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Best cross in your opinion


What's up all? New member here,Cal. medical patient,been growing small amounts for a while,but never really bred my plants.
So this year I have a local unknown Norcal kush like variety from a friend,that is decent quality & well adapted to the area & large yielding.
Then I have Dj's Cocoa kush & Vanilla Luna. I want to do selective pollination of some lower branches so I have free quality seeds for next year.

So my ? here is what do you think the best cross would be for a potent,somewhat consistant variety for next year. Next year I only want one variety & I have one really nice,big,stinky, exotic looking Cocoa kush male. So my hybrid choices are
CK male X cocoa kush female
CK male X Vanilla Luna female
CK male X local unkown bushy cali kush

So,what should I expect from these crosses? The DJ's are beautiful & very strong potency wise ,but kinda crazy traits,and the local strain is huge & bushy average kind bud,but not as exotic. I have a couple potential females picked to breed,actually one of each strain. Anyways,your advice is appreciated,I want to pick the best most consistant,potent cross here because I have a limited 10 X 10 area,so I don't wan't to have all the crazy different variety I have this year,which I have 3 vareities & 2 phenos of each,so I'm dealing with 6-7 different types of plants right now. I would like to cross the best 2 plants & hopefully get something superior in growth habit,potency that has the good traits of both parents.
Thank you for any advice of suggestions on the outcomes of these crosses.


Mayb make F2's of the 'cali kush' then use a male from that batch that resembles the 1st father n cross her to your vanilla

If ur jus tryin to get great hybrids not anything stable i'd jus cross all of em n hav labeld bags of seeds grow them out n find keepers mamas to save

I'm no breeder jus some tips i've herd but technically u can try n ibl ur kush or make hybrids either way its wat plants out of wich strains tht u choose that really matters

Jus cus its a blueberry plant don't mean it'll giv off the taste to its offspring u kno?

Goodluck on ur plan hope everything works out well


I'm really wondering what to expect from these crosses. I know the offspring will have some diversity,but I'd like to only grow one of these crosses next year. So I'm wondering which cross would be the best in an experienced breeders opinon.
If I cross Cocoa kush to its' self,will I get a better next generation of cocoa kush or will I get some crazy backcross from al DJ's gentics & end up with some freaky ass unpredictable strain?
Then the VL is closely related to the CK so I thought this may be a good cross.
Then as far as the CK X local cali kush,I guess this would be a standard F1 hybrid with a lot of variety in the plants.
My biggest ? I guess is crossing DJ shorts plants with each other,what do you guys think will happen. Will this yield new better plants more adapted to my area or will I dip into a deep gene pool & get wierd stuff that is unlike the CK or VL?
I killed all the males except the best CK male,which looks & smells fantastic,so I will have to cross this with the best female of one of these three.


Anybody out there? out there.....out there.......out there.......out there....?
Any ideas of what to expect from crossing these 2 DJ short varieties with themselves or each other?
I think the cali kush X CK would be a nice plant,but I remember hearing if you cross a true bred strain to it's self,like CK X CK you will get fairly consistant plants that are even better quality. And if I cross the Ck X cali,it will be a gentic roll of dice with many random phenos,some good & some bad. But I can't remember & don't know if that's true or not,so I don't know which cross I should make.

K Double O

You are correct. Most back crosses usually stay true to their genetic origin... Not in all cases though.

Thats the thing about breeding.

You should expect to see some variation.

I have yet to work with any of the gear in question. However, If I were you. I would make note of the most desirable traits each male/female has....

If you are planning on going outside next year. Its probably a good idea to start working those genes now... Proper selection is painstaking, BUT its going to be the key......

In short, you'll have to work the genes.... I mean its easy to assume the off spring will fall in the genetic lines of the parents... Considering that the gear mentioned comes reputable breeders... BUT you still have to the leg work...


I selected the best male out of 15 males & the best female out of around 20. I know this is not a lot when it comes to breeding,but I am limited on my legal grow area of 10' X 10' & my friend is a patient too,so we share a 20' X 10',so this was all we were able to grow. But for the small number of plants the dominant phenos for all 3 strains showed & there was a few exceptional plants that I have chose from this group to breed.

DJ's gear is unusual,but fascinating. I have one completely mutant variegated female with crinkled leaves that is growing with a lean like thai,I'm guessing it's thai genetics,this plant is so wierd & freaky looking! I def. wouldn't breed with this plant.The variety out of 30 seeds was a sight to see,amazing variation,but now I'm left with 4 distinct phenos,2 of CK & 2 of VL & a couple random freaks of nature like the variegated one & a yellow super skinny sativa leaved stick stem non branching midget.

We have a few really solid looking females that are very healthy,with no mature mutations & I def. see blueberry in them,kush,some thai & a little bit of other mythical genetics,great purple/pink/red hues in the stems & some leaves.

I will breed one of the stable looking females because I found the mutants weren't as robust & grew slow,some even died for no reason. So I'm hoping breeding the best CK or VL female I have & the CK male will result in a more robust,better adapted backcross,but who know,I know the mutant genetics are in the gene pool & am curious as to what I'll see next year.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I like the ck male x vanilla luna idea the best. it sounds like it would produce some very tastey offspring


i too like the ck male x vanilla luna .sounds like some killer smoke .good luck


Hey Mendojoe - I have to admit, I clicked on this thread to give you a ration of shit. The endless "Best Cross" and "Best Strain" and "Most Potent" threads that clog up the boards really get to me (and a lot of others). I usually take great pleasure in "introducing" people to the search function for such information. But since you're asking about DJ's gear and seem sincere about it, I changed my mind.

You're right about the Thai influence in those lines. Good eye. Also, the mutants in DJ's lines are often sterile, but produce some of the most distinctive finished product. I once had a severely mutated Blue Moonshine F2 female that yielded only 8 grams of what were basically calyx threads, but what it did yield smelled so strongly of fresh blueberries and Nutella (chocolate/hazelnut) it was almost sickening. That was some serious headstash, let me tell you... but it was a plant only a mother could love. All twisted and spindly. Looked like a Dali painting.

Check out the DJ Short vendor forum for other people's experiences with VL and CK. To be honest, that's where this thread belongs. There's a ton of in-depth information on these lines available for you there. People take DJ's lines very seriously, and the crosses you're thinking about have already been made and tested by several experienced growers, growers who are on top of their shit, for real. So you can get a good idea what to look for. But the selections are all up to you. FYI - when listing the pedigree of your crosses, it's (Female) x (Male).

Good luck with your med garden and your breeding projects. You have some wonderful genetics there. You couldn't have made a better choice, IMO. I just started some Chimera Highland Mexican x Blueberry which used the same father as the VL and the CK, the allegedly deceased B130. Quite the stud, apparently.

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Whatever it is I'm puffing on right now, straight up. I can't fucking stand it when I get nameless weed that is mindblowing, I'm too high to go to sleep haha.

edit: shit I didn't even read the thread haha. Cross all of em dude, as long as none of the parents are too sativa to finish outdoors you should be good. If you like all the genetics this could be the workings of your own outdoor strain, keep inbreeding each year, make selections from cuts indoors. You are growing outdoors right?
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I bet that you could get DJ to give you his opinion. It's worth asking him, he would know best.


Mendojoe said:
Then as far as the CK X local cali kush,I guess this would be a standard F1 hybrid with a lot of variety in the plants.
In fact it's the other way around.

F1 hybrids turn out quite uniform and if you want the variety you'll have to incross to make an F2 generation. F1 hybrids are also known to show "hybrid vigor".

Because of those two things I think the CK x local cali kush might turn out to be the cross that's closest to what you're looking for.


Thanks for all the advice guys.
Ponde,chill out bruddah,I just meant the best logical cross with the shit I have growing now,not "the best cross ever in history",haha. Thanks for the good tips ,I'll check out the DJ short section. I also feel you on the mutant,mine is the ugliest,wierdest,diseased looking plant ever,but I had a feeling it might be special,so I'm glad to hear yours was,she's starting to pre-flower,but def. looks very sativa.

Crossing all three varieties with the CK male probally isn't a bad idea,but I really only want to grow one cross per season,maybe two. The Cali kush I have is unidentified,but it's beautiful,it's huge & healthy,the top stopped growing upright & all the branches are as tall as the top cola now,looks like it will yield 6-8oz. of cali.bud.,I def. like the pheno on this baby.

I thought the cross with the cali kush would add some vigor to the DJ short gentics,because it is large & well adapted to our climate & the DJ's are more exotic & def. smaller yielding. Thanks love?,for letting me know that these would be somewhat uniform.
Kinda off subject,but the only male I kept is beautiful & smells much stornger than the other males,it actually smells like chocolate cocoa,with some sagey skunkishness mixed in. I have that bad boy isolated in the house,should get some pollen within the next 3 weeks.

I may just do all 3 crosses after all & maybe share the seeds with some other local patients or possibly a few heads on here to try. It would be great to hear DJ's opinion,but I don't know if he will see this,cause I posted in the wrong section.
Thanks again everyone.

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