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My Super Stealth Micro Cab...featuring Jack Herer!


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Damn thats one hell of a sativa, in a micro nonetheless...lookin good bro...cant wait to see it in full flower...keep up the great work


Cozy Amnesia: wonderful Jack!!! Once I grow Jack Horror... Fx of Jack Herer or Cross with J.Herer genetics... my Jack looks on leafs like a Indica but her branches was long and slim like Sativa plant...
Flowering like sativa too;) 11 weeks ;D
U'r plant is naturally sativa... lovely sativa :) K+

Good luck!

Cozy Amnesia

Thanks for all the support fellas!

Update @ 23 days of 12/12.



Ok, I'm starting to get what could be either nute burn, ph burn, or phosphorus deficiency. When I first noticed this issue, I thought "oh crap, salt buildup" because I wasn't letting the runoff actually, well, runoff. I flushed and, woah, the color of the runoff was red :yoinks:. I flushed until the runoff was clear. But here's the thing...it didn't solve the problem. I think its getting worse.

Today I checked the pH of the runoff and it was a little lower than what I fed it (can't tell for sure though, using a crappy indicator solution that goes as low as 6.0pH) telling me there is still salt buildup. It also looks a lot like a phosphorus deficiency - all the signs are there except slow bud growth (thankfully).

I'm just not sure what course of action I should take. I could lower the ph, maybe get something better than lemon juice for pH down. I could feed less nutes. I could feed more nutes if it's a phosphorus deficiency. Please help!

Here's what it looks like:




Subscribed, instant email all the way :)

I'm speechless that one plant, would take off and just dominate that space. Good thing you didn't start off with two.

Where did you find your thermometer? Looks really nice.


Grow like nobody is watching
That top-down shot is very impressive. First thing to do usually when you hit a problem in coco is to flush. I would be flushing it with ph'd water using horticultural ph down until they picked up. Do you know what EC you were feeding them at? I'd suggest feeding them lighter once they picked up and take it from there.


Damn nice pictures...I am growing JH too....but from seed. They are still a few days since sprouting...diary is in sig. Can't wait to see how much you yield with the micro.

Cozy Amnesia

Subscribed, instant email all the way :)

I'm speechless that one plant, would take off and just dominate that space. Good thing you didn't start off with two.

Where did you find your thermometer? Looks really nice.

Haha man, thanks :D. Yeah two would be pretty intense to say the least. I got the thermometer from a flea market.

That top-down shot is very impressive. First thing to do usually when you hit a problem in coco is to flush. I would be flushing it with ph'd water using horticultural ph down until they picked up. Do you know what EC you were feeding them at? I'd suggest feeding them lighter once they picked up and take it from there.

Thanks for the advice on that. The reason salts are building up is because I'm not allowing the run off to drain properly. You see in this pic how the container the coco is in is in an even larger container? I thought this would be a good idea because I was always having a problem keeping the run-off from making a damn mess everywhere. But the problem now is that the roots are just sitting in the run-off leaving it no chance of escaping.

What I guess I can try is, every third day or so, don't feed it any nutes but only pH'd water. Good idea you think?

Oh, and no EC meter or pH pen. I don't need no fancy electronics to tell me how to grow :jerkit:. Lol, or maybe I'm just spoiled from only growing Master Kush (easiest plant to grow ever).

Damn nice pictures...I am growing JH too....but from seed. They are still a few days since sprouting...diary is in sig. Can't wait to see how much you yield with the micro.

CannabisSatiiiiiiiivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :abduct::abduct::abduct:I just smoked some haze a buddy sold me and I'm zooming, I keep on getting the urge to dance around my apartment like a fool. I hope this JH i'm growing will give the same effect.


Grow like nobody is watching
Ah I see what you mean with the container and I'd say that's the cause of things, yup. In my tent I turkeybastered the runoff out each watering. This next cab I've designed a runoff tray and outlet. :yes:

About the every third day thing, I had to flush for well over a week to even get back on track. What I think has happened here is you've got/are getting a chemical lockout from the whacky ph (mostly). Giving them more food is very detrimental if that is the situation. You want the plants stored reserves to level out again instead of having an overload of "x". More food will simply add more "x". Mine did look worse before they started looking better from the flush.

Perhaps do a search on the coco forum for threads containing "lockout" if you want to verify that's the problem or for what results you can expect. G'luck :rasta:


New member
hey cozy, a quick fix for getting your pot out of the runoff, I would just take a shot glass or something small to lift the pot off the bottom, then once your sure your pot has stopped drippin, just dump out the runoff. I have my pots for my clones and mothers sitting on a ridged lid for a tupperware container, the ridges keep the pots out of the standing water and the valleys int he ridges carry water away from the pots. dont know if this would help you in your situation or not?
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Cozy Amnesia

Ah I see what you mean with the container and I'd say that's the cause of things, yup. In my tent I turkeybastered the runoff out each watering. This next cab I've designed a runoff tray and outlet. :yes:

About the every third day thing, I had to flush for well over a week to even get back on track. What I think has happened here is you've got/are getting a chemical lockout from the whacky ph (mostly). Giving them more food is very detrimental if that is the situation. You want the plants stored reserves to level out again instead of having an overload of "x". More food will simply add more "x". Mine did look worse before they started looking better from the flush.

Perhaps do a search on the coco forum for threads containing "lockout" if you want to verify that's the problem or for what results you can expect. G'luck :rasta:

Yup, problem solved, thanks for the help dude! Also, I dropped the micro way too soon and I think this strain needs a little more P so I'm going to try raising the amount of bloom too.

wow! is this from a single plant???
Yup :D

hey cozy, a quick fix for getting your pot out of the runoff, I would just take a shot glass or something small to lift the pot off the bottom, then once your sure your pot has stopped drippin, just dump out the runoff. I have my pots for my clones and mothers sitting on a ridged lid for a tupperware container, the ridges keep the pots out of the standing water and the valleys int he ridges carry water away from the pots. dont know if this would help you in your situation or not?

Thanks for the advice, but thats not going to work for me cause I can't lift the pot/bucket out of the container that it is in. I'm going to have to think about this one a little more....


Wow that one plant has sooo many budsites from that Scrog!!!

Way to fucking go man. I hope you get those problems under control though. MJ is a strong plant and I'm sure your yield will still be friggin amazing in that space.

I just had a question about the right side of your cab. How come there is soooo much vertical growth your allowing over there?

Cozy Amnesia

I just had a question about the right side of your cab. How come there is soooo much vertical growth your allowing over there?

I dunno, thats just kinda the way it grew. :confused: It just over grow the right side much more than the left because of the LST training before I put the screen on. I think its already way to crowded, but i just can't get myself to chop them lower - and their really is no other way. I've got those tops so tied up you'd think I was into bondage. :eek:

Here's what I'm dealing with:




I'll be watching this one. That bitch is taking over it's crazy! It's gonna be one hell of a manicure job.



Well-known member
I see about 5 inches of extra roon on the right side by the wall. u could put some hookscrews and then tie thouse branchs closer to the wall.

thats what I would do.


i dont remember JH ever being so very sativa dom..? it almost looks like a bagseed mexican. looking good with over 100 budsites. :joint:

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