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micro bubble(r) cloner

wanted to post up my bubble cloner i built. 2 large air stones 1 - 40 gallon air pump - plastic rez.
temps are at 80 you can see how i mounted it inside my cab. they have been in there 4 days or so and still no sign of roots. thoughts and comments are welcomed !

they are getting indrect light thru tthe wall from the mother chamber

have a good one fellas and ladies










good call budly i tried the peatpucks but only managed to get 3 out of 8 to root over a span of 3 cloning attempts. im tired of all my clones not making it. hope this helps me get some roots. i tried to get some clones for an out door grow but i think it might be too late real soon


New member
Thanks for posting the pictures.

How much of the stem is under water?
Are you using a rooting gel? and if so how much of the stem do you apply it to?
i have some below the water and some with in a 1\4 inch. No rooting hormone at all. water straight from the outside faucet where there is no water softener filtration. i cut all of the stems at a 45ish angle. i tried a few with an additional slit down the the stem 1\4" long


Well-known member
wow wow wow wow wpow wowow very nice job. I am now going to re build my bubble cloner to look like urs.

thanks for reminding that I need to do it. hope it goes well for u.


Hope you get some roots soon. A friend of mine tried this but his pump was too small and didn't make enough bubbles, and he basically didn't do most of it right.
i put the clones in there 7-14-09. As of right now 7-19-09 @10:03pm no roots. any one have any suggestions. does it look like i am going about it correctly?

thanks 4 the thanks :)


Well-known member
wee thats cool. some times it can take a while for them to grow roots.

well I hope they turn out ver very nice as they grow up. GL.
It'll be a little easier for your clones to root if you trim some of the leaves. Show the plant you want it to root, rather than photosynthesize.

In my experience, I see the best results when I only leave 2 fan-leaf halves, and a growth tip.
you think that not letting light to the roots is better ? i thought it didnt matter? well this is what i have now just one that is rooting.



I think so, just be careful. Was the end of the clone that rooted in the water or above it?
Was the end of the clone that rooted in the water or above it?
it was right at water level, just the tip was touching it. I think the water might of been to hot for the others to take root... i dont really know though this is my first bubbler try. i felt like i did everything correctly but the water temp did creep up to 84 so if tha is bad then i guess i did do something wrong.

i basically butchered my mother plant to get all these clones because i knew deep down that something would go haywire. she is recovering well but it will be a few more weeks to pull that kinda load. now that i got my temps down to 79ish hopefully that is the reason they didnt sprout.

i am guessing there is no hope for the other clones in there now. the leaves are getting skinny and withering. just a few look like they could spend a bit more time in there but ill cut my losses after i plant "lucky" the lone survivor.

Not even sure if i mentioned that she was a Feminized GH Trainwreck that i got a while back and ran a healthy girl thru with 3 large colas. it was such a hit out here people had never even experienced shit like it.

i use a middle man and lets just say he has a bunch for requests\ pre orders... :)


Did you have the air pump on a timer or did you just let it run continuously?

How often did you change the water?

One clone is better than no clones. I am kinda in the same predicament, I have a plant that is a PITA to clone. I have been using coco with a 10% success rate...