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How to use PK13/14 for the best results ?


Hi all,

I have ATAMI A+B, ATA-XL, B'Cuzz Flo stimulator and the PK13/14.
I have never used PK13/14 before and I want to know your advices about it.
Must I start slowly at the 1 or 2nd week of flowering with it and increase progressively ?
Or must i give PK13/14 just one or 2 weeks in the flowering time ?
Must I stop the A+B when I give PK13/14 ? If no must I reduce the dosage of A+B ?

I don't know, I have heard so different techniques.

Thanks in advance for your answer.


Active member
i will never ever use it again , pk 13/14 is for 3 weeks before the harvest.

So you give it with your regular nutes in the 5th week of an 8 week strain.

You only give it maximum 3 times.

It will give bigger more compact nugs , BUT , it will mess with the taste giving a harsher smoke.

i would look for organic replacements

So if you want extra big buds and don't care bout the taste , use pk13/14


i will never ever use it again , pk 13/14 is for 3 weeks before the harvest.

So you give it with your regular nutes in the 5th week of an 8 week strain.

You only give it maximum 3 times.

It will give bigger more compact nugs , BUT , it will mess with the taste giving a harsher smoke.

i would look for organic replacements

So if you want extra big buds and don't care bout the taste , use pk13/14

Hi, first of all thanks for your answer :)

Are you in soil or hydro ?
Have you made a flush before the harvest ?


Hi Shorty,
I've only used it once. As I recall from the directions, seems it was a one time application at around 3 weeks. I didn't have THC's taste issue. Used around a one week flush with final phase and the White Widow was very smooth.

There's the old organic vs chemical nute argument which I don't buy into too much. A slow dry and long cure will do much for the taste and flavor. The flush is important though. You don't want to run the PH13/14 right up till harvest.


Active member
oh yes i flushed to say the least , problem is i gave it once every week for 4 weeks.

The the last 4 weeks my greenhouse plants only got water and one week before harvest where flushed 3 to 1 so 150 liters of water for 50 liters of soil.

There's the old organic vs chemical nute argument which I don't buy into too much

you will once you test it side by side with same strain(as i did with mazar) , i guerantee , i did this last year , no more chems for me ever , i used pk13/14 4 years

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I use PK 13/14 from the first week till 3/4 weeks from the end ( my plants run 12 to 16 weeks) 5ml per 10 lts every week till week 6 and then i give the 15ml Canna suggest then back to 5ml per 10 lts, I add Bloom to this at 1/2 Canna's rates, and keep giving A + B all the way till the flush too.


Life is one big grow........
u can taste it.....if u ever somked buds without PK u now what i mean!!!


Hi Guys,
I looked up direction for use and found this:

"Add PK 13/14 once four weeks before harvesting, to a full nutrition tank in the following proportion Dissolve 150 ml concentrate per 100 Litre of water (1:666) Add this mixture to the nutrient for 3-6 days"

So Shorty, that answers one of your questions. You add it to a full nute res. I'm a bit puzzled by the last sentence. Does that mean that you should change out the res after those 6 days? And of course soil use would be different because it would stick around longer.

THC, I appreciate your position. I've smoked organic weed and non-organic (though never side-by-side) But I would argue that the difference is not due to residual nutrients left behind in the non-organic grown ganja.

I feel that there are other extra taste elements added by an organic regimen. Such as with molasses (which many hydro growers add to enhance taste). I'm fine with weed that just tastes like weed.


u can taste it.....if u ever somked buds without PK u now what i mean!!!

I find this very interesting. So I'd assume the same could be said for any other non-organic bloom booster? Beastie Bloom and all the others?


Sorry to butt in here but i was asking this same question to a good reliable source as i am looking at different boosters and i was told that on a 9 week flower it's 5-15 ml per 10 litres of water weeks 5,6 and 7


Thanks guyz for your answer :)
Yes it would be nice to see pictures :)

A lot of people say that organic as a different taste than an mineral grow in soil and in hydro it's less tasty than in soil.

I have bought the bottle of PK13/14 so I will finish it, but for my next grow I will maybe try an total organic feeding. So if you have suggestion about a good brand that sell a nice organic fertilizer set it's welcome :)

I think that you produce less in organic no ? The PK13/14 is known for make big buds :)

In A'Dam on the card of the coffeeshops they write bio next to the strain. If you look the nice buds I'm not really sure lol


Active member
You don't need pk13/14 for big buds , is the basics are okay it will take care of itself.

o if you have suggestion about a good brand that sell a nice organic fertilizer set it's welcome :)

your local garden store , you don't need special canna nutes , just dried shit

Sheik Yerbouti

New member
You don't need pk13/14 for big buds , is the basics are okay it will take care of itself.
You don't need it really, but if you use some fertilizers (i.e. all of these growth/bloom combos like the one from hesi i used a time ago) with a higher nitrogen part, it will make a difference.
I use PK1314 from the beginning of 3rd week until flushing.
Must I stop the A+B when I give PK13/14 ? If no must I reduce the dosage of A+B ?
No, dont stop with A+B, but look at the EC after adding PK1314. just reduce the A+B part if your salt concentration of your solution will be exceeded after adding PK.
it is quite concentrated and can push the concentration of your nutrient solution in a range that is too high.
if you dont have the possibility to measure the conductivity of your nutrient solution then do not add PK.


Active member
You don't need it really, but if you use some fertilizers (i.e. all of these growth/bloom combos like the one from hesi i used a time ago) with a higher nitrogen part, it will make a difference.
I use PK1314 from the beginning of 3rd week until flushing.

really man i have had beter results with dry shit.(talking bout yield) , not to mention the smoother smoke