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Some kind of deficiency. Please Help!


Non Conformist
The point I was really trying to make in my last post but left out (lol) is that containerized plants are critical in the proper ratios of nutes because the rootball is in such a confined space, ANY little imbalance will throw off the balance and cause a deficiency and it doesn't take too much of any one substance to do this.

This, compounded with the fact that a rootbound plant cannot physically take in nutes causes a situation where if the nutes are not perfect every time a deficiency will occur.

I think if ya have enough soil it has to be forgiving to some imbalances. Look at my case, it might not all be lime in my water, but it's somethin, and that somethin is in it every time I water. Yet I don't have problems? I repot well before they get rootbound though. But even Martin's plants here had to be purty well rootbound before they showed signs of deficiencies..... I dig what yer saying about no tap water starting at 0 and what is in it should be taken in to account for the overall balance of the nutes. But it seems like a poke in the dark trying to counter it with other nutes though, how do ya know enough is enough? If yer water is that bad that it keeps causing imbalances and deficiencies, it's time for RO. I do know a feller can go a long way jus by transplanting sooner and having a buffer though.

Yer second paragraph is what I've been trying to say the whole thread.

10K... Did ya know humates are great on a cracker too? :yoinks: ( wait......what?! ) lol

Take care yall.... . BC


weed fiend
Yep. Lots of def threads but this one has the good info. Thanks to the heavy hitters for hammering this stuff out. When you start to learn what happens when x is added, it's like removing the paper bag from the head.:biglaugh:


burnt out og'er
Blue dot,
maybe I should have said ...
"That pH corrected water is in essence feeding them weak P from the phosphoric acid used to lower the pH of that hard tap water"

Oh wait...I Did say that heh heh

Point being, I highly doubt "1 or 2 drops" are going to drop the pH of that total alkalinity in his 8.5 pH "high carbonate" hard water. If anything, looking at your chemistry explanations that high carbonate level could be taken up instead of P and thus blocking nute uptake if that's the "imbalance' your talking about ?
ps... with that high total alkalinity it would serve him well to test the water pH adjustments for a drift back up after an hour or so to be sure the carbonates don't just suck up the phosphoric acid in short order...no ?

BC, so that's where my last tube of crackers went.. heh ehh

Blue Dot

Blue dot,
maybe I should have said ...
"That pH corrected water is in essence feeding them weak P from the phosphoric acid used to lower the pH of that hard tap water"

Oh wait...I Did say that heh heh

What does it matter exactly how much P you'd be adding?

Tap is starting with zero P so right off the bat it is an incomplete, unbalanced fert. It NEEDS P added to make it a complete balanced fert.

Remember we are talking about pH'ing tap water only and not pH'ing a tap/nute solution.

That's what I'm trying to say here, if you are not using RO, you are ALWAYS using an incomplete unbalanced fert, even if it's just tap or tap plus pH down.

BTW adding phosphoric acid to hard water tap causes the P to react with the Ca causing calcium phosphate to bind and precipitate out of solution so adding pH down to hard tap is actually a great way to lower the pH AND reduce the available calcium (since calcium phosphate is pretty undissolvable in solution AND peat).

Blue Dot

I think if ya have enough soil it has to be forgiving to some imbalances. Look at my case, it might not all be lime in my water, but it's somethin, and that somethin is in it every time I water. Yet I don't have problems? I repot well before they get rootbound though.

Yes, for a short period of time this is true. MJ is an extremely accelerated grower (~6 months to complete it's life cycle)

I was more talking about plants that are in containers for 10 to 20 years. lol

... I dig what yer saying about no tap water starting at 0 and what is in it should be taken in to account for the overall balance of the nutes. But it seems like a poke in the dark trying to counter it with other nutes though, how do ya know enough is enough?

1. get a water quality analysis from the water district
2. plug that data (ppms) into this premixppm3b
3. plug in the ppms of the additives (epsom salt, phosphoric acid, etc)
4. Allow the program to calculate exactly how the additives will alter the initial tap ppm in order to arrive at an exact balanced complete solution.

isn't this what everyone does? :)


similar problem?

similar problem?

I have been watching this thread with interest and wonder if it may have some baring on the plant below.
I grow under 600W HPS for flower in Plagron Grow mix. 250w CMH for Veg. The plant in question was grown from seed and had clones taken before putting in flower room. It has developed an almost variagated pattern with yellowing of all leaf margins. No curling/browning or other damage. I noticed this condition about 2 weeks ago, now about 7 days into 12/12. Another plant treated the same way from seed is showing slight signs of this problem. Usually water at pH 6-6.5, run off at between 5.6-6.0.

The strain is Nirvana Pure Afghan, and feeding is with Plagron Terra grow in veg and then Alga Bloom and PK13/14 in bloom. Also have Dutch Passion- Orange bud treated same way from seed about 2 weeks ahead, no signs of any problem.
My question -- could this be just a particularly hungry strain/pheno. (I am reading this as a deficiecy of some kind, maybe N).


How big are those pots, an how long have they been growing in them? BC

Hey BC, 6" pots (about 6-8 litres), in veg 28 days, in bloom 18 days today. total 46 days. Repotted at 14 days in to intermediatte pot and again at 21 days into flowering pots. Been in these pots 25 days.