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DWC- about to flip my girls. when to change nutes?


So after vegging my clones for some time now, im about to flip my girls to 12/12. my plants seem really happy and healthy and i cant wait to smoke some bombies soon!


my question is- i gave the girls some new nutes (at half strength) not too long ago but im ready to flower asap. when should i change the nutes for the flowering cycle?

should i just remove veg rez water and start mixing up the flowering nutes for a new rez?

i've tried searching but came up with no useful info. everyone just seemed to know what to do but me :(

the girls are on 18/6, 3 weeks ago they were on 24/0. they are being VEG'd under a 400w Mh and i will use the same bulb to flower.

i took a while to decide on this becasue i wanted to clone the girls for a future grow, but i think i would like to grow somthing else. i have cuts in water right now awaiting roots. i'll update you on that. or you may check my journal! http://icmag.com/modules/Journal/viewentry.php?journalid=120

any and all help is always welcomed! thanks again



Just drain the grow nutrients and add your flowering nutes at full strength and watch out cause they are going to take off. It looks like you have some nice growth started in that SCROG setup and you are going to be real busy when they go to 12/12 and start their stretch.

Have fun!
I recently switched to lucas formula... GH micro/bloom
5-10 (micro/bloom) veg
8-16 (micro/bloom) flower

I plan on running 6-12 for the 1st wk of flower then bumping it up to 8-16 with possibly some big bud added in wks 4-6 and then overdrive from wks 7-9

what are you using nute-wise?


thanks mist im gonna start on the 12/12 today!

foothillsfarmer- im using technaflora products. i bought a starter kit and it's been growing great. to be more specific, im using the following from Technaflora:

B.C. Boost, B.C. Grow, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, MagiCal, and Sugar Daddy

for my flowering stage i will use the following-
B.C. Boost, B.C. Bloom, Awesome Blossoms, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, MagiCal and Sugar Daddy

another question for you experienced folks-

should i just go 100% strength with the nutes for flowering? this wont kill my babies or burn them, right? thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks for the help again



Yea, go ahead with the full strength nutrients. I have actually used the BC nutrients before and they work pretty good. You should have a good harvest with them.

You got the nutrient pack with all the different products didn't you??
Mixedwell: If you can find the feeding chart for your nute line it will be helpful to you. They map out when to use each base nute as well as all suplements. Usually week by week, veg and flower. Most schedules i have looked at tell you to overlap to some degree your veg and bloom nutes for the transitional period after the switch to flower. Like 50/50 grow and bloom for 2 weeks after the flip to 12/12.

Mist: By no meens am i experienced with this nute line however if Mixedwell is only going half strength in veg, bumping it up to full bore right away in flower may burn his plizzies.
Say hypotheticly going from 800ppm in veg to 1600ppm in flower with no gradual rise over time may be too much for his plants to handle...Im just throwing it out there. You have used this stuff, I have not.
You can always add more, hard to take away. Know what im saying.


Yea, these nutrients are pretty tame at their recomended strength so I don't think there is much chance of burning up the plants.

Here is the feeding chart for those nutrients. It is called "The recipe for success" and I actually used it with my current grow in the beginning because the Ebb&Gro system came with it and I was saving up to buy the complete line of Canna and needed something to get them started with. I also used it with the little aeroflow hydro unit that we use for herbs in the kitchen and I juiced them up with heavy doses with no burning what so ever.


The mixtures on the chart are actually pretty light.


guys thanks for the wise words.

Mist- thanks. I have those instructions that came with product and yes, its the package that came with everything :) my grow shop had it at an incredible price and it seemed pretty 'beginer' so i chose to play safe and got it. im glad to hear i'll be expecting a good harvest with this product.

Stalldaworld- thaNKs for the concern, i see why you'd suggest that and thats exactly what i was afraid of too. but i'll try 100% strength and see how it goes from there. also the instructions mentions nothing about overlapping the nutes, so i'll just do a quick change.

also this is very noobish of me, but i dont have a ppm reader or anything to test the ph with. im aware of importance of the device, but i'll have to get it when i got more cash :\

i'll just let a new tub of tap water burn off the chlorine for a day and mix in the nutes. i'll swap over the lid where the girls are are and badabing! set the timer and now we're flowering... right?

thanks again!



Now this lack of ph testing can really bite you in the ass. I use the General Hydroponics test kit with the vial and drops>


Testing the ph in hydroponics is a MUST. A kit like the one above is cheap and easy to use. All you need to remember with that kit is "Bananna Yellow" and it is all pie from there.
The reason I use that kit instead of an electronic meter is that I have seen so many people screw up their plants when their $200.00 fancy ass ph meter was out of calibration because they didn't remember to calibrate it.

So get one. It is probably the most important tool in hydroponics!
Better way still is to flip your lights to 12/12 and continue to use grow and boost. Once you have slight tip burn you have your plants telling you it is time to move onto bloom. I leave mine on 12/12 for two to three weeks changing the res once a week till I start to see slight tip burn. Once that happens you have the plants letting you know it is time rather than you telling the plants what to do. After all the plants know what they need better then you or I.

This was yesterday still on grow and boost. Switched this morning to boost and bloom.

Trust me, they will let ya know what they need or do not need anymore :)

The three part BC line is all you really need to worry about. The rest you mention you can really live without. I have not seen much difference with them or without them.

But invest in a ph pen. That really can not be stressed enough. Flying blind will put you into the ground faster than you can evn try to recover from.


thanks guys.. i know i gotta get a ph meter. soon i promise.

thanks for the idea outportgrower! i'll try that as i havent done 12/12 yet doh!

fuck you recession!


Well-known member
Better way still is to flip your lights to 12/12 and continue to use grow and boost. Once you have slight tip burn you have your plants telling you it is time to move onto bloom. I leave mine on 12/12 for two to three weeks changing the res once a week till I start to see slight tip burn. Once that happens you have the plants letting you know it is time rather than you telling the plants what to do. After all the plants know what they need better then you or I.

:yoinks: :fsu::fsu::fsu: :yoinks: