a complete food are a boon for the body.

4. The Light of Love

Cannabis opens the heart and sensitizes us to others.

5. The Light of Poetry

Cannabis allows the flowing tongues of bards contact with new modes of knowing and speaking.

6. The Light of Vision

Opening of the third eye allows the artist in everyone access to the divine imagination.

7. The Light of God

Ganja smoking Babas, Rastafari, and many others regard cannabis as a sacrament opening us to the highest creative source, allowing us to realize we are the Light.

Excerpted from Art Psalms a book by Alex Grey. If you would like to see more go to www.alexgrey.com


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Thanks for the post! The Alex Grey picture is great. He has some multimedia work at his site which is really fantastic; I hadn't visited his site for a year or so.

3. The Light of Health

The numerous medical applications of cannabis for healing and hemp powder as a complete food are a boon for the body.
Absolutely ... For example, hemp seed oil is about 80% Essential Fatty Acids, containing both omega-3 and omega-6 compounds. Most of us don't get enough EFA's, and they are essential for maintaining our nerves, eyes, skin, overall cellular integrity, and more. One tablespoon of cold-pressed hemp oil every day provides daily EFA requirements.

Also, the hemp seed powder contains 25% high quality protein after the oil has been removed. Definitely good for ya.



I also noticed these seven statements correspond with our main seven chakras from 1 being our base to 7 being our crown...way cool! He didnt say anything about this in the book but I'm sure he did it that way on purpose.

Here's a basic explanation of our main seven chakras...



Thanks for the post! The Alex Grey picture is great. He has some multimedia work at his site which is really fantastic; I hadn't visited his site for a year or so.

Absolutely ... For example, hemp seed oil is about 80% Essential Fatty Acids, containing both omega-3 and omega-6 compounds. Most of us don't get enough EFA's, and they are essential for maintaining our nerves, eyes, skin, overall cellular integrity, and more. One tablespoon of cold-pressed hemp oil every day provides daily EFA requirements.

Also, the hemp seed powder contains 25% high quality protein after the oil has been removed. Definitely good for ya.

Awesome, I'm going to have to hit up the health food store!