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CPR saved my sons life



Seriously right now I'm freaking out. I had taken cpr back in 06(which we learned the heimlich), due to working in a group home with kids...
well just a few minutes ago, I heard gagging, I knew something was wrong, I went into my sons room & he was lying on the floor beat red and choking. I yelled to IW OMG HES CHOKING...I grabbed him up with my left arm & pushed underneath his rib cage(stomach area) and tilted him downward & sure enough A FUCKING MONOPOLY PIECE CAME OUT. IM seriously shitting myself right now. I had found most every single piece of that game that he got into a day or so ago...but I guess I missed one. I recommend everyone learn cpr. you never know when you're going to need it.
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you're right dude, im just so freaked right now....and I think its really important that ppl learn this.


stone fool
Isn't knowledge great when it saves the day, good for you, thank heavens. About 17 years ago my son choked on pizza cheese, and I was able to use the HM and get him back, it is a great but scary feeling, you will not forget it. Good on ya.


I've had it used on me, one of the scariest situations you can be in. Glad your son is okay and good job on using what you've learned.



Active member
scray...and def good job.

im a certified 1st responder,, plus i know lots of first aid stuff beyond that due to the dangerous places im always working...i hope i never have to use any of it.


To Have More ... Desire Less
so glad U could keep U'r witz..about ...excellent....JOB....thatz one goodMaMa..right there.....peace for U&U'rz.......


its always so scary to watch someone choking, especially when they are so dear to you, great job is all i have to say!


Ha ha ha.

20+ yrs ago was out on a business lunch with my boss and a client, all of a sudden my boss took a drink of water and had a really panicked look on his face. I just knew immediately that he was choking. Felt my own adrenalin start to rush but got him to stand up and did a heimlich and cleared the obstruction right away. Just did the hm from reading about it but glad it worked.


Active member
Next time just pinch his cheech and knee him in the balls..... or is that for when your husband cheats on you. J/K. Good work, saved your baby's life.

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