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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Best quality i ever seen here in Spain. People call it Hardin also Hardalah.

Texture like Black rubber hashish i tryed in Pokhara last year.











I dont speak spanish ... but when I smoke this one .. I say

Wow - esto es muy, muy bueno - Un verdadero placer

Mucho gracias a mis amigos


Green Mujaheed
Now I know Afi resin is mostly shite now but this is actually OK resin...Grade scale like mid-grade Moroccan...Definitely better than what I found in the dam...

Definitely not, quality afghan material beats anything. But it's virtualy non-existent in the dam.

yes polle pot,I have seen a lot of this kind of crappy hash,look like good but if you heat or smoke it has some solvent taste..and the buzz is very low

Looks like it's the same material that's going around here. Lots of it. I am nearly sure that the base of this stuff is low quality resin from Af/Pak strains, or commercial ones. SInce the start of the year, my source only had once some real moroccan material (I mean, made in Morocco, from Moroccan genetics), otherwise it was only this sticky polm with very very poor flavor and a quite light and rather dulling effect, quite different from the usual sativish real moroccan material. on heating & crumbling, some very very light flavour hints come out, quite comparable to to some Af/Pak material I've had overthere. But there's no quality in here.

Another clue is NL's coffeeshops's menu. I was in Tilburg at the Tourmaline coffeeshop a while ago and I was in total shock at the huge proportion of fake moroccan hash, made out of Af/Pak plants. Most of them actually. And I bet that there are lots of places offering fake moroccan hash.
Just have a look a this thread, all of them eggs, I strongly doubt those are made out of moroccan genetics, eh ? This is were the first sievings go, then the low quality goes for those new sticky slabs.

The share of market this new material seems to have taken over is quite scary to me, I mean, only one time real moroccan hash was available to me in more than 6 months ! Where is the real moroccan hash going ? How much is still being produced ? Who knows, genuine Moroccan Kif & hashish might be on the verge of extinction, and if not the scene is facing its greatest threat ever, worse than any eradication campaign !

NL coffeeshops should actually boycott fake moroccan hash, same for you Dane sources ! :noway:
Save Moroccan unique cannabis genepool & hash ! kill the eggs of darkness, shove'em up back to where they belong ! Baaaaaah !

Irie !


Just have a look a this thread, all of them eggs, I strongly doubt those are made out of moroccan genetics, eh ? This is were the first sievings go, then the low quality goes for those new sticky slabs.

seems like a fairly confused statement.

moroccan hash in egg form has allways been good when you know where to get it. its the same pretty much today as 20 years ago. new genetics that is easier for them to hide etc is good for them. good moroccan hash is as strong as it ever been. but im sure most of the first-sieve DOES STAY IN VERY CLOSE CIRCLES. even the part that gets exported.


imagine if french farmers would be still growing the TURNIPS that was the only european root vegetable about 400 yerars ago? what a POOR cousine it would have been.

evolution is GOOD and necesary.

on heating & crumbling

you are NOT talking about good hash - i think this is the main reason of above confusion.

im afraid with the economic crisis maybe your local dealers do not buy the best stuff. its still there - dont worry about it! :D also i think i should ad most adulteration gets done in europe. could be the head of you local dealers doing the mixing down..... the reason is simple and easy to understand - its cheaper to transport morocco-spain 1 ton of good quality than 5 ton of crap.

i hope this clears some things :D



Green Mujaheed
hey bone ! :wave:

You sure have a better place than I to judge about what comes out of Morocco, eheh, but...


Not fake hash, but not genuine Moroccan hash. I'm sorry but you can't compare a material made out of Af/Pak strains with something made out of genuine Rifian Kif strains. We are talking here about two very different products, with their own specific caractéristics and requiring specific treatment & processes for them to express their full potential.

moroccan hash in egg form has allways been good when you know where to get it. its the same pretty much today as 20 years ago. new genetics that is easier for them to hide etc is good for them. good moroccan hash is as strong as it ever been. but im sure most of the first-sieve DOES STAY IN VERY CLOSE CIRCLES. even the part that gets exported.

Yep, but this is not about how good it is or today's potency compared with that of 20 years ago. This is about the local genepool which is being simply destroyed. It's not about evolution here, it's about destruction.
Look at BERED's comments above "one of the last hash made with 100% moroccan genetics.." This is quite a scary & worrying statement to me ! As a hashish lover, I would find it terrible if genuine moroccan hash were to become something of the past. It is not made in LEbanon, neither in Afghanistan, or Pakistan or India, it is made in Morocco, with Moroccan kif plants.

There have been foreign strains introduced in the late 20th century, from West Africa and Colombia, but it remained mostly at the stage of experiment. HEre with the Af/Pak & commrcial strains, the introduction seems to be done at a huge level and could be the greatest threat ever faced by the local genepool, worse than any eradication campaign.

I think it would be a terrible loss if the Rif cannabis genepool were to be lost through dilution with others non-local strains.

you are NOT talking about good hash - i think this is the main reason of above confusion.

HEating & crumbling isn't necessary a sign of low quality, it's like saying stickiness and softness are sign of high quality. I know about rock-hard dry and heating-needing materials that will send you star-hopping !

im afraid with the economic crisis maybe your local dealers do not buy the best stuff. its still there - dont worry about it! also i think i should ad most adulteration gets done in europe. could be the head of you local dealers doing the mixing down..... the reason is simple and easy to understand - its cheaper to transport morocco-spain 1 ton of good quality than 5 ton of crap.

1st & 2nd quality material are virtually non-existent in my city, it's always been like that. Mostly 3rd or 4th quality. But, again, my complain is not about quality of the hash in itself, but what it is made from. I'll stay firm, as far as I'm concerned and how good & potent it might be, Moroccan-made hash made from Af/Pak strains is NOT genuine Moroccan hashish.

Irie !

Polle Pot

Wow, that is some killer stuff, Bered and Dimajones..

Sucks, i started education and choose to lay off the hash for a while.. Better get my ass out of this thread before i get tempted :smoke:


Agadir, Morroco, One late evening....

"Psst, mister, do you smoke?"
"- yeah, what do you got?"
"The black one.... get´s you incredible high!"
"- How much?"
"2 Euro / gram"
"- Ok, here´s 5, get me 3g"
"No problem, meet me at the hippie beach in 10 min"
"- Sure."

What a rip-off :mad:


Active member
Agadir, Morroco, One late evening....

"Psst, mister, do you smoke?"
"- yeah, what do you got?"
"The black one.... get´s you incredible high!"
"- How much?"
"2 Euro / gram"
"- Ok, here´s 5, get me 3g"
"No problem, meet me at the hippie beach in 10 min"
"- Sure."

What a rip-off :mad:

well, maybe next time you wont let yourself be foolish enough to get ripped like that.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Yum yum :canabis: That's some good lookin gooey stuff zoochory, looks like sweet honey!

So good, it actually made me track down the place in google maps! :laughing:

HashAssassin, no need to rub it on Black Magic, I think that the experience of being ripped of was enough :yeahthats You live, you learn, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes not so :smoke:


mriko - ok i agree its a shame local genetics are disapearing too.

i just didnt understand that was the point of the post you made. now when i read it again i can see you were propably upset and not taking time to clear you self properly - but now i see what you mean :D

but i fear it is a race against the nature of man - the farmer trying to find the easiest way of life for him, on cost of local genepool. its happened all over the place with MANY vegetables, fruits and even farm animals.

still it might suck from a "hash-conoseur" point of view - but in the end - UNLESS the farmers will recieve some kind of AID to preserve genetics - its not very likelly to happen.

hehe we should start a "SAVE THE RIF-CANNABIS GENEPOOL" movement.

because yes its true - soon its just gonna be a memory, unless one goes to look for it in the rif, i bet somewhere there should be lots of material for genepool preservation...


Karma Genetics

mriko - ok i agree its a shame local genetics are disapearing too.

i just didnt understand that was the point of the post you made. now when i read it again i can see you were propably upset and not taking time to clear you self properly - but now i see what you mean :D

but i fear it is a race against the nature of man - the farmer trying to find the easiest way of life for him, on cost of local genepool. its happened all over the place with MANY vegetables, fruits and even farm animals.

still it might suck from a "hash-conoseur" point of view - but in the end - UNLESS the farmers will recieve some kind of AID to preserve genetics - its not very likelly to happen.

hehe we should start a "SAVE THE RIF-CANNABIS GENEPOOL" movement.

because yes its true - soon its just gonna be a memory, unless one goes to look for it in the rif, i bet somewhere there should be lots of material for genepool preservation...


I might be abell to get some Original marocan seed batches, from differnt years. I will see if i can get a litle thing together to start your resceu plan.


i think the preservation project would be interesting, but im afraid I dont have that mcuh time over on the side of projects.

BUT it would be a very good idea to think about this a little bit better - IF there is collaborators willing to spend time and space on this - since its obvious a lot of space is needed.

im sure because of the nature of the moroccan mountains and farms - there must be a lot of cross pollinization. most interesting is varieties from more remote areas , since they would most likelly have less propability to get hit by stray pollen from foreign plants - although its very dificult to rule out 100% since during the dry rif summer the male pollen must be able to travel 100's of km on a windy day.

to me it sounds like an overwhelming project for only one man.

if you get seeds together - HOLD on to them untill something more seriouos is sorted out.


although its very dificult to rule out 100% since during the dry rif summer the male pollen must be able to travel 100's of km on a windy day.

If cannabis can fly 100's of km and still be viable then why haven't we heard complaints from outdoor sensi growers in Spain? or in France and Italy (hemp farms), or from US growers (due to Mexican mega farms and local ditchweed)?

In my experience, pollen is fragile to moisture etc and does not travel very far at all and still be viable.

Anyone had experience or know of any studies with viable pollen flying more than a few miles,

sure, it could happen, but the conditions would have to perfect. 99% of pollen falls in the immediate surrounding area.


Green Mujaheed
but i fear it is a race against the nature of man - the farmer trying to find the easiest way of life for him, on cost of local genepool. its happened all over the place with MANY vegetables, fruits and even farm animals.

Yes it already happened, but it's not a reason to let it happen again. Especially with the cannabis plant about which, despite all the research going on all around it, we know so little.

still it might suck from a "hash-conoseur" point of view - but in the end - UNLESS the farmers will recieve some kind of AID to preserve genetics - its not very likelly to happen.

BEfore the aid, must comes awareness. Awareness about the uniqueness of Moroccan hash amongst the others, about the fact that it is part of the identity & culture of the rif & Morocco and that it should be preserved as such.
It's like with fruits, veg & meat. THey are those who want to produce quantity for profit and get the most earning commercial strains, and those who are aware of uniqueness and intrinsec value of what is produced (and have been produced and worked on for centuries by generations of breeders & growers) locally, be it their village, their valley, plateau or whatever place.
I'm pretty sure that there are growers who think that way and don't want to hear about foreign strains, but there home strains are under threat whatever they think.

It sure would be easier to launch some awareness campaign in a legal setting, but we'renot eheh...

hehe we should start a "SAVE THE RIF-CANNABIS GENEPOOL" movement

"Should" ? this is puffing & reclining-on-big-cushions pot-head lingo ! Haha !
No Bro, something must be done. First is to assess the situation, what has the market to offer in Europe, and how are things going in Morocco. I think I can get through my Ol'Boss some contacts in Morocco & Spain of researchers working on cannabis and start to get some info. And those people could be a link as well toward the Rif growers.

We must stop "shoulding", and start to act. Things are going fast nowadays with cannabis & politics, and them with labs are slowly preparing some pseudo-legalization that will benefit them first & most.
If the threat indeed turns out to be real and finds our community unable to stop it, what will we do when corporations will take over our dear plant ?

i think the preservation project would be interesting, but im afraid I dont have that mcuh time over on the side of projects.

BUT it would be a very good idea to think about this a little bit better - IF there is collaborators willing to spend time and space on this - since its obvious a lot of space is needed.

It's interesting yes, but priority should preservation in situ.

im sure because of the nature of the moroccan mountains and farms - there must be a lot of cross pollinization. most interesting is varieties from more remote areas , since they would most likelly have less propability to get hit by stray pollen from foreign plants - although its very dificult to rule out 100% since during the dry rif summer the male pollen must be able to travel 100's of km on a windy day.

Rif mountains are no Himalaya, definitely pollen travels easily overthere.

Cannabis pollen also causes an allergic (sinus) reaction among many people. During Spain's summer months, the hemp pollen count is broadcast on the nightly TV news. Large clouds of Moroccan cannabis pollen are electronically tracked as they cross the Mediterranean Sea and dissipate over the Iberian Peninsula.

from http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/articles/1426.html

I think I read something about some crossing the atlantic ocean as well, can't find the references. Maybe it was a dream...

Irie !


Active member
mriko - ok i agree its a shame local genetics are disapearing too.

i just didnt understand that was the point of the post you made. now when i read it again i can see you were propably upset and not taking time to clear you self properly - but now i see what you mean :D

but i fear it is a race against the nature of man - the farmer trying to find the easiest way of life for him, on cost of local genepool. its happened all over the place with MANY vegetables, fruits and even farm animals.

still it might suck from a "hash-conoseur" point of view - but in the end - UNLESS the farmers will recieve some kind of AID to preserve genetics - its not very likelly to happen.

hehe we should start a "SAVE THE RIF-CANNABIS GENEPOOL" movement.

because yes its true - soon its just gonna be a memory, unless one goes to look for it in the rif, i bet somewhere there should be lots of material for genepool preservation...


I totally agree,,,,kifi plant pure is changing a lot last 10 years... i still have some seeds from old riff kiff... :joint:


Real kiff plants have not been grown in Morocco for years, probably since the late 70's & early 80's.

When cannabis was grown for kiff (a weed/tobacco mix at a 2to 1 ratio) farmers took care of there plants. They used manure to fertilise, would water regularly and grow the plants far apart in small gardens. The plants where tall and had lots of big branches and large flowers.

When the counter culture hippes on the hash trail went to morrocco in the early 60's, there was NO hash. Only kiff.

Then the hashish trade kicked of after westerners took sieving technology to the riff.

Now Morocco is covered with short 1 stem plants that are dry farmed in most cases. Because of western demand they now try and make as MUCH hash as possible, quality means nothing.

While travelling in the rif we would often buy raw cannabis in 100kilo bundles and make our own hash. The merchants that we dealt with just didn't care about quality and would often get a bit pissed when we would insist on inspecting the bulk flowers we where buying.

apart from a few small gardens where farmers grew there own flowers (not the rubbish thats used for imported hash) i hardly saw any REAL kif plants.

Moroccan hash has NEVER been potent compared to real Afghans, lebs, Indian and nep hashes. When i first started to smoke hash in the 70's it was never really respected. But now because you can't get any of the latter in high quality anywhere on the import market a decent piece of maroc is not a bad substitute, but thats all it is, a sub.

Look what western demand and greed have done to the hash market. I find it hard to believe that now commercial weed is stronger than import hash. Funny how things have changed.

you have a hard job ahead of you but good luck,



Active member
heres some pics of some of the dreaded soapbar. its defo cut going by the pics id say its half cut. 50/50.

as soap should be one color a dark shade right through. the pics show a a light color which proves its cut.

well thats my opinion anyways.



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