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True Blood.......

its actually Jace Everett "bad things"

All im gonna say for right now is HOLY FUCK!!! My mind is totally fucked after that 60 minutes.


Didn't last long enough.

Poor Sookie... gonna be locked in the basement... till Bill gets up! Of course his maker may not let him go...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm thinking abut hacking into HBO & getting next weeks show tonight.

I can still see the doubt in Jason's eyes as they go on about killing vampires
and surely he & Sara will rescue Sookie & her 'fiance' whatsizname.......




I'm thinking abut hacking into HBO & getting next weeks show tonight.

I can still see the doubt in Jason's eyes as they go on about killing vampires
and surely he & Sara will rescue Sookie & her 'fiance' whatsizname.......

Do it and post it on youtube for the rest of us man!

I hate tv shows. They get you all lead up to something good and it ends.

If sam gets outta his situation he he better turn into a dog and run that deer bitch down!

Next week looks like its gonna be good


oh shit!!

this is twisting left and right...

a lot to keep up with after tonights episode

i cant WAIT until next week now shit!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I think we all know that Jason was shot w/a taser so he's still in this thing all the way.

All events with Mary Ann and her little cult seem to be happening at an accelerated rate and that portion of the story line dominates a lot of the show atm.

OK, I'd really love to hear your opinions on Godric himself, he was able to come to Sookie's rescue but has been unable to extricate himself from from captivity prior to that? It doesn't make much sense and I'm sure he'd never use the church and his captivity as a bait tactic to lure out any corrupt vampires. Did Eric (last seen exiting the hotel on news of Godric & Sookie) get there, free Godric & then in turn Godric rescues Sookie? I doubt that myself, this week's episode really leaves us hanging.......

you want my theory??? Sarah. she shot Jason (im guessing paintball by the look of the pistol) cause she knows who Sookie is from her "private" talk with the Rev. She had the opportunity to free Godric (who looks awfully different IMO i hope they didnt switch actors on us) who then bailed out Sookie.

I feel bad for Barry the bellhop. Isabella (could have gotten her name wrong) grabbed him up after Eric bolted.

On the plus side, id like to congratulate Hoyt. No, not for tapping that hot Jessica ass...But for keeping his mouth shut. When Jessica asked why he was still a virgin, he didnt go mouthing off about mommy. Good on you man!

You're right about Maryann stealing the spotlight. I guess the big question on that one is how do you get rid of a deity?

In closing, im gonna say it again....the shit is most definitely ON.


It was definitely a paint ball gun that Jason got shot with, it's in the previews if you look closely. You can see a shot of him with a paint ball gun hit on his shirt.

Also Eric is volunteering to take Godric's place at the big Burn Out???? WTF???

I want to see more Layfayette story, less Mary Ann!

Wasn't it cool when Sam turned into a bird? Neat!

What a good show it was!


It was definitely a paint ball gun that Jason got shot with, it's in the previews if you look closely. You can see a shot of him with a paint ball gun hit on his shirt.

Also Eric is volunteering to take Godric's place at the big Burn Out???? WTF???

I want to see more Layfayette story, less Mary Ann!

Wasn't it cool when Sam turned into a bird? Neat!

What a good show it was!

I can't wait for next weeks show. I want to see those vampires go right through the "church" people. No way eric will die. If Bill gets out of that room i feel bad for whomever he finds near sookie. And how did Godric get loose to save Sookie? Unless for somehow he isn't actually trapped there? Seems like if he could get free at that moment he could have gotten free at any time? Will be interesting.

This is why i like to watch these shows after the entire season has been released on DVD. No waiting until next sunday and left hanging for a week after an episode.

Maryann gots ta go! I was hoping sam would put a bullet in Daphne.


legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
im still on the edge of my seat so many twist an turns WTF love it tho cant wait 4 next week see ya there


Active member
so what kind of power does detective andy have?

godric is so frakin' intriguing. i'm a sucker for intense suspense. nathan barr and ball did a really good job on the music and music placement. i don't know why, but i just love eerie music and slowed scenes on a mysterious character. (think dexter, battlestar galactica, etc.) i always find myself watching them over and over and over.

this show jumped to new heights in the last couple episodes. i really hope it keeps the much darker, haunted theme.


Anybody else recognize Sarah? she is the gal in the commercial for yogurt where she sucks the bottom out of the container of yogurt! slurp.

so far I have watched the last episode 3 times, keep seeing new details... love TB!


Anybody else recognize Sarah? she is the gal in the commercial for yogurt where she sucks the bottom out of the container of yogurt! slurp.

so far I have watched the last episode 3 times, keep seeing new details... love TB!

I hate that girl!!!! Something about that commercial just annoys the hell outta me.
so what kind of power does detective andy have?

This is an outstanding question! He's absolutely got to some sort of supernatural power. Or, at least that'd comply with somebody's statement (I forget who said it... Daphne?) that supernaturals aren't affected by Mary Ann's powers.

godric is so frakin' intriguing.

Yeah, mos' def. How *did* Godric end up in that dungeon? How did he appear out of nowhere last week? I'm thinking that the guy is just playing the holy rollers for fools. I can't wait for some epic battle to unfold. This is gonna be sick! :)

Btw... are you a Battlestar Galactica fan? THAT show blew my mind, too. I think there's a special coming up in September that explains what happens during Earth's repopulation with humans. I'm not referring to that "Caprica" soap opera spin-off gheyness, either.



Oh! MY! Good catch p4P!!! I didn't catch that, but he wasn't affected, was he?

very interesting.... . goood work!