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Well,,,We all know the time is near..For Assholes to come out in force..Lookin' for peoples patches (And I'm not even talking about the law) thoses pot smoking want to be growers dickheads....GOD I hate them soooo..Much..All of your hard work gone in one shitty action..I've already heard of peoples shit dug up & moved..Cornfields being staked out..BULLSHIT..Lazy Fucks Do your own work...It feels/Smokes & you wont have SHITTY Karma... So Be good this harvest & WWJD.... Leave it ALONE.... :joint: P.S Save The Babies


Active member
i got some nice plants in my backyard.I set up a motion sensor aimed at my plants and ran the light into my bedroom.That way i know someones there without scaring him.Then its to my closet for my baseball bat.I got ripped last year and the year before,but not this year!I will break the fuckers legs,and sleep like a baby that night too.You want to steal,then be prepared to suffer the consequences!!!!I know a guy down the road from me(ex biker)caught a kid 3 years ago stealing from him,he cut the kids finger off and held him hastage for 3 days!!!He never got ripped after that!Im sick of being a nice guy,you steal,you pay.its that simple.
i got some nice plants in my backyard.I set up a motion sensor aimed at my plants and ran the light into my bedroom.That way i know someones there without scaring him.Then its to my closet for my baseball bat.I got ripped last year and the year before,but not this year!I will break the fuckers legs,and sleep like a baby that night too.You want to steal,then be prepared to suffer the consequences!!!!I know a guy down the road from me(ex biker)caught a kid 3 years ago stealing from him,he cut the kids finger off and held him hastage for 3 days!!!He never got ripped after that!Im sick of being a nice guy,you steal,you pay.its that simple.

its probably the same guy bro and no doubt he will be back again this year
alot of rednecks where im from think its cool and fun to go around ripping crops and act all badass and gangster when they talk about it but wait until one of them gets caught 80 miles out in the bush by the owner of the plot

peein their pants and begging for the lives!!! ive heard some stories! i dont condone violence but what do you expect when you are getting yourself involved with something outside of the realm of law
i kind of know the mentality of rippers becuase one of my old friends dads was (im pretty sure) involved in that kind of stuff in his youth, and he is in the line of work where they go through the bush alot. last year he told his son, and his son told me, that a bunch of his co-workers spotted a plot and ripped it off. fucking goons. people think most pot growers are hippies and weaklings but look at guys like browndirt. imagine getting caught by that guy!!! poopin pants time! i know alot of crazy dudes. i know theres a few people on this forum who've said they'd rip a crop if they had a chance and i laugh


Yeah..Dudes my stuff got Ripped Last year & IT HURT BAD...Fucking Crushed My Whole Year...I Did the " Wait 1 more Week Thing..) And Fuckin Got RAPED....Fuck I even Took Pixs 3 Days before The Shitty Deed... "BAD KARMA TO ALL U RIPPIN" FUCKS"....


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
if you're smart about it, there is no way for rippers to find it. never been an issue for me. if you're going to put the work in to grow it, you might as put the work in to pick your plots carefully and cover your tracks.


Active member
My entire neighborhood knows I am growing. I guess that puts me at risk. people have told me that I don't need to worry about organized armed rippers, but rather high school kids...

What to do? I have a 4 zone wireless motion sensor system, so I have all the possible entry points and the garden itself monitored. I have a guy living in a small building out in the garden and my bedroom window overlooks the garden. I have a green double floodlight shining on the whole garden, placed so that the window itself is behind it and invisible. I have a high powered paintball marker hung over the window with night vision scope and laser sight. Everything, including the garden, street, driveway entrance and front door are on webcams and video surveilence signs are posted all over the place as well as dummy ADT signs posted at all the points of entry.

Total cost of countermeasures, not including the expensive paintball marker: less than $200


My entire neighborhood knows I am growing. I guess that puts me at risk. people have told me that I don't need to worry about organized armed rippers, but rather high school kids...

What to do? I have a 4 zone wireless motion sensor system, so I have all the possible entry points and the garden itself monitored. I have a guy living in a small building out in the garden and my bedroom window overlooks the garden. I have a green double floodlight shining on the whole garden, placed so that the window itself is behind it and invisible. I have a high powered paintball marker hung over the window with night vision scope and laser sight. Everything, including the garden, street, driveway entrance and front door are on webcams and video surveilence signs are posted all over the place as well as dummy ADT signs posted at all the points of entry.

Total cost of countermeasures, not including the expensive paintball marker: less than $200

I like the paintball gun and NV scope. Keep your balls in the freezer.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Nobody liks getting ripped off, BUT, there is nothing worse than getting deep-sixed in jail for premeditated murder, and possibly facing the chair or noose after a hellish wait.

I can't speak for anyone else, but FREEDOM and LIBERTY are infinitely more valuable to me than any quantity of something that can be replaced with money or labor.

If your crop is discovered, then your location is poorly chosen and you need to move someplace else where your odds are better, BUT, if you get ripped ANYWHERE, just fuckin' walk away from it and be glad you are a free man and that it wasn't the federales that found it.

Say NO to vengeance y'all. Unless you are posted to Iraq with official carte blance to respond to fuckheads with deadly fire, there WILL be consequences that last a lifetime for ANY murder committed by a civilian.


Active member
I grow at my home where my wife and two small children live. I have the right to grow and I have the right to defend my home. While I am not going to risk having a firearm (or scale) on the premises, I am going to defend my home with any and all less-than-lethal means at my disposal.

I wouldn't do the same if the grow were illegal.. but i wouldn't grow at all if it weren't legal in the first place.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Well Tex, before anyone tries out your shotshell booby trap, there would be no harm in reminding them that such a device would fetch the same legal penalty as LYING IN WAIT, which is classified as a SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE under the law in most states, meaning that the trap setter could face the ultimate sanction, which, incidentally, is way easier to earn in Texas than most other places on earth, by all accounts.

For the record, I hate thieves of any sort, and would never contemplate such a crime for as long as I live.


Yeah..Dudes my stuff got Ripped Last year & IT HURT BAD...Fucking Crushed My Whole Year...I Did the " Wait 1 more Week Thing..) And Fuckin Got RAPED....Fuck I even Took Pixs 3 Days before The Shitty Deed... "BAD KARMA TO ALL U RIPPIN" FUCKS"....

Exactly the same happened to me... ive said to myself "youll wait a week more" and oops someone already harvested them...

I grow in very secluded places. Never been ripped before. You could make boobie traps for the rippers. 12-guage shell & a mouse trap work great. According to the law you can protect your property with lethal force, but the law also says you can't grow weed. Our laws in the US are really messed up!

thats not only thief, what you can shoot down... you can hit an innocent person just walking around or wild animal (what is maybe worse than killing any thief)... anyway if you shoot thief... is the weed worth killing (or seriously damaging) people? i dont think so

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
There's one thing about rippers at this time of year. If they find the weed and it even has tiny little pea buds on it - they take it. A grower doesnt have to wonder any longer if someone has discovered his patch, because if they did, its gone.

I hate the thought of being discovered and then caring for my plants all summer to have someone else harvest them. At least now, we'll know


Active member
OUTDOORS 4LIFE G ! and got my shit violated a few times........

fuck you all rippersplantchoppersjackingtheshitbehindmyWaNkerS!......


if you want my plants tho you'll have to go through my main man Cheech he's a vicious mothafaka..!:D

i dont gro outdoor no more cause of rippers. every time 3 years in a row. one year they even took my nutes that were hidden w/ the plant, took the whole plant bucket and all....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I grow in very secluded places. Never been ripped before. You could make boobie traps for the rippers. 12-guage shell & a mouse trap work great. According to the law you can protect your property with lethal force, but the law also says you can't grow weed. Our laws in the US are really messed up!

Have to be a real piece of crap to think that your crop is in anyway worth doing someone physical harm. Growers like this give us all a bad name.

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