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Drug Czar: Feds Won't Support Legalized Pot


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URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v09/n000/a144.html

Source: Fresno Bee, The (CA)


The federal government is not going to pull back on its efforts to curtail marijuana farming operations, Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, said Wednesday in Fresno.

The nation's drug czar, who viewed a foothill marijuana farm on U.S. Forest Service land with state and local officials earlier Wednesday, said the federal government will not support legalizing marijuana.

"Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said.

Kerlikowske said he can understand why legislators are talking about taxing marijuana cultivation to help cash-strapped government agencies in California. But the federal government views marijuana as a harmful and addictive drug, he said.

"Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit," Kerlikowske said in downtown Fresno while discussing Operation SOS -- Save Our Sierra -- a multiagency effort to eradicate marijuana in eastern Fresno County.

Marijuana plants valued at more than $1.26 billion have been confiscated and 82 people arrested over the past 10 days in Fresno County. The operation started last week and is continuing.

By comparison, Tulare County's leading commodity -- milk -- was valued at about $1.8 billion in 2008.

Officials say the marijuana-eradication operation will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the exact amount won't be known until agencies can add up staffing, vehicle and other costs.

In Operation SOS, more than 314,000 plants were uprooted in 70 gardens -- numbers expected to rise as the enforcement action continues. Agents also seized $41,000 in cash, 26 firearms and three vehicles.

Planning for the operation began in February and focused on marijuana crops being backed by Mexican drug cartels, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims said.

Mims said many cartels are involved, but she would not name any because the investigation is still under way. All but one person arrested was from Mexico, officials said.

One hundred growers may still be on the loose, said Fresno County sheriff's Lt. Rick Ko. Many may have gotten rides out of the area, but some could still be in the Sierra, Ko said.

Last year, Fresno County deputies seized 188,000 marijuana plants.

In just one week, nearly twice as many plants were seized, Mims said, "so you can imagine how many we were missing."

Statewide, more than 5.3 million plants were seized in 2008, or two of every three confiscated in the United States, said Bill Ruzzamenti, director of the Central Valley High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area.

"The amount of drugs out there scares most of us," he said.

Volunteers are going into the gardens to clean up trash, dead animals and pesticides to return the land as close to its original condition as possible. But it could take years for the land to recover, because little can be done once fertilizers and pesticides seep into the ground or stream beds.

"For every acre of marijuana grown, 10 acres are damaged," said George Anderson with the California Department of Justice.

Blue Dot

So Eric Holder says one thing yet Gil Kerlikowske says the opposite yet they both work for the same president?

Is a little consistency too much to ask for drug policy?

Hint: it's the lack of consistency that proves that their basis is weak.

In science, any time there is inconsistency it's a marker for an unstable, weak hypothesis, theory, or in this case, policy.


Active member
What an ass-wipe the drug czar is. That dipshit needs to read the Constitution, particularly the part about State's rights. If California legalizes and starts getting a significant amount of tax revenue from legal MJ, the feds might just find themselves in a State court facing criminal charges for ripping up a legal garden.

Man, fuck the Federal Gov't. We're the seventh largest economy in the world - we don't need to be part of the USA to live safe and prosper. We pay a lot more in Federal taxes than we get back in benefits. We could secede from the Union and keep all that tax money here at home. The feds better watch who they're fucking with. This is California. We the people can put an initiative on the ballot telling the Federal Gov't adios.


Blue Dot

we don't need to be part of the USA to live safe and prosper.

Yes we do. We need fed highway funding.

That's the fly in the ointment about Cali, it's a big mother F'ing state. We need roads to connect us. These roads aren't being built by state funds.

The ironic thing about it though is the roads are ALREADY built so we probably could secede from the union and survive with the roads we already have.


Active member
Yes we do. We need fed highway funding.

That's the fly in the ointment about Cali, it's a big mother F'ing state. We needs roads to connect us. These roads aren't being built by state funds.

The ironic thing about it though is the roads are ALREADY built so we probably could secede from the union and survive with the roads we already have.

Actually, I've read studies about this and Californians pay more in Federal taxes than the state gets back in federal benefits. This is even after taking into account our pro-rata share of the intangibles like national defense and our share of the federal bureaucracy.

As far as the roads and hiways go, we burn a lot of gas and pay a lot of federal gas taxes. Again, if that money were kept in California we'd have a lot more to spend on our roads and hiways, not less.

Besides, think of how much tourism would increase if pot is legal here. And you can tax the holy shit out of tourists because they can't vote here.



Active member
"Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine,"

Well maybe they should get a FUCKING UPDATED VERSION OF THE DICTIONARY - When they look at how my NO VOILENT CRIMINALS ARE IN JAIL!

Fucking morons like this running the country is why we are in a shithole now!


Well we are a UNION so what we do here is our business..

I mean some states have Gay Marriage.. I don't see the Federal Government stopping them...

Same will be true for Cannabis in California..

Lets do it!

Get involved early and lets make history!


What happens when the people no longer support the federal goverment? Kerlikowske can huff and puff all he wants. His reign as drug czar is finite, where as the will of the people is eternal. He's just pissed because it looks like he might actually have to go after real criminals to keep his overinflated budget. What a asswipe.


For real Super Zero. All the land is taken. There is no place left to go for the modern pilgrim. There is no frontier for people who want to get away from the idealogues. Further more the land gets smaller by the day with population boom, while the goverments get bigger and bigger.


So what happens when and if this bill passes? Does that mean big brother's gonna be kicking down doors or will they support state rights?


Recall the words of Andrew Jackson: "The justices have made their decision; now let them enforce it"

While our possible scenario involves a different set of political constellations, the underlying substrate of Jackson's remark remains the same. We say, "The Federal government has made their decision; now let them enforce it"

Indeed, let them enforce it. Let them arrest every grower and every smoker.

Let them make room for our millions and fill the prisons.

How well are they doing now? Will they do better once there are more plants; more dealers; more smokers?

They have made their decision, now let them enforce it.


Active member
You try to leave the union and they keep you in it by force(see civil war[no I wasn't born and don't live in the south.])

The thing is, except for the slavery issue, the South was right. Our nation was founded on the principle of a federal government with very limited powers.

Besides, all we would have to do to secede from the Union is have the legislature say it's so and then stop sending Washington our tax money. What's the Fed going to do, bomb L.A.?



My little pony.. my little pony
Imo its a bunch of tough talk and no actions. Same thing North Korea does. What are the feds going to do if cali makes it legal for tax relief? Have one group of cops pointing guns at another group of cops?
what a waist of taxpayer's dollars and isn't it funny how they didn't say how much money they wasted cause I'm sure it's exponentially higher than they busted.

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