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Intruder Detection



I have a small number of plants growing inside the right of way of a county road. Ive used it for years and i often plant close to civilization because i know the choppers head for the boonies and spend little time looking beside the roadway.

Yesterday, i found a pile of shit and 3 paper towels near my plants. TERROR!! The last thing I want to do is grow plants all season for someone else to harvest.

As soon as the plants start to flower, i have considered puting a number of 4lb test monofiliment down low across the path in a number of places so that if anyone goes down the path they will detach the monofilament, but im looking for ideas

Other that BC's Game camera's, ( i cant use one here), does anyone have any other ideas on how I can know if someone other than me has been to visit my plants?


the fishing line sounds like a great idea, if you cant use a game camera i can't think of much else but waiting there which is out of the question


I hear you gs. Im hoping somebody comes up with some thing. There is some postive evidence. Generally, bushwackers dont carry a roll of paper towels. Im figuring it was somebody driving down the road, had to shit and fortunately had a role of paper towels in the vehicle. The question is did they decide to look around for a while after they finished their business.


you may have gotten lucky and it had been at night, is it near a river by chance? could have been a fisherman taking a shit, it could have been anyone really, but if you got lucky it would have been at night.......curiosity, why is a hunting camera out of question?


Silver, trick I use to get foxes which are a creature of habit, they use the same track same time each night. Bit of fishing line tie one end to a dead chicken, other end to a cheap plastic alarm clock, wrap it around the batteries, when foxy takes chicken it will tell you the exact time, by pulling the batteries out.
Same idea could be made to work by staking clock & end 4 inches above ground. Brambles are good laid across path. Piles of sand spread out on ground will give you footprint. Raked soil will too. 3 sticks, 2 of them with a fork, pushed into ground, with the 3rd layed across like a high jump.
Specialist subject marks out of 10 please. Really depends on what they are walking through to get there.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Silver, trick I use to get foxes which are a creature of habit, they use the same track same time each night. Bit of fishing line tie one end to a dead chicken, other end to a cheap plastic alarm clock, wrap it around the batteries, when foxy takes chicken it will tell you the exact time, by pulling the batteries out.
Same idea could be made to work by staking clock & end 4 inches above ground. Brambles are good laid across path. Piles of sand spread out on ground will give you footprint. Raked soil will too. 3 sticks, 2 of them with a fork, pushed into ground, with the 3rd layed across like a high jump.
Specialist subject marks out of 10 please. Really depends on what they are walking through to get there.

pretty intelligent idea...


I have a small number of plants growing inside the right of way of a county road. Ive used it for years and i often plant close to civilization because i know the choppers head for the boonies and spend little time looking beside the roadway.

Yesterday, i found a pile of shit and 3 paper towels near my plants. TERROR!! The last thing I want to do is grow plants all season for someone else to harvest.

As soon as the plants start to flower, i have considered puting a number of 4lb test monofiliment down low across the path in a number of places so that if anyone goes down the path they will detach the monofilament, but im looking for ideas

Other that BC's Game camera's, ( i cant use one here), does anyone have any other ideas on how I can know if someone other than me has been to visit my plants?

At my big patches I leave ~3-$400 in cash,,,,usually hunderds under a brand new leatherman knife..I leave it under a tree where I stash all my supplies(usually a center point in the garden....I figure, the loss of a coupple hundered is waaay better that the loss of a coupple hunderd plants yielding ~half LB, ya know.....

Not many people would walk off on $400 just staring them in the face..

Ive contemplated the fishing line, but how will you know it was a human that tripped it....


Sorry to hear about the security breach bro.....As you may know, Im in the same boat..


sand/silt on the ground around your plants and then they would leave prints in it

edit: oops didnt see it was mentioned already


yo fast pine arent you worried that if leo finds your patch they can get prints of your supplies and $?i know if i was a cop that i would do a print off the nutes to find the gurriela grower.plus you leave a knife which is a no no also printable,along with $.maybe i think things over too much but i would be careful


Was that a joke? Cause wouldn't the person take the 400 cash and use the knife to cut down your plants and walk off with all of it?


Was that a joke? Cause wouldn't the person take the 400 cash and use the knife to cut down your plants and walk off with all of it?

Not a joke..And Yes, If the person was lucky enough to show up any time between Sept 15-Oct 15 they would be able to take the money, tools, and weed. but at that point whats a leatherman and $400 compared to hundreds of fowering clones..

The idea is this.....Someone shows up, understands harvest, and is a thief at heart, youre fucked, hands down..Youre getting ripped..


Someone shows up, doesent understand harvest, isnt a smoker, and ..wants to call the cops,,,,do you really think they will leave $400 cash just sitting under the trees.

Its about leaving something that a normal citizen would have a really hard time leaving behind, so that two days later when I show up to find the money missing I know something's up..


Mothers with small children travel with paper towels. Perhaps junior needed to relieve himself and needed 3 sheets before mom would let him back in the family vehicle. Utility workers carry paper towels. Most folks using the side of the road are too busy scouting for other vehicles to notice the greenery around them.

Trip wires are a giveaway that you are monitoring the plants. Get some Halloween spider floss and stretch a wee bit at head heighth and knee heighth in different places. It looks natural. And sticks to everything!

Lifes journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy crap... What A Ride !!!"


Well-known member
I have always like the money on the trail idea and leave it to FP "to pimp my ride" 4 large sitting on a trail I would like to visit that grow site.

Only thing I would change is to leave the money under the multi-tool in a pouch or something that makes it look like it was left behind accidentally. If a ripper is smart he will know an obvious sign and realize the bigger prize is in the grow site. If it looks unintentional well, a thief is a thief he will take the cash and you will know what’s up.


When I did a gorilla grow a few years back I took 5 $20 bills and tacked them on to 5 trees surrounding my grow.
If anyone is near your grow you will be missing the $20's.
I really liked the alarm clock trick alsio...


Sorry to hear of the "possible" security breach silver. That being said I think I would personally evaluate the real possibity of the plants actually being "spotted", ie... extra path/paths made, weeds knocked down, etc... I would not, again "personally", add any kind of extra attention such as fishing line to the area. From what you described it sounds as if the "pile" was "near" but not right near your patch. Any percieved breach sucks but perhaps a few thoughts will help in easing the uneasy feelings. You have alot of things going for you in this case. In my experience many, many people have no idea what cannabis even looks like in the wild/in person. Take into account why the person was there in the first place (purging), they were probably more concerned with getting the job done, quick! Could have been darkish as said before. Another thought is it would probably be fairly difficult to know exactly where the person stopped to do their business in the first place, more than likely a passer by. Then you have the many that do know what cannabis looks like but that is it, they don't really know anything about "mature" vs. vegetative growth(no high), all they know is it is cannabis and will snatch it at whatever stage of growth. The plants are still there, yes? Unless your area/patch is really "clean" and visible from a distance I think you will be fine. Just watch for any signs of visitors. Cannabis is somewhat difficult to see unless you know almost right where it is. In fact I know a guy that goes back every year to all of his dad's harvested patches and almost always winds up finding 4 or 5 plants old dad forgot/missed. Say's he has done it every year for many years wth success, lol. Hope it all works out well for you and this gives you a little peace of mind. Keep us updated.:joint:


I wouldnt use fishing line, its too strong and noticable.

Black sewing thread is the best indicator. almost invisible, and when a human limb contacts it it will break without them noticing. add a few footprint traps out of raked sand or soil, and your all set.
game camera
if you cant do this, then use fishing line to see if someone trips it.

i can tell you this, from what you said with shit and paper towels is this. Somone shitting near your plants prob didnt notice them. the simple fact that you found the shit and paper towels makes the perp a "surface" shitter. This unprofessional and amatuer move tells me that the person was not too knowledgable and prob did not feel the need to hide anything because nothing was seen. but you should try and use the game camera, they even got the ones that will text you pics every time it gets tripped for 30 bucks a month


I cant use the camera because there isnt anywhere to mount it outside of the grow. I have one that i use, but i use it to monitor vehicle traffic at the entrance to the road that the grow is on. In this case i cant do that.

Fast Pine and JC - thanks for the idea buds, I knew if i asked.... I aint leavin my multi tool. Its a craftsman with a saw from hell on it. (try one guys) but I folded up a 20$ bill, poured a little water on it for a little mud effect and placed it below one of my biggest plants in a way that it wont blow away. If anyone sees it they will get it, thinking its been dropped.

The area is quite rough and dense with thick thorns and weeds way over ones head. Mo, your'e right: Unless you knew where the path was, you could hunt for a good long while and not find them. In fact you could be 10' from them and not find them. Every path i have has a number of spots that due to vines or trees, you have to get down and crawl, or bust throug the taller vegetation. None of those crawl areas were busted through. I couldnt find any new paths anywhere in the area and i feel like if they had hunted around, they would have made some.

Good to see you Lazlo. Do momma's and kids go into the rough bush for anything ?. There are lots of snakes around here and this spot is rough as hell. If this shitter had traveled another 20' they truly would need hightop boots and a machete. This shitter was a bushwacker though. Either a farmer of country boy, hunter or something, but city folk dont shit in the woods do they? Arent they afraid of ticks and snakes and .....

You're on track though. Im pretty sure this was either a county road mower, a farmer or, theres a big highway construction procject a few miles up the road and there's tons of construction folks, dump trucks and all. Im figuring one of them maybe.

I feel it may be someone that hadnt been down the road before because if they had, they would have known that 250 yards further up the road was an old closed state road that would have allowed them to remain on asphalt and shit. Anybody from around here would have known that. I think thats a positive sign

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