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Massachusetts is changing quick


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
so after beating my 1oz possession with intent to distribute case i was talking with some local state troopers and there views on marijuana. One trooper was telling me if i were you i would grow and sell as much as possible in the next few years bc its goin to b legal soon. the trooper also stated that they plan on overriding medicinal and going straight for full legalization. mushroom factory is sounding better and better. http://www.cantaxreg.com/ u can check out the bills at that webpage.


Active member
Hell yeah it sounds good to me. Glad to hear you won your case.

The cantax thing is a good idea, but the author went a little heavy on taxes. Actually, he went EXTREMELY heavy on taxes, I believe he calls for a $250 per ounce tax which is absurd, it wouldn't even eliminate the black market.

people are always looking for good shrooms, good luck with the factory


Active member
so after beating my 1oz possession with intent to distribute case i was talking with some local state troopers and there views on marijuana. One trooper was telling me if i were you i would grow and sell as much as possible in the next few years bc its goin to b legal soon. the trooper also stated that they plan on overriding medicinal and going straight for full legalization. mushroom factory is sounding better and better. http://www.cantaxreg.com/ u can check out the bills at that webpage.

if you believe the cops ..................sounds like they
are setting you up for a future bust.

Cops don't override anything and they don't make new laws.

If the cops knew anything they would not have
busted you in the 1st place............

Amstel Light

LOLHAHAHA thats like a farmer telling you to eat more beans cause they are going exstinct.....seriously u beleive cops?


I am all for legalization. If Mass. were to go that way, the rest of New England would soon follow. But a $250 tax per ounce is ridiculous, nobody would pay that. California has the right idea with a $50 per oz tax. Would this tax extend to personal grow/use? Either way, I would be wary of what the cop said. He's thinking he had better make as many mj busts as possible, before the law change. After that, he has to actually protect and serve, something alot of police have forgotten how to do. Way to beat the charges (they charged you for an oz?) possesion is truly a victimless crime. Keep your head low and stay quiet for awhile. Peace.


anyone from mass. can tell you that we deserve the nickname of taxachusetts. them assholes have fees and imposed laws to fuck the residents. for instance in mass. you have to supply insurance coverage when you do taxes cuz if you dont they hold $400 state tax from your refund.i also agree that mass. sets the trend for the east coast kinda like cali in the west. BTW im suprised the fee for you was only $100 for your ounce. most cities/towns have pushed the $ amount to $300 instead of $100 like the voters agreed to.


BTW im suprised the fee for you was only $100 for your ounce. most cities/towns have pushed the $ amount to $300 instead of $100 like the voters agreed to.

next person to post this bullshit is getting negative K. Where do you read that most towns have passed this? Not true at all, some have, but no where near "most".... maybe 20%.

ok here goes to inform you. chicopee,springfield,ludlow all uped the fine to $300 for first offence. agwam,longmeadow and east longmeadow are bringing it to council discission. so who is mis informed now?due to the above cities that have raised to $300 now more are jumping on the bandwagon for revenue.i say most cuz from what i gather the boston area towns are slowly doing it to but i dont really ride down that way like i used to so i cant post what towns are doing it.

WTF are you talking about? NO TOWN has added a 300$ fine for simple mj possesion. The towns adding additional fines are for SMOKING IN PUBLIC! And furthermore susan, you named 5 po-dunk towns in Western MA. Yes I know a few in the eastern part of the state adopted this bylaw, but its nowhere near the majority....


ok here goes to inform you. chicopee,springfield,ludlow all uped the fine to $300 for first offence. agwam,longmeadow and east longmeadow are bringing it to council discission. so who is mis informed now?due to the above cities that have raised to $300 now more are jumping on the bandwagon for revenue.i say most cuz from what i gather the boston area towns are slowly doing it to but i dont really ride down that way like i used to so i cant post what towns are doing it.


Active member
chidoctor: once again that's for public smoking. That's different than possession.
These are new fines for public smoking: not just possession.
Possession of less than an ounce is still $100. of which 85% of people
have not paid their fines and the state has no legal way to collect them.

Guest 18340

Man, I miss doing bong hits in my cozy studio apt up on Westfield st, watching the snow fall.
I'm seriously considering moving back up there, Florida is getting fuckin ridiculous.
I'll take a $100 fine any day...


i dont think you guys are in western, mass cuz plenty of people have got hit up or $300 on posseion.read the paper or watch the local news? plenty of coverage on this issue on the fines and future changes that may arise.


Active member
i dont think you guys are in western, mass cuz plenty of people have got hit up or $300 on posseion.read the paper or watch the local news? plenty of coverage on this issue on the fines and future changes that may arise.if you ask me seems to me once springfield did it all the smaller towns started to follow in western,mass. evl westfield street im very familiar with small world huh?

Hmmmm, you really should work on spacing, paragraphs, generally improving your brainpower, it seems lacking.

I read ALL the local articles and NO ONE is being fined $300 for possession only. You have to actually be caught smoking in public by a police officer to get the $300 fine in the towns that have passed the stupid law.

About 20% of the towns in the state have passed the public smoking stupidity (stupidity which should be credited to the proper source - it's MPP's work and theirs alone). And the 20% of towns is probably 10% or less of the population since most are tiny hick towns.

And of course anyone who gets caught for the $300 penalty can go to the clerk Magistrate and beg poverty, these guys generally let you off for just about any excuse at all, since they're mostly Irish political hacks and probably spend most of their time getting stoned and drunk.

From what I've seen people are less afraid to smoke up but are still being discreet. You don't want to piss off some woman with her kids or anything. If you blaze up outside a bar the bouncer will have to do something.

But most of us are just stepping around the corner or into a shadow and blazing away. Actually not that much has changed. People are generally accepting of herb up here, that's why we approved decrim by 30 points.


Active member
yah chicdoctor it's mass law $100. fine max; they can't change that
the other BS is about smoking in public , which MPP screwed

up by NOT vetting the ballot initiative with these lists or local reformers;
big mistake.

it's like is mpp in the stoneage ic & others have mucho brain power
to mine for info;mpp's loss now; hope they learn.
Seems to me mpp has lost sight of their mission (statment?). All I get from them are e-mails telling me I'm low on their list of donators. Seems to me that all they want is money now. for it they may do some work. I wonder how much really goeto "operating costs". I believe if they organize rallies with many people where greedy elected pigs acd see and hear the rallies, change may be faster. Not one or two rallies but many rallies, until real action is taken in more favorable laws are in place. mpp needs to re-evaluate their misson and organize the taxpaying voters in order for a faster resolution and reform of the current unjust laws to happen. mpp has the supporters so does normal lets all unite and get this done. who will start organizing first mpp or normal? Or will they continue business as usual and just keep asking for donations $$$$ like the rest of the greedys?


Active member
the best method for drug law reform is at the ballot box.
The MPP initiative in Mass proved that with 65% of the vote
for decrim.

Now you just go forth & multiply that in every state that has the initiative process (around 23 states) and we get the reforms we want.

Rally's are cool, fun & educating but they don't sway politicians to
all of sudden jump on our wagon.

With the internet we should be able to sweep the politicians to the side
with our proposals (if they are good & right for the public)
and get the laws we want.

MPP can get the initiatives done but only so many & they must vet them
with us and locals; for our $.02


Active member
MPP does some great work - we know their heart is in the right place. It's difficult to manage any organization when it grows rapidly as MPP has in the last 5 years.

I see that they now have dozens of permanent staff in DC. I'm sorry to see that - it means high overhead that will gobble up the money for referendums. I totally agree that referendums are the way to go.

Unfortantely referendums mean giving most of your money to outside contractors for signature-gathering and advertising. That means no permanent staff around to kiss your ass for years and make you feel like a man-god. Methinks that is the current problem with MPP.

I think both MPP and especially NORML would do well if they focused much more money on special referendum projects. The drug war would end a lot faster. This Mass. referendum could have been done 10 years ago, or they could have run another Prop 215 in Mass. back in the 90's and we'd have de facto legalization like Cali now


Active member
There's a way to collect sig's low cost using the internet.

The law requires that sig's be gathered "in person"
you just cannot sign up online & count BUT

if the website has a PDF of the 'legal form" for the ballot initiative;
each person that want this initiative can print it out and sign it and it is a legal signature;
as far as I know.

They would sign the ballot initiative on line #1 and have friends sign also.

So it's a matter of getting enough Mass people to your website to download the PDF
sign it and mail it
back to you to present to the Secretary of Mass for ballot approval

This is a way to do it cheap; to the computer savy people; it
has not been done yet.
I think I invented it but not sure.

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