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New Grower Looking For Some Advice..Thank You


New member

I'm a new grower
and had a few questions. I currently started up a few plants, hindu kush in particular. I have been using G.H. Floranova Bloom. I'm running a 600w hps light with a small flourensent on the side. I'm using a 5 pod 18 gallon tub with sprayers on the inside and an in water pump as my system. It seems to be working really well. I was wondering what kind of supplements would be good to use with my G.H. Flora Nova. My problem is I just added a few Green Crack plants in my pods that are only a week into flowering. If I add supplements will this harm my G.C. since they are so early in flowering? I'm really just trying to yield as much as possible off my plants considering this is my first time. Please excuse my grammar as Im taking classes for it. Haha.

P.S. Most everybody has been suggesting Kool Bloom. Is this additive any good? Has anyone had decent yields with this?

Thanks for everyone help.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
As this is your first time, I'd recommend you add nothing to your regimen. Get a few grows under your belt. At least then you'll know if any future additives actually added to your grow. DWC and Aero have a greater possibility of failure and are susceptible to algae and rot in the wrong conditions. Many in the Infirmary's Root Rot thread now believe it was the rot preventatives they added that caused the problem to begin with. The more crap you add the more that can go wrong.

My 250 has me buried alive. I'm not kidding, I'm uncomfortable having this much weed lying around. I can only imagine your yield with a 600. At this stage of your career I'd suggest getting good beans and then keeping your hands to yourself. The plants know what to do.


New member
Thanks freezerboy. I have a feeling your right. I'm a little scared to do anything as I dont wanna screw anything up. Thank you for the help. If you don't mind me asking what was your yield with the size lamp you have?

Thanks again!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I've been pulling 3-4+ oz water cured which would be close to half a pound air cured.

Please don't think I'm talking you out of playing and learning. I just want to see you pull in this first grow successfully. Once you're swimming in buds you can experiment at will and you won't care if the garden goes belly up 3 or 4 times, long as you learn something in the process.

Break a stem.


aye couple 3 grows under your belt is the best thing to do. Learn your system and get use to the normal things like PH, nute strength, temp and such before dumping all kinds of additives in the mix. K I S S ....... keep it simple stupid. By no means am I calling anyone stupid just a straight to the point catch phrase :)
i totally agree with FreezeBoy and Tinytoon -- don't overcomplicate things this early in the game, but since you did ask.....

my setup is somewhat similar to what you described, but i do DWC with airstones. When i began, i used 18 gal rubbermaids -- having different strains &/or plants at different flowering stages, caused me a shit load of issues ( non-even canopy....nute solution timeframes...tangled roots ....etc etc ) ---

i then changed to individual 5 gal buckets, which allowed me to send a girl into 12/12 at any time.....and if i fucked something up, only one girl would die.....

i took this opportunity to experiment...with nutes, flowering times, re-vegging....clones cuttings...distance from light and some other stuff. Made many good choices and decisions, but killed many poor innocent gals

i too use the Nova Bloom...and have good success with Kool Bloom -- i prefer the LIQUID, not granular. Its the gentler of the two. It really seems to beef up those buds in the final 3 weeks or so.

also use FLoricious Plus too....just a little tho.

hope my little bit helps you some !!

good luck evoevo, and keep us in the loop
tiny toon is right on the money, less is more, i know its hard to not do anyting you can, most problems occur from growers doing too much, tiny also said get used to your PH and nute strength and water temps, make sure air is bubbling. GH's 3part has all you need for now. water over 72F is asking for trouble and let the plants tell you how much food they need

There's a Grow and a Bloom, for veg and flower...with the addition of Floricious Plus added at a constant 1ml per gallon regardless of solution strength, then the KoolBloom's ratio changes as the weeks tick away.

i have only a total of 4 nute bottles, from beginning to end ...


I am still running GH 3-part (Micro, Grow and Bloom) and have not wanted to switch to anything else yet since my luck has been very good in the nute department. PH and RW problems we have had and emerged succesfull but not gonna exp with nutes yet lol


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

You may want to try it without the Grow (green) bottle. My garden never noticed when I stopped using Grow but, my wallet sure did. Grow is the Zero in the Lucas Formula 0-8-16.


Seed Killer No More
ICMag Donor
evoevo: The lucas formula would be nice and easy for you.

Freezerboy what were your numbers when you were using 3part. I run 8-8-8 for veg and 8-4-24 in bloom(ml per gallon) find the results far better than lucas. If you do the math your only spending $1.20 on bloom per plant per 8 weeks. Bloom is the most in the formula so obviously your total cost per plant is still very cheap.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Freezerboy what were your numbers when you were using 3part.

I started growing indoors long before I heard of Lucas. I went GH because that's what the store went through fastest, I figured it was what most people were using. Veg started at 5-5-5 and went to 15-10-5 per bottle instructions.

But I was always curious what would happen if I favored the Frank/Rosenthal NPK numbers instead. The use of Grow eliminated any possibility of approximating those numbers but, I could get darn close if I left the Grow out. So I did. The plants never cared, never noticed the difference. Removing Grow removed nothing the other bottles didn't have, it simply changed ratios in NPK while still providing adequate secondary and trace elements.

10-12 years later, I discover the web and the world famous Lucas Formula. Who knew?


plant pimp
Like all above has said,keep it simple simon and you will be ok. Watch your plants closely,don`t just look in on them and keep it pushing. Actually get in there and look at them daily. Inspect them with a watchful eye. They will talk to you and tell you what,if anything is wrong! Especially watch PH!


I'm with the other guys, get a couple a grows under the belt with base nutes, maybe Cal-Mag, if you are using RO.
Good luck,


With GH 3-part I veg at (ml per gal) 5/5/5. when I start flowering I run 2.5/5/10 for 2 weeks then finish at 0/5/10. listed as grow/micro/bloom. 2 weeks from harvest nutes get cut in half, final week PH'd plain water. I have 2 E&F systems running 6 gal res on each. only other additive is 1 dpg of ST until flowering starts. When I top off I alternate PH'd plain and Nuted water


New member
hey peeps, i am a newbie using gh it is going good , learning more and more in my 2nd grow. plants are just starting to show there sexes, should i start to force the blooming and stop growing or am i just full of my self. thanks batterup


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'm not sure what your question is but, if you don't flower, what's the point of growing at all?

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