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NYC teen admits to leaving kitten in oven to die


Active member
some ppl are pretty damn heartless

NYC teen admits to leaving kitten in oven to die

NEW YORK – A New York City teenager has admitted that she failed to let a kitten out of an oven after a friend put the animal inside and left it to roast to death.

After pleading guilty to charges of animal cruelty and attempted burglary on Wednesday, 17-year-old Cheyenne Cherry confronted a row of animal activists outside the courtroom. Cherry stuck out her tongue and told the activists that the kitten named Tiger Lily was "dead."

Authorities say Cherry and a 14-year-old friend ransacked a Bronx apartment before putting the cat in the oven, where it cried and scratched before dying.

The 14-year-old was charged with aggravated animal cruelty and burglary in the May 6 incident.

Cherry will serve a year in jail under a plea bargain.


Absolutely.Its too bad an innocent animal had to lose its life in a cruel way,but what do you think is going to happen to this girl?Trust me it'll be brutal and quite consistent with many D.O.C officers looking the other way for as long as possible.Don't feel too bad boys and girls her suffering hasnt even begun yet


I hope they put her in an oven and forget about her. For once, I hope PETA get in on the action and teach her a lesson.


Active member
yeah man

i would hurt people way before i would hurt a poor animal

that's fucked, she must have some deep problems


She's gonna have some deep problems my friend.Like 18 inches deep with a splintery broomstick if there is any justice in the world


"It's just a flesh wound"
It's exactly this kind of story that makes me hate people and love animals. I like to think that hell has an extra hot corner for animal abusers.


Active member
1 year? alright if i dont log in around this time next year, expect that ive gone to jail on serial killer manslaughter charges with exceptional cruelty, homicidal actions, and charges torture and assault for locking a teen or two into MY oven :mad:


what the fuck man?? No one wants to hear about this!=(

On another note... Why not toss the kid in an oven and see if he/she likes being hitlered

There is nothing in this world I hate more than cruelty to defenseless animals... Only thing I could hate more is the people who do this kind of shit and get a kick out of it.... God forbid I actually see anyone doing this type of shit I know I wouldnt have enough self control to keep me from killing said person


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