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The Ice cream man


Active member
I don't know about the one in your neighborhood, but mine sucks, if this jackass would just slow down a bit he would sell about 10 times more ice cream, this has got to be like the 15Th time when I've been sitting on my couch, all high ass, watching TV, I hear the music, and run for the door, but the guy is about halfway down the block doing at least 20mph(that's pretty damn fast for the IC man) by the time I get out there, and its not like I'm all old and slow, every time there's at least one kid standing out there watching him fade into the distance to.
No one can catch this guy, it's like he doesn't want to sell his ice cream or something.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
We only have one in town and she rocks. Even slows down so I can waddle my old ass out there and serves local made scoops. I think the difference is she owns the truck and works for herself. I've been in places with companies that have fleets and those guys are always vaguely shady. If it's a company truck call the company. Owners rarely like missing out on sales.


Active member
LOL thanks for reminding me of how ghetto this town is i reside currently, our ice cream man is 2 old guys who drive a 1990 golf cart converted that goes like 10 mph at full speed down a hill, so hes easy to catch, to bad its not conventional music, but some gay fairy stuff


Active member
Exactly what I was thinking. It's a front, he doesn't want to bother selling you some damn ice cream when he has more lucrative stops to make...

I'm beginning to wonder myself, I've never once seen him stopped selling ice cream to anyone.
I think I might set a little I.E.D. up for him out there, blow one of the axles off his truck and find out what his deal is.


Active member
i have mad respect for my ice cream man....he's been doing it 20+ years in the same neighborhood and is of pakistani descent. I've seen so many ppl fuck with him and i never would understand why. I remember one time some punk kid tried stealing a bunch of ice cream and he pulled a sawed off shotty on the punk. I got mad respect for pakistani ice cream man he has to put up with alot of sh!tty kids who think their funny.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Yeah....never was like that in my day.....Our Ice Cream man was also the crossing guard during the school year......he had the best homemade chocolate covered frozen bananas and sold them (among other, all legal, things) out of truck he painted himself....it was yellow and it's was named Hi-Skully.

Soft Preztels with the brushed-on spicy-brown and shake-on salt to die for.....:joint:


Active member
I haven't seen one for a few years, and then this year here's this guy.
It's an ice cream truck, ice cream music is playing, big board with pics of all the different ice cream on the side(I've glimpsed this as he flies by)
I think it's because there's hardly any kids on this block that he thinks it's not worth going slow down it.
If I ever catch him I'll going to tell him to slow down and give me a chance to get off my couch and out there, because I'm always up for some ice cream if it's right outside my door. Plus there are 2 fat kids at the end of the block that can't get out there in time either, I see them holding their money, looking all sad, that's hard on a kid, especially a fat one, thinking your going to get it only to have the truck speed away, hell, it's hard on me, lol.




Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I always loved the sounds of jinglin' bells coming into our dead end
street, my house was right where the truck stopped every day.......

Come to think of it there were exactly 25 kids on that
one dead end street of about ten homes, that guy never
missed us & sometimes he got to us again just before 9pm.

Good Humor men always knew where the product was as
they reached into the box on the blind, and quick to make
change off that hip mounted change dispenser.......



all praises are due to the Most High
I'm beginning to wonder myself, I've never once seen him stopped selling ice cream to anyone.
I think I might set a little I.E.D. up for him out there, blow one of the axles off his truck and find out what his deal is.

that is disturbing...

makes note to never drive near ddrew's place...

sounds worst than a random check-point at night right after a sharp-turn, yay!

someone get this dude some ice cream please


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
lmao ok i have given out to much rep in 24hrs, but there a few of ya id hit with rep.. for the pics.. But JWH-018 i was taking a drink of my gatorade and with other hand scrollin down and saw yer post and pic and friggn busted laffin of course spittin all over keyboard monitor and other shit.. Cos those friggn dudes with the push carts are hillarious. And they can get those carts into some places that any 4 wheel drive monster truck can get into.. which is basically anywhere.. lmao.. Hillarious.. friggn hillarious... peace..

ohh btw they are called the paleta man.. the dude with the monster truck pushcarts... lol..
