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What to do when your entire seed collection is stolen??


Well-known member
i myself have a hard time letting something like that go ,you come into my house and take my shit i,i dont do the cop thing no matter if its not drug related ,if you take my shit i will hunt you down and fuck you upand if i cant my friends will pound you.myself i would pound him till he pissed his panties then smash his hands and he wont be stealing anything for a long while .,
good luck with whatever you decide


a couple packs of seeds i would let go. but the collection you had going on? oh fuck no. if i was 110% sure who did it, i'd first sit down with them calmly and talk about it. if they wanna fess up, return the seeds, i'd throw them a few seeds to try out and they'd never hear from me again. if they want to deny it, and i know they're denying it, i'm tossin the motherfucker in the trunk of a car, driving out into the woods, and tying his ass to a tree in the middle of the night. if he gets out of it, good for him, if not, fuck him. too much worthless scum in this world

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
If this person was in your house then I'm guessing you have mutual friends and it was not a total stranger. So I would have a friend inquire about some seeds and when they do, you'll know what's up. If your friend is down and he pulls out the collection I would grab it all, and bounce. Chances are if he's a thief and knows they're not his. He won't do anything.

At the end of the day I always accept blame for everything in my life. It seems this is a person you should not have associated with and maybe in the future you'll be more careful about who you have around you.

Best of Luck but stay positive and come back with a vengeance.

Oh yeah and if he's the kind of person that would call the cops then he's not only a thief but he's also a person without any honor, a chump, and a general waste of space. You never call the cops for ANYTHING.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I wouldn't do anything to the guy

If that is how he rolls then his time will come when he jacks the wrong person. Why would YOU want to go to jail over a chump? Let someone else do it when he tries the same shit.

Get new genes, maybe there is a reason for it.

Karma's a bitch though, he will get his AND without you landing yourself in jail over it.

Almost forgot this part,

you will be able to know if the fuck is growing your stuff. Another way, call him on it and see how he reacts. Most people cannot lie face to face or will give a tell.

If you want to beat the guys ass BUT can't prove anything nor have a med card to back your ass up. A thought....

beat his ass over something unrelated and never bring the seeds up at all.


Active member
I was thinking, before I started growing seeds were annoying and worthless to me and something I threw out or bitched about if one found its way into a bong hit.
Most people are not going to see a seed collection as something of great value, only a very few would recognise that, I bet you can figure out 100% who took them, and it sounds like this guy. If you know where he is at a certain time, get one of your buddy's, drive to the nearest theater and buy a couple tickets for whatever movies about to start, go in, put the ticket stubs in your pocket and head out the back exit with your buddy and get your seeds back.
Cops come after the fact, you were at the movies with your buddy at that time, you have your stubs and can vouch for each others whereabouts, this agaisnt one guys word that you beat him up, hell, you might not even need to lay a finger on him, he might just cough them up in the interest of self preservation.

There are many ways to do it and get away scott free with your seeds back.
I personally could not live with the fact that he took my whole collection and is walking around laughing about it thinking I'm a punk and not going to do anything about it.

Ultimatly it's your life Bro, and you have to live with the consequences of your actions, so don't let what we all say get to you to much, do whats right for you about it.

Me? I'd get my seeds back.


Active member
Look to the awesome friends you have made at all these cool canna sites they will never let you down. Just as you wouldn't let a friend down.:noway:


Freedom Fighter
Basically ive recently moved house and the seeds were not in a secure a place as usual due to the chaos of moving, i know this guy so when ive gone out the room that must of been his chance, but they werent there to be seen not obvious

Looking at what I bolded above...if I were you, I would make very, very sure that you just didn't misplace them during your move--


Invertebrata Inebriata
my girlfriend's mom took mine while visiting and burned them in a bonfire outside, i feel you dude, seriously.


Moms, huh? My mom used to find my stash and flush it all the time. I'd say, "Mom, that shit's expensive," lol.


Looking at what I bolded above...if I were you, I would make very, very sure that you just didn't misplace them during your move--

That part has been eliminated, no way checked beyond checked also, it was one of the first things i brought to the new house, theres some details that are looking like its him even more, i had a conversation on the phone with him and psyched him out with ranting about " who would do this?" like i know its him but i dont if you know what i mean, the one thing i know his hes a smug type and will have to told his gf and laughed about it, and soon as they split up she' ll WANT to tell all about it, to be honest he needs something contaminated to smoke like dirty crack...the sly fucker, i will find out one way or another


Active member
Well...ive been thinking of posting all day since i realised my seed collection has been stolen...without going into major detail, i have a 99.9% idea who has took them but cant prove it, also i cant confront him as no one supposed to know i grow, what would you do if ALL 10 yrs of seed collection and your own crosses disapeared, i can tell you ive thought about some very fuckin violent revenge plans but im holding back for my own good, i hope karma gets this bastard

late at night go where he live, look for a night u know he will be out...wait for him in the dark with a baseball bat and knock da shit out of the mo'fuka...be sure to wear a hood don't dress with white sniker or pants etc etc no perfum lol...and be fast and well prepared.

If u are a none violent persone then do the same but u just rob his place if u dont find ur seeds but u are 200% sure its him who took them, then mash down the place destroy what will really hurt him...or burn the house...a eye for a eye


Active member
If u are a none violent persone then do the same but u just rob his place if u dont find ur seeds but u are 200% sure its him who took them, then mash down the place destroy what will really hurt him...or burn the house...a eye for a eye

I thought about this one too.^^^^^
If you don't want a direct confrontation then break in when he's gone and toss the place looking for your seeds.


Just go to his house. If you're meant to be friends, that shouldn't be a problem. Then search the place when his attention is focused elsewhere.


Active member
sounds like the revers happened to me. some ass called the cops that ther was smoking going on in my home .long story short they took my equipment and forgot about my seed collection. not like you i have spent 6-7 years collecting and making my own crosses . when i found out the seeds wher still ther i was so re-leaved. you can always buy equipment but its hard to find seeds like c99 or any old bogs seeds.

don't sweet it i am sure some one will send you some of ther stock and start over. save and buy new .get your basic skunk,northern lights crosses.and a good haze .and start making back ups.


ppl like that usualy gets whats comin to em, theyre alrdy thinkin low and r down the bad road