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Escaping California



you pretty much nailed it on the peat mixes, but most people think just because its sold in a store its soil, miracle grow is peat based, ffof is peat based, they are both soil-less, not soil :fsu:

Oh, well yea I guess you are right. I feed my ffof @ 6.5 ph though. I was wondering if you would feed what you were talking about at 5.5-5.8ish? Or same as I have been? I have seen people do it w/ that both ways but never paid much attention to which was better or worse. In the end, I guess it depends on your plants too to an extent, no matter what the traditional wisdom is, sometimes your plants say otherwise, I have learned that lol. Last run my runoff was like 5.5, nothing I could do. In the end, everything was just fine. All the books say that is not good though, but my plants never noticed. The one thing about a more traditional hydro setup I like is that you don't deal w/ a medium so to speak like you do in container gardens like I have now. The thing I don't like, is that it has more things that can go wrong, like timers, pumps, etc... if it is dependant on stuff like that. So I dunno, lots of thinking to do. Thanks all, rep for everyone as soon as I get back.


Active member
Does that retain water more than coco? Do you precondition your medium like you might w/ coco? I got alot of reading to do. And some learning on the fly as usual.:joint:

peat contains hella water, so to combat that, hella perlite :nanana: no preconditioning except for adding some lime to help the ph


No idea man, I've only used hydroton and soiless mix. I haven't preconditioned the sunshine mix at all. It holds a ton of water.. I hand water every 5 days or so.

Every 5 days, I can live w/ that and hand water shit! That's nice, what size of containers? WEll established plants, into flower, vegging, how would your plants hold up in 1 gallon bags of that stuff as far as watering intervals? That a definate plus for me, but is there any additional risk to the medium holding onto too much water? Lots to look at here, thanks again everyone.


Active member
Every 5 days, I can live w/ that and hand water shit! That's nice, what size of containers? WEll established plants, into flower, vegging, how would your plants hold up in 1 gallon bags of that stuff as far as watering intervals? That a definate plus for me, but is there any additional risk to the medium holding onto too much water? Lots to look at here, thanks again everyone.

hella perlite man, get that as a tattoo, when in doubt, add hella perlite


hey I used to live in K.C I know theyve got Black gold around there, thats a good medium although leaves a different texture buds then OF, one of the old schoolers tricks of the trade cuz its a little cheaper then all the FF's and botanicare shit... your gonna need a good macro by product though, it kind of gets slim on the added nutes in the middle of your grow, ecspecially the deep chunks etc....which need heavy nutes....youll be able to get a good bag in the midwest, dont worry...just sucks not to have the golden arch of mediums as far as ocean forrest is concerned....sunshine mix may be availiable out there, the best bet would to be mail order from new york if you got a safe addy there in wichita...


thats just it. no where to receive it, i won't be in wichita that is where i found 1 hydro shop. i will get her figured out though. i may make some orders though, i could have 1 good place to send more benign items like bulbs and panda plastic and nutes and shit.
i have seen BG around and know folks do use it. so hard to speculate now, alot depends on what it looks like when i get there. all options are on the table so to speak. except doing outdoor of course lol!


yeah outdoor in kansas, winter time doesnt equal success...why dont you try ordering it at a local nursery, tell em you need a certain product and will throw a little extra cash, just give em a diff name, pay with an M.O or straight cash? Just an Idea.....BF is probably easier on cuts and seedlings then O.F, and actually grows a better plant, but the taste/smell/texture just cant compare, pretty much everything important to M.J, lol....its a really solid product you can pick it up for 9 bucks a bag if your getting O.F for 14, thats a great price for O.F btw...im usually paying 18 a bag plus tax..


i have paid 18 too. i know that my local hydroshop charges like 18, but they only charge me 14 good for me while it lasted i guess. I want to open a hydro shop back home, but that would put a squash pretty much on any growing. I can imagine that they really jack up the prices in the few that are out there. But 9 bucks for a bag of black gold, that is cheap. I don't know if FFOF is the holy grail of anything, just what I used. I know folks do get some bangin' results in all kinds of stuff. Hempy buckets, coco, soiless mix, all kinds of stuff. Different brands, etc... I believe alot more of it has to do w/ genetics, and dialing in a particular strain. This mom that I am getting rid of, started off on it's initial grow, w/ my 0 exp, and yielded by most any standards out here, a very sub par result. But if you compared the finished flowers from that run to the finished flowers from 2 grows later, the difference is night and day. Same exact plant, just better results each time. This is going to be a whole new set of challenges, but I am super duper for sure 100% that I will overcome them and go on to make what I am doing now present day look infintile. I hope. That's how I feel when I look over my notes from my very first bagseed try ever 2 years ago. I laugh out loud at the silly things I thought, did, and wrote. I am sure it will be the same 2 years from now as well. Now if I could just get myself to go in and tear down the grow I have in there now. It's so hard. Just gotta go do it get it done. FUCK!


I cough up honey oil
Sad to hear cali's loosing a soldier. But as you said.... you'll always have the knowledge! That in it self is priceless. That and your Freedom. I've had to stop EVERYTHING a few times!but was always able to come back to it, because I was willing to wait it out. I have friends that GOT shut down because they pushed the envelope a little to far or for too long or didn't listen to their instincts. Only to get out of prison and not be able to use all the knowledge they had compiled. Early retirement. When they had years and years and years of growing still in them. So take your time. And remember... it's like riding a bike.


Sad to hear cali's loosing a soldier. But as you said.... you'll always have the knowledge! That in it self is priceless. That and your Freedom. I've had to stop EVERYTHING a few times!but was always able to come back to it, because I was willing to wait it out. I have friends that GOT shut down because they pushed the envelope a little to far or for too long or didn't listen to their instincts. Only to get out of prison and not be able to use all the knowledge they had compiled. Early retirement. When they had years and years and years of growing still in them. So take your time. And remember... it's like riding a bike.

Exactly, in fact I had assumed that at some point in my life, this would happen as you have said. I have no doubt this will be the last time. You are right, when I start to get the shakes as I think about it, that's the stuff that keeps me calm, looking forward to the future. That's exactly why I am not taking any of my stash back w/ me. The outside chance of something happening, don't want to risk my long happy life of growing for it. I am sure my family may want me around too, I know I don't want to go to prison. That's, one of my friends right now faces that prospect right now. Still to be determined, but it ain't good. You could say he pushed the envelope a little beyond the typical grower that smokes their own. I know if he had to do it all over again he would just grow his own and keep to himself as opposed to the way he went. But I am rambling, but yeah, that post hits home, good post.


Yah you pretty much nailed it, it runs as hydro.. This is my first grow with it, I just added some perilite.. seems to be working out alright.

I also use floranova... i dont know why anyone would use anything else.. 8/ml per gal simple.

Passive hydro works well, and is an easy way to get started. Here is a quick set of instructions for a super easy method. PS -- use perlite/vermiculite; don't use volcanic rock. Good luck to you and your family!


The biggest benefit of this method is.......it's free! To make a hempy bucket is simple, all you need to do is this:

Get a bucket.

The size of the bucket can vary from 1gal(4lt) to 5gal(20lt).

The preferred size is a 2.5gl bucket, which can yeild up to 14oz depending on the strain and Pheno.

Drill a drain hole in the side of the bucket about 2 inches from the bottom.

The drain hole should be 7/16".

The grow medium is perlite/vermiculite.

3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite.

You can use volcanic rocks but the perlite/vermiculite is the preferred method.

Once you have your seedling sprouted fill the bucket with plain water every day until the tap root has reached the standing water that always remains in the bottom of the bucket. this will take about 10-14 days after the bean sprouts, in a 2.5 gl bucket.

Once you see three sets of leaves, water with 1/2 strength nutrient solution. This will be about 14 days after you bean has sprouted.

Completely fill the Hempy Bucket with plain water, every two days.

Use water that has been open overnight to allow the chlorine to escape, unless you can afford to buy filtered or distilled water.. Do not adjust the plain water for ph.

Put 2gls of water in a 2.5gl bucket, and let stand overnight. Add the nutrient solution to this water bucket and then adjust the ph to 6.0 For best results use an accurate ph meter and follow the nutes mfg reccomended amounts very carefully. Use precise measuring devices to make your nute solution.

Fill the Hempy Bucket with 2 gls of nutes you mixed, once a week, unless the plant shows sign of needing more.

Feeding twice a week with 1/2 strenght nutes is a better idea than feeding full strenght nute once a week.

The strenght of your nutes depends on several factors such as how much light you have, humidity, CO2, strain your growing.

One drawback is having to hand water every 2 days, of course you could get an irrigation system set up for your buckets ...


he he, gonna keep my recs for sentimental reasons, but guess they don't have to be posted in the grow anymore.
I have yet to actually go read the laws in KS and the counties where am thinking about moving to. Not that it will matter, but will be good to know. I am very certain there is nearly 0 tolerance and severe penalties for anything. What the specifics are I haven't looked yet. Not real eager to.


Active member
Kush its probably good you are getting out of cali. in another town/state you can easily market penetrate with your good buds.

here in cali everyone and they moms got a connect, once you go out of state you will be like the long lost prophet of trichromes and couch lock.

i really want to leave Cali too, i hate the liberal BS here. They ban fireworks, guns, everything. Some of us call it Commiefornia.


Passive hydro works well, and is an easy way to get started. Here is a quick set of instructions for a super easy method. PS -- use perlite/vermiculite; don't use volcanic rock. Good luck to you and your family!


The biggest benefit of this method is.......it's free! To make a hempy bucket is simple, all you need to do is this:

Get a bucket.

The size of the bucket can vary from 1gal(4lt) to 5gal(20lt).

The preferred size is a 2.5gl bucket, which can yeild up to 14oz depending on the strain and Pheno.

Drill a drain hole in the side of the bucket about 2 inches from the bottom.

The drain hole should be 7/16".

The grow medium is perlite/vermiculite.

3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite.

You can use volcanic rocks but the perlite/vermiculite is the preferred method.

Once you have your seedling sprouted fill the bucket with plain water every day until the tap root has reached the standing water that always remains in the bottom of the bucket. this will take about 10-14 days after the bean sprouts, in a 2.5 gl bucket.

Once you see three sets of leaves, water with 1/2 strength nutrient solution. This will be about 14 days after you bean has sprouted.

Completely fill the Hempy Bucket with plain water, every two days.

Use water that has been open overnight to allow the chlorine to escape, unless you can afford to buy filtered or distilled water.. Do not adjust the plain water for ph.

Put 2gls of water in a 2.5gl bucket, and let stand overnight. Add the nutrient solution to this water bucket and then adjust the ph to 6.0 For best results use an accurate ph meter and follow the nutes mfg reccomended amounts very carefully. Use precise measuring devices to make your nute solution.

Fill the Hempy Bucket with 2 gls of nutes you mixed, once a week, unless the plant shows sign of needing more.

Feeding twice a week with 1/2 strenght nutes is a better idea than feeding full strenght nute once a week.

The strenght of your nutes depends on several factors such as how much light you have, humidity, CO2, strain your growing.

One drawback is having to hand water every 2 days, of course you could get an irrigation system set up for your buckets ...

This is also a strong front runner, one it's something I always wanted to try, and 2 uh, for
I would for sure be automating watering in this case. And I could run this system w/out any plants and be able to get it set perfect. This would also go well w/ my preferred cloning method of putting cuts in a glass of water until they grow roots. Probably go easily into the hempy system. How long you think you could get by watering w/ a 5 gallon bucket each plant? 3 or 4 days? This method has always interested me. It also makes me look really strong when I carry around those huge ass bags full of perlite, one in each hand juggling them lol.:laughing:


Kush its probably good you are getting out of cali. in another town/state you can easily market penetrate with your good buds.

here in cali everyone and they moms got a connect, once you go out of state you will be like the long lost prophet of trichromes and couch lock.

i really want to leave Cali too, i hate the liberal BS here. They ban fireworks, guns, everything. Some of us call it Commiefornia.

Well that's the other side of it too. Here, my shit ain't shit, and I never sold it, but I don't think I could of. It would have never been worth it to me to you know. But people that have come to visit are speechless when they come and I share it. They have no facking idea, but to them, ya, lmfao!
"long lost prophet of trichomes and couch lock" that's fucking hysterical right there laughing so hard my joint just fell out my mouth and in my front shirt pocket.

The other side of that back home though, is that I could probably never get very far selling it there, because for 1. someone would talk. and shit is so different, it would just be a matter of time before they came for me for a 4 am wake up call commando style, packing hard boners and everything lol. It's going to be tough to not sell any, but I will manage by hoarding it all and making hash out of anything that gets to be excessive, that doesn't get eaten or smoked. I can do it! Get high as fuck that it! LOl.

As for the politics and where this state is headed, ya well....
like I said, there are lots of pros and cons gain and loss, but I am honestly happy to get back and get going. My son, he is almost 5, he tells me tonight, "we are way to saucey for kansas daddy." LMFAo I told him we will be fine.


Active member
yea i know, out of state the DEA dont play, but really though, if i was living in Kansas i would definately like to know you!

my girlfriends rooomate was from kansas, said they could never get anything decent and it was always 50 an 8th for shwag. they got booze and meth cheap though. if more of the country had affordable weed, there would probably be less alcohol and amphetamine addiction. shit the only thing that helped me beat the meth hangover was a good blunt to remind me NOT to mess with chemical drugs.


yah it is really slim pickins. What's worse, I could get oz for 65ish, but those same o's here go for 35 or 45 ish the 1 time I ever saw them? WTF? right? I've seen "kind bud" but nothing to write home about, at all. So, ya I will be real happy, but damn, it's rough out there. Lots of alcohol and meth, other bad drugs. Easier to find than good weed. I know cannabis is what saved me and my liver from years of potential boozing. I would really like to be able to help other people set up and grow, but you know that's hard to do and maintain security for my grow. Impossible so far as I can figure. I am considering turning someone out when I get back though so to speak. We'll see. Can't say I will miss CA, honestly. Glad I took the chance to come out though, I would have regretted never coming. And my life is very much better off for it. Time to start a new chapter now.


Active member
word man, life is all about starting new chapters.

its cool that you came out to cali and learned more about growing though.

if you are growing your own personal fire, than thats all you need. if you can find a legit way to make income, no need to dabble in the D game. if i had a legit job i would just keep my whole crop to myself and smoke 4 gram blunts, but sadly i am jobless right now and the mary jane pays all my bills right now and its barely enough. insurance rent power cable and the dreaded credit cards YIKES. thank god Mary has been kind enough to foot the bill for now, but i can see in my future that i might be begging her to cover most of my charges for life!