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Any experience with holdin' and flyin'?


I cough up honey oil
I gotta say I would NEVER put it in my shoe. post 9/11 shoe scan everytime! keep it in your chonies or pocket! L8R SK8R


I gotta say I would NEVER put it in my shoe. post 9/11 shoe scan everytime! keep it in your chonies or pocket! L8R SK8R

That's the first place they looked when I was patted down/searched. I was told to remove my shoes and the guy turned them upside down and gave them a shake. Stashing anything in the shoe is most certainly a bad idea.

If you really want peace of mind, you're going to have to go to brown town I'm afraid.


Not when your going directly from canada to mexico they don't, maybe if you have a stop over in the states its a different story.. Ive been to mexico 4 times and never had my shoes scanned. I didnt even have to take off my shoes back in canada when we got stopped and searched... come to think of it i probably could have kept it in my pocket... they never searched those either.

They also got some kinda x-ray scanner thing in major airports, its like a metal detector you walk through... I seen pics of people under it, its very porn like, theres no hiding anything from it


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
If you dont have the brains or balls, dont ask how.

But yeah I've flown domestically in the US with with herb and tinctures.


Active member
my sis was searched at the dallas airport....didnt have weed but had one of those metal pipes that breaks up to a dozen pieces.

she was flying w/ my mom.

she broke the pipe down, and they saw it in the carry on bag xray thing.

pulled her for a private full search

they saw the pipe and didnt take it or say shit.


If you dont have the brains or balls, dont ask how.

But yeah I've flown domestically in the US with with herb and tinctures.



My little pony.. my little pony
Funny post .. I fly alot domestically and I never leave home without it. Ive always had to take my shoes off since it was the richard reid shoebomber shit that caused that one in the first place. Never seen one dog, even at my international airport. Even if I did I know they are there to sniff bombs. They cant effectively sniff for both nor are they trained to do that. The first airport that is caught dog sniffing for drugs and lets a bomb thru is going to be in for a mess of litigation.

Before 9/11 the most I flew with domestic was about 3 ounces. After 9/11 I just fly with a ration of about 5 joints for each day I'll be gone. Prerolling the joints keeps 90% of the smell down and just makes for easy access as well as making it easy to hide on your person.

On your person is the last place they are allowed to search thoroughly. Stands to reason this will also be the most safe place to put it. I have put it in my sock [ also had some shit found there when some crappy shoes kept setting off the metal detector .. happened right after 9/11 on a return trip .. had a couple left over joints mixed in with some roaches .. lady made me pull it out and asked what it was I told her it was trash and she wanded it and it didnt beep so she let me go since she couldnt really ID it as anything serious. Pretty lucky on my part. ]

I have also put it in a pocket making sure there wasnt any metal in or near the pocket since its not something you want to have to empty out when you keep on setting off the detector. Cargo shorts works well for that. Most the time I just wrap it good and duct-tape it to the inside 'pocket' of my boxer-briefs. Use scotch tape if you want to be walking down the isle of the plane and suddenly kick your baggie out from your pants. Yes I had that happen too. Lucky twice since I noticed it first.

Duct-tape and a pair of these and away you go.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I feel that it would, but you are right. Sniffers are the issue.
you're kidding right? a small baggie of weed DOES NOT take down a plane, those dogs are sniffing for explosives only, those dogs do not detect both drugs & explosives, if you were coming in from Cali Colombia your luggage might be hit by a drug sniffing dog on the way into the US. Dogs that check outbound domestic flights are not looking for drugs of any kind, think about it bro.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Vacuum seal the bud with those cheap $50 vacuum sealers (then return it to the store if you don't want to keep it), and as Verite said, tape your personal bud to the inside of the underwear and you're fine to go...
I have carried on domestic and international flights,, never an issue.. I wrap it up carefully, take just what I need for the trip.. no issues.. hash or oil is the best ( from a bulge perspective..)
If you grind up some sticky buds and use this press (from Michael's)

2 grams will press down to a solid puck the size of a Razzle candy

if you heat up the press it will make a solid hard puck, leave the finished puck(s) out in the open air for a few days and it wont smell much, if at all.

Break up with your fingers is a snap (use fingernail to flake off and rub between your fingers) upon arrival.

Safe Harbor


High Grade Specialist
Yes.... always a gamble! A friend of mine went to florida with a REAL famous rapper, they mailed some to the hotel before they got there. when they went to claim it at the hotel lobby they were greeted by LEO! Now... this dude is the most famous pot smoking rapper in the world, so that was probably one of the problems, hahahaha but ever since then I just carry it.

snoop d-o-double-gizzle?


Active member
haha her "sausage wallet" that should work though. you could disguise it as a tampon hahaa.

my friend was telling me a good way he usually smuggles a little cannabis or seeds is to buy a couple cartons of cigs. take out a dummy pack and hollow out a few cigerettes. you can easily fit at least a gram or a couple seeds per cigerette. then top off the tip of the cig with tobacco. he got his suitcases and everything searched coming back from amsterdam and they didnt check the cigerettes.


I don't know about every prison... I've met a dude with no front teeth... They knocked them out so he couldn't bite down...

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