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MJ eradication copters are BAD for our health.


I am convinced that the stress and worries that come from helicopters hovering over our land and homes and patches is a LARGE source of stress and is bad, very bad for a human's health. Even after all these years of constant helicopter eradication where I live, I never get fully used to it. I don't know if I can.
I am a LEGAL user of Cannabis. On many levels, it helps ease the pain. Even those that have never touched ,smelled or smoked Cannabis have helicopters hovering over the same land and homes.:wallbash: This has been my experience in both Hawaii and NorCal. These are supposedly " Ganja Paradise" right? WRONG. :noway: I agree that Hawaii and Norcal are Geologically, Genetically and Lawfully on the cutting edge of what is happening in our culture, but these copters are too much. :dueling:
Even in these progressive states, the very fact that helicopters, machines of war, are used against all citizens and beings is a health hazard. I am honestly disgusted, really let down in fact that officials cannot even comprehend that this is a major source of stress and negativity when dealing with already sick people.:fsu:
I guess this is the venting thread for all those that need to let off steam after a copter experience.:joint:
Hi there. I have a few plants in the outdoors and the helicopters in the valley are always on the look out for patches. Sometimes I see them flying low and I wonder what they might find. It especially sucks big time when the birds are directly overhead. I always hope that by being careful and staying low profile and not going too crazy with too many plants that I will avoid getting ripped off or busted for cultivating the Cannabis plants. I have one plant nearing harvest and it seems to relieve some pressure of the season by knowing one plant will be harvested soon and the others will begin to flower soon as August approaches :) . Stay safe and happy growing to everyone. Regards.


Hope they got there good side.

Hope they got there good side.

Here is what all the "buzzz" is all about according to the news:moon:


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These fuckers I see are about 300-400 ft up and hovering with open doors and I can see the crew. I go out there and wave my medical papers at em and shout cuss word at them and then they leave. That has been my Norcal experience.
Hawaii is helicopter HELL. I don't even wanna get into what I have been through there for 10+ yrs:mad:


Active member
I shit my pants every time I hear one..Im just glad there so high up that they can't see anything and if they go down to take a closer look I hope they get clipped by a tree.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I hate copters, my friends and family always chuckle when they see me craning my neck to watch one fly through. Last summer I was so paranoid, I jump out of my pants when I heard a lawnmower start up in the distance.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
I hate copters, my friends and family always chuckle when they see me craning my neck to watch one fly through. Last summer I was so paranoid, I jump out of my pants when I heard a lawnmower start up in the distance.

hahaha, i hear ya man. i do it everytime. i'll hear what i think is a helicopter and i come running out of my house. paranoia sucks. better to be aware and know your surroundings than be in jail though.
I thought I heard one really low the other day and came out of my house to look for it. I stood in my front yard looking over the roof waiting for it and I started to hear it coming around the side. As I look down the street along the treeline waiting for a chopper, out comes the city street sweeper vacuum. What a huge dissapointment. I was hoping to see a blackhawk. I love flying things. The army services them locally and are always test flying them. My friend is a mechanic for them. Dam street sweeper.

I think you guys are too paranoid, but we don't have much for eradication efforts here, none that I know of, they focus on trafficers mainly. I go up on occasion in small planes, and I'd say unless they are hovering or circling above you, no need to worry, there is so much to look at and in most planes, even ones with good visibility, to get a good look at the ground, you just about have to circle.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i live very close to the canadian boarder. so there are boader patrol copters everywhere, everyday.


Active member
Ive seen 2 so far this year but I don't think there very good at there job compared DEA, and probably not police choppers. Im not really even sure how they find weed in those dam things everybody has a greenhouse in there backyard and a garden, and there is soo much land to cover gawd they must have such a big carbon footprint its disgusting.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I think you guys are too paranoid, but we don't have much for eradication efforts here, none that I know of, they focus on trafficers mainly. I go up on occasion in small planes, and I'd say unless they are hovering or circling above you, no need to worry....
Well, you just don't know until you have been in our shoes.
Copters looking for grows tend to fly search patterns of one kind or another, planes are not used to my knowledge, and I always ignore them. And the copters can't hover, they have to be moving while searching, hovering is legally considered a invasion of privacy(as if flying around spying on you isn't) and many cases have been thrown out of court because of this.
Have no doubt that search copters exist, and also have no doubt that they do find grows.


In the summer I have about 6 chopper flights a day traveling over my house on the way to the mountains to pull the cartel weed, last night I had a chopper so low that my house was rattling and my back sliding glass door almost popped off the track.
I ran outside with my bullhorn screaming at them.
If I see em over my grow that low again you will probably be reading about me in the papers...
Hi there. I have a few plants in the outdoors and the helicopters in the valley are always on the look out for patches. Sometimes I see them flying low and I wonder what they might find. It especially sucks big time when the birds are directly overhead. I always hope that by being careful and staying low profile and not going too crazy with too many plants that I will avoid getting ripped off or busted for cultivating the Cannabis plants. I have one plant nearing harvest and it seems to relieve some pressure of the season by knowing one plant will be harvested soon and the others will begin to flower soon as August approaches :) . Stay safe and happy growing to everyone. Regards.

they fly alot of chopper missions in the OK??? ive seen alot of fire and forestry choppers this year but no eradication choppers that I 'personally' have seen but that doesnt mean they arent flying when im not there. i hear a couple go by now and then but they are so high up that i dont think they are eradication birds. though i did have one fire or some sort of forest contractor chopper buzz my plot early season, soooo close. it didn't stop and hover just went THUMP THUMP THUMP right by... it was so close, it filled the sky above us. praying the guys flying in it didn't jot down the coordinates cause me and my partner were out in plain site...

been hoping for awhile that the gov't would use some of that money to send choppers to my buddies in afghanistan so they can stop getting THEIR FUCKING LEGS BLOWN OFF instead of wasting that money flying looking for patches. my friend tells me sitting in the back of those LAVs is like sitting in your coffin, just drivin around waiting to run over ieds. theyve had over 2000+ "incidents" this year and everyones calling for more birds but somehow local gov't still finds the funding to fly their useless eradication patrols. fuck em
Ive seen 2 so far this year but I don't think there very good at there job compared DEA, and probably not police choppers. Im not really even sure how they find weed in those dam things everybody has a greenhouse in there backyard and a garden, and there is soo much land to cover gawd they must have such a big carbon footprint its disgusting.

i know on the island they contract out to private guys. i think ive heard of that going on in the interior but i could be mistaken. either way i hope a couple of them crash out in the bush. read the interview that some island paper did with them a couple years back and youll agree with me


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Planes are used for aerial detection.
Prop planes like a Cessna.

Edit - Wait until the DEA has their own satellites in space able to do quasi real time detection of cannabis plots.


Yes they do use planes. They fly slow and usually have square wings. I always see them before the choppers in Hawaii. They fly the plane, then tomorrow or couple days later you have a copter doing circles over your shit. I seen em in Cali also. They tend to fly grids if you know what to look for.:joint:

I had a copter HOVER over our Medical patch, at about 350-400 ft two days ago. So close I could clearly make out what and who was doing what. Driver, camera man and crew. Granted they were moving forward, but as slow as would allow it to stay air born. When I came out waving my medical prescription and cussing at them they boogied at high speed, FUCK helicopters.:noway:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Around here ... August 1st is the start of chopper season. They start with the backyards.

...and work their way out...grid search...(especially creek areas)

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
July here. They do use small planes too. We have a tiny airport and a few weeks ago in the local paper, the sherrif had "deputized" the local flying club to use their small planees to help search for marijuana plants. The Sherriff was also "deputizing" concerned hunters from the local hunting club to be on the look out.

There's a would-be cop under every rock and in every piper cub nowadays.


Im deathly scared of choppers. I haven't seen any yet, thank god. Im more scared of the farmer though, I really don't want to meet him.

Regardless if you have papers or not, I think we should all be able to smoke in peace!
just a quick heads up... but the copters you speak of are 2 different variations both military, ones the blackhawk and the other is the OH58 kiowa. both are all black and unmistakable to the trained eye....

keep looking up