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Blue Dot

I was quite plain with you. I told you I wasn't going to argue the point with you.

This V V V is not an argument...this V V V is a stand alone statement that does not require a response.

It's never taken me three days to get my head straight after marijuana bender...

not so an alcohol bender.

Need a new signpost?


So MJ has less of a hangover. That's your whole arguement?

Not a whole lot of a difference really then?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
When you ban alcohol people get guns and go mental, when you ban herb people go on the internet and moan a lot. It's simply the path of least resistance.
I agree.

Social violence would decrease drastically if pot were legalized
I think that it's a little ironic that Obama would sanction the drinking of beer (which was once prohibited) while not even acknowledging the problems resulting from the prohibition of marijuana.

That being said, it seems hypocritical to me to say that alcohol should be prohibited or that it's the most evil thing in the world, when that's precisely what ignorant people (drug warriors) keep saying about pot.


Patient Grower
Would you like to hear about how I went to the DMV on 5 hits of paper and got my drivers license 9 years ago! I'm still baffed as to how I passed the vision test!

I got arrested in 1979 for 'assuming a name other than my own', when I told a cop my name was Mickey Mouse. Had to go to court of course, and for a charge like that how could I not go tripping and defend myself pro se? It turned out to be a fine experience, with myself as attorney speaking clearly in a most forthright fashion, and the cop getting all confused and stumbling all over his words. The judge even saw fit to lecture the cop for wasting the Court's time. Then the asshole gave me PBJ instead of dismissing, oh well.


No, not really.

My grandfather drank till the day he died @ 95 so that kinda blows the arguement of how alcohol destroys the body out of the water.

Errrr...no it doesn't. This is ONE case, where someone drank alcohol, and lived a little longer than average.

Blowing arguments out of the water with this topic takes SCIENTIFIC experiments and studies being proven over and over again.


So MJ has less of a hangover. That's your whole arguement?

Not a whole lot of a difference really then?

Well, they are similar in that they are both drugs, and that they produce a response by molecular binding and modulation of nervous system signaling. The differences arise when different molecular signals bind at different receptors, producing a different response.

Now differences, start with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


Active member
Tell that to all the relatives of the hundreds of thousands that have been killed by drunk drivers. Or the high percent of the prison pop that were drunk when they committed their crimes. Or you could even tell it to the tens of thousands that die from alcohol related illnesses each year. You really need to watch the painful death of someone with cirrhosis of the liver... Your Grandfather was the rare exception to lifelong drinking....

If someone dies of cirroses of the liver, its nobodys fault but their own. Personally, I like alcohol. I don't see why you have to "demonize" one drug, to push another. They can co-exist.

Blue Dot

Errrr...no it doesn't. This is ONE case, where someone drank alcohol, and lived a little longer than average.

Blowing arguments out of the water with this topic takes SCIENTIFIC experiments and studies being proven over and over again.

Here's a little tip about scientific experiments and drugs, and I mean any drug.


This is the dirty little secret Big Pharma doesn't want you to know.

Ever wonder why so many people die from pharmaceuticals every year?

It's because Big Pharma can't even figure out the correct DOSAGE for ALL HUMANS and many humans take a prescirbed amount and it's too much for their body and they die FROM AN OVERDOSE.

Did you know females require much differnt dosages of drugs than males?

Big Pharma can produce a drug that is pure and in a given weight (100 mg, etc) but what they don't tell you is that LONG TERM testing isn't really done because it's not economically feasible to test a drug ON MANY DIFFERNT HUMANS for 25+ years.

Think about it. They do phase 1 testing on freaking rats for christsakes and interpolate those findings to how the drug MAY react in humans then move on a fast track phase II were all they are really concerned about is how much of the drug does it take to have an effect and then how much does it take to kill half the pop (LD 50).

The point I'm trying to make is my grandfather had genes that allowed his liver to metabolize alcohol VERY effeciently and since I inherited some of those genes I stand a good chance that I will also be able to drink until I die with no ill gotten effects.

OTHER people have different genes so alcohol affects THEM differently.


If you think all people react to MJ in same way your nuts.

Sure MJ won't kill you but don't think that everyone has the same effect from it as you (it's just like alcohol in that regard).

Blue Dot

Now differences, start with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

You can't blame Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on alcohol anymore then you can blame alcohol for drunk driving.

You MUST blame the person who DECIDED to use alcohol and drive or use alcohol while pregnant.

Blaming a molecule is a cop out when the responsibilty lies on the PERSON.


Active member
I believe the point is being missed entirely. SAFER isn't trying to ban alcohol. SAFER isn't trying to push marijuana. SAFER is saying that as ADULTS we have the say in what we put in our own bodies, not any government. They are saying the penalties for marijuana use should be no harsher than that of alcohol.

If you have the opportunity go to a SAFER event....they drink.



New member
hey WHAB!!!! how are you bro? i started a new company, and would love to meet-up sometime soon! hit me up man