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Greetings Faithful readers, Friends, and ICMag lurkers!

Ok, so since my outdoor project was kaiboshed this year, I'm making lemonade, erm, that is to say I'm going to try to improve my indoor prowess while hunting for a new spot for next year. I've been smoking a lot of this bubble, which is my prize after processing the last harvest. It helps me to cope...

Ice Extract hash using super over ripe bud. Can you say CBD?!?

I've got more mothers in my veg area than I have any business playing with, and a huge flower room that until June was entirely unpopulated. Since I had abused the newer starts in such a manner as to make cloning rather difficult until some healing had started, I picked some clones off my bagseed mommas and got it started. I've got a couple Sweet Pink Grapefruit C2's, 4 Hash plant C2's, and 2 BCBig Bud C2's in there at the moment. The BCBB's just went in a few days ago..


8 Bagseed clones under a 1K! Overvegged SPG on the right


HashPlant#1 Green Pheno (C2) at 3 weeks. It was so good I just had to grow more!

And here is a close up of my ol' lady, Sweet Pink Grapefruit doing her thang at just over 4 weeks..

Sweet Pink Grapefruit (C2) at 4 weeks

But it won't end there, these are just a few plants to keep me in practice.. I have a bunch of OGA, DJ Short, Cannacopia, REv, and other goodies cloning, vegging, and getting ready to go into flower as we speak!

I'll make a new thread once I have anything worth while, but I figured some of y'all might appreciate a little update :joint: It's been pretty crazy for me last couple months but if it don't kill ya.. well we can only hope right?

Well, I'm going to pack a bowl of that bubble and relax for a bit, but until next time:
Thanks for reading, and be safe!!

- Che


Active member
Glad to be back! I just threw 12 more tiny rooted clones in flower, going to make some more bud sticks along side the real show :D

I can't wait to get to the good stuff. Vegging out another 10 clones to join these ones in a couple weeks. Some OGA sour puss will be going in very soon... my zombie virus clones didnt do so well so I'll have to take another round..


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Front Line Photo Update

Front Line Photo Update


Veg Area
Tons of plants! Clones on the left, vegging bags on the right, mommas everywhere!!


Bagseed clones in 3 gal bags
4 to a grow bag, only just rooted. Looking for a few more "Bud on a stick" while vegging out the next couple rounds


Hash Plant1 (C2)
What a beauty...


SPG (C2)
She's a light feeder. A little burnt at the tips..


Indoor Tomato
Because I can!


Hopefully I get a better survival rate with this round of clones. Trying some coco pucks and powdered hormone this time... got 10 SP, 10 ZV, and a bunch of other things on the heat mat right now... having lots of fun trying to populate this as a perpetual! haha


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? I just went thru all 14 pages.. and wow brother great work with a awesome menu of strains... I love it.. I'll bbl to peep plenty more... G1 is a looker.. peace..



Active member
Yeah that was a really nice plant, great smoke too! I still have some in a jar, but no clone off of her. New things though my man! Thanks for reading :D


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One more

One more

I forgot to add this one from the flowering room last night... :joint:



Active member
Hey bro, just stopping to by to see what's new.... hash plant looks nice man.

Thanks for coming by BR!! I'll start a new thread and have some pics for the OGA test thread once I get my next round going into flower :woohoo:

I took a couple pics of whats going on in my lab right now, clones are doing well in the coco pucks, and I put some shelves in to help use the light more effectively and make some room to work in.

Clones on top deck, lower deck are a few clones some are rooting others I will have to ditch if they don't take soon..


Veg area; rooted clones vegging and mommas in the back
I can just pull the shelves out when I need to get to the mothers...

Also I had to move two of my plants away from the light because they are too compact and quite difficult to clone...

CITxLifesaver and SOL's SWT #3
I know that they look sad but they are rebounding nicely.. just won't stretch for me..

And I added another 400W HPS to the flowering room, Keep the intensity up.. total light 400WMH, 940W Hortilux HPS, 400W generic HPS (you can't see the lights in this pic, but this is what the plants think...)

And thats about it for today! I'll veg the clones out for another week or two then add them to the flowering chamber, assemble another cooltube w/400w CMH and add that to cover the additional area. Should be cramped in there again soon!!

Until next time, Thanks for reading, and be safe!!

- Che


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Just droppin by to see whats updated all is looking good in the 12/12/ room.. Keep on keepin on.. ill bbl peace..



Active member
Hey sacko, thanks for stopping in!

I noticed that my Sour Puss and C99 males had some pollen to chuck, just threw some fresh boy dust on a couple lower branches on the ladies in flower...

SweetPink Grapefruit x C99
Hashplant x OGA Sour Puss

I will be making different crosses as time goes on, I just love seeds!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hashplant x sour puss, should be interesting, and a great plant for making the bubble


Active member
Thanks guys! I hope those crosses work out well I think the HPxSP should make some sick bubble indeed DrD! :D


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The first Sour Puss clone, as well as 1 Flo#1 and 1 Flo#2 just joined the party in the flower room. Can't wait to see these girls bloom!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Man those sound like some tasty crosses.. BIGTIME>>> yea im gettin back to just wanting to do seeds again.. I was fallin for all the elites but i really love the surprises we get from seed.. Keep on keepin on brother... I look forward to seeing yer new stuff grow... peace..



Active member
looking good, Che!!


Cheers Sleepy, Thanks! :respect:

I took a few more pics tonight, I hope these are better than the last bunch! :D Clones are looking happy for the most part and the flowering room got a few more plants tonight..


Clones: OGA Zombie Virus #1-5 & OGA Sour Puss #1-5(2 off of each plant)
Here we have my OGA gear, I took two clones off of each mom so hopefully I can get at least 1 healthy one off of each.


Clones: REv's C99 #1-5, Che's SPGxNL #1-5, SOL SWT#3 & Bog's CITxLifesaver
Hopefully some careful selection will help me reduce my plant numbers by the fall.. I have too many moms!

And in the flowering room..

And the new ladies in the flowering chamber, loving the HPS/MH combo..


Flo#1 & Flo#2 first day of flowering


SPG & OGA Sour Puss#1 First day of flowering

Overall flowering room shot..

Flowering Chamber July 22 2009

Well, that's it for updates tonight, and its not really much of one anyways... :laughing:

But until next time, thanks for reading - and be safe!!!

- Che


Active member
Picked up some supplies, going to try out botanicare's Pure Blend Pro bloom and some Big Bud this time. Going to feed the ladies in flower with it tonight around 7-800ppm.

Yes, the filter is nasty, but it has some life left in it. Only scrubbing the veg area right now anyways.. I have a Can50 for flower.

Some of Che's stuff.. upside down soil is always better


Some more of Che's stuff.. upside down Perlite is the best!

Bit by bit, this show is getting put back together! :joint:

Thanks for reading my little update, and be safe!
- Che