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Hello there to all. I was born a few years after 69' and I have heard stories of the conspiracy of faking the first moonlanding. Now Nasa has revealed that they "taped over" the original video footage to save money by reusing the tape. Come on now that just fuels the fire for people to ask questions like why do a cheapo move like wiping out genuine footage of the monumental event of landing on the moon to save a few dineros on acetate videotape. Smells like something is rotten in the Houston area. Those friggin' tape's should have been a treasure for the generations to come if they were worth the tape they were recorded on. Save money no I think that they were saving their own hides. Not kosher sounding to me anyways. Cheers.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I'll tell you what, I've been to see that moon lander in DC a few times, and it sure does look fake. Looks like a tweaker made it, all covered in tinfoil and stuff LMAO.

I still think that if it was fake, why didn't the Soviets say one word about it possibly being fake? If anyone, they would know what was up..


My little pony.. my little pony
Why kill a bunch of people in test flights and spend a few billion dollars on something you could have faked for a few grand?


My little pony.. my little pony


And now you want me to believe that Tom Hanks would lie to me...to ME...about the moonlanding?

Whats next? You gonna tell me I'm adopted?


Active member
I think this "conspiracy" has roots that may possibly be in the truth.

I can't believe that Kubrick's name hasn't been brought up.

heres what I think:
We landed on the moon.
(Yes Buzz Aldrin is a badass)
I don't think that the live moon footage shown was faked.
I do think that we did indeed record "simulations" of what was going to happen in a studio. Even possibly the moon landing itself.

I mean come on most of the world with a TV was tuned in... They had to have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties.

If this had been the case I bet the footage would have aired with the subtitle "simulation" and we wouldn't have much of a conspiracy today.

Thats just what I think...

If you want some interesting reading on an interesting person who was key to developing the rockets that we used to get to the moon (still the MOST POWERFUL engines EVER MADE by man) do a wiki on "Werner Von Braun"

Peace and kindness


it is a fake for sure they typed that shit in the white house basement

h^2 O

lot of people don't know the USSR was the first ot the moon - 1959. More Soviet era machines are on the moon than american. They've sent like a dozen rovers.
Soviet "Luna" missions
Impacted Moon 14 Sep 1959
May 1969 Impacted Moon - Sea of Clouds
Landed on Moon 03 Feb 1966
Landed on Moon 24 Dec 1966
Landed on Moon 20 Sep 1970
Landed on Moon 17 Nov 1970
Landed on Moon 21 Feb 1972
Landed on Moon 15 Jan 1973
Landed on Moon 18 Aug 1976

Weedman Herb

Whats next? You gonna tell me I'm adopted?
I didn't want to be the bearer of questionable news ... One time ... at band camp ... well ... without getting too specific ... you're half right ... your mom is your real mom ...


I didn't want to be the bearer of questionable news ... One time ... at band camp ... well ... without getting too specific ... you're half right ... your mom is your real mom ...
Really? Band camp? Then why am I such a shitty guitar player?