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G13 Seed



The pacific G13 is really a G13 hybrid also, its a clone selected from nev's
G13xNL that he put out when he still had his seed company open. G13 in it's pure form DOES NOT exist anymore, it was a clone only female that was lost may years ago. There are some really nice clones out there that where selected from seeds put out by Nev back in the day, but none of these new offerings started with the real G13 clone, they all started with either a G13xNL clone or a G13xHaze, not saying they are bad pot or anything like that, just want to keep the facts straight.

Hi Oledad420 no thats the ag13 or airborns g13 that was g13xnl selected phino pacifics wasnt even related to the real g13.


hi all,
sb, I too appreciate your honesty, but your're still under the wrong impression. THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT DEVELOP THESE PLANTS, THEY ARE ALL FROM DEA CONFISCATED LOTS.
They are ALL tested and certain ones are kept (for exactly what reasons I don't know) and distributed in certain cases. Somehow I just can't get that through peoples heads.
I don't think aliens are involved or genetic engineering for that matter (except for maybe one particular plant)but that's not what we're talking about here. All the info is researchable if you put your mind to it. People want to believe in super-secret government projects, but it's all much more mundane than that. I do get these plants from a source that is certified by the dea, that's all I am going to say on the subject. You can believe me or not, it doesn't matter. Because again, it's not me that's important, it's the plant. I apologize to anyone to whom I have given the wrong impression.


damn i would love to grow out so "true" g13 . i always thought it was bred by some college kids in the school lab with the help of the government or at least thats what i heard .take it easy


Oooops...my bad. Oledad sounded like he knew his shiat :) Hey, I believed him...But then again, WTF do I know?

Dalai, that is what I would call a sober perspective...But you better be careful about folks insinuating about your DEA connections...Lol...


Hi Oledad420 no thats the ag13 or airborns g13 that was g13xnl selected phino pacifics wasnt even related to the real g13.

hi all,
sb, I too appreciate your honesty, but your're still under the wrong impression. THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT DEVELOP THESE PLANTS, THEY ARE ALL FROM DEA CONFISCATED LOTS.
They are ALL tested and certain ones are kept (for exactly what reasons I don't know) and distributed in certain cases. Somehow I just can't get that through peoples heads.
I don't think aliens are involved or genetic engineering for that matter (except for maybe one particular plant)but that's not what we're talking about here. All the info is researchable if you put your mind to it. People want to believe in super-secret government projects, but it's all much more mundane than that. I do get these plants from a source that is certified by the dea, that's all I am going to say on the subject. You can believe me or not, it doesn't matter. Because again, it's not me that's important, it's the plant. I apologize to anyone to whom I have given the wrong impression.

I read all that back in the day also, but I really have a hard time with the whole" DEA certified source". Why would the DEA test, keep and distribute plants they took in a raid? I have been raided and let me tell you there wasnt enough left of the plants to do any thing with when they left my house. At first the story was it was the real G13, then after it was questioned where she got it from this story about DEA connection came out, IMO it's all just a bunch of hype.

damn i would love to grow out so "true" g13 . i always thought it was bred by some college kids in the school lab with the help of the government or at least thats what i heard .take it easy

The story wasnt it was bred by some college kids in the school lab with the help of the government, the story was it was stolen from the government lab in Mississippi that is run on the college, but I call BS on that also, cause if anyone has seen the shit weed the send out to the people that still get med's from the government, you would know there is no way they have anything good in that place.

IMO the whole G13 story is nothing but hype, created by someone to make a plant they had seem like it was better then all the rest. I have smoked almost every g13 hybrid out there and a bunch of what people say "this is the real deal g13" and IMO they are all good, but there is a lot of hype also.
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Oooops...my bad. Oledad sounded like he knew his shiat :) Hey, I believed him...But then again, WTF do I know?

Dalai, that is what I would call a sober perspective...But you better be careful about folks insinuating about your DEA connections...Lol...

I dont just sound like I know my shit, I do. I have grown up right in the middle of all this shit. I have family that used to run with soma and sam back before they left the USA, so I got a little bit of first hand knowledge. I learned a long time ago, sit, listen and ask lots of questions when they old guys start telling there story's. I'm sure some of what they remember is clouded by 30+ years of hardcore smoking and they probably get some facts crossed, but IMO I tend to believe what they have to say before I believe the person trying to make a profit, since it's always in the best interest of the profit seeker to hype there product as best they can.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The pacific G13 is really a G13 hybrid also, its a clone selected from nev's
G13xNL that he put out when he still had his seed company open. G13 in it's pure form DOES NOT exist anymore, it was a clone only female that was lost may years ago. There are some really nice clones out there that where selected from seeds put out by Nev back in the day, but none of these new offerings started with the real G13 clone, they all started with either a G13xNL clone or a G13xHaze, not saying they are bad pot or anything like that, just want to keep the facts straight.

If you could get the original g13 x nl cross you could take the most g-13 leaning phenos of it and try to back cross them breeding out as much nl as possible. that would be some really good herb, but still not quite pure g-13.


I would probably probably prefer a pre-soviet afghani anyway. Although it's still pretty hard to come by, you have a better shot, not to mention that there's more of a chance you're getting the real deal.


If you could get the original g13 x nl cross you could take the most g-13 leaning phenos of it and try to back cross them breeding out as much nl as possible. that would be some really good herb, but still not quite pure g-13.

thats what I'm trying to do with some g13xSkunk seeds shanti sent me from his own stash. he said they should be the best G13 cross to find a g13 Dom pheno.


Well that post was made by pacific not by me all i did was save it and post it in the g13 wars.

The thing i was amazed by back then was most knew that the g13 was a clone only line yet one person alone claimed to have 3 completly diffrent pure g13 plants and people lapet it up yet few questioned it.

G13 is used by most as a marketing tool now days and the only real g13 lines were from nevile and then shanti with the g13xsk made by neville.

I grew out the g13sk and to be honest i didnt like it the thing fryed me with out a lie it was the strongest indica line i ever smoked the ones i grew out had a look i never seen before in any plant my test seeds were heavy indica looking most were a very dark green some were almost black in colour i still have that line but refuse to smoke it il just use it as a breeding tool.


I read all that back in the day also, but I really have a hard time with the whole" DEA certified source". Why would the DEA test, keep and distribute plants they took in a raid? I have been raided and let me tell you there wasnt enough left of the plants to do any thing with when they left my house. At first the story was it was the real G13, then after it was questioned where she got it from this story about DEA connection came out, IMO it's all just a bunch of hype.

The story wasnt it was bred by some college kids in the school lab with the help of the government, the story was it was stolen from the government lab in Mississippi that is run on the college, but I call BS on that also, cause if anyone has seen the shit weed the send out to the people that still get med's from the government, you would know there is no way they have anything good in that place.

IMO the whole G13 story is nothing but hype, created by someone to make a plant they had seem like it was better then all the rest. I have smoked almost every g13 hybrid out there and a bunch of what people say "this is the real deal g13" and IMO they are all good, but there is a lot of hype also.

well i knew it had something to do with a school .


Active member
"G13" ain't no big deal.
"Airborne's G13" which is a selected Neville's Seed Bank G13/NL clone,is a great breeding tool,but not remarkable on it's own. Pacific's is,well,unverified would be a good place to start,and I wouldn't bother.
As to plants coming from "verified government sources",all I can say is that FDA "medical" grade pot is leaves,stems,and seeds-almost hemp. They,fwiw,have never had anyfuckingclue what they're doing.
G13 isn't a name (or a clone) to chase,if you do,you're bound to be disappointed.



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