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My First Mushie Grow


That's awesome man! Looks like you're on the right track, just be very sterile and clean! I've grown b+ before and it's pretty good, fast, fat, and fairly potent. One thing my partners and I found out about was using coco coir in the cakes and wow it made the hugest difference ever, the jars colonized 2x as fast. Also, look into liquid cultures for some fast growing mycellium as well.

Good luck!

Mastershake I can give you a much better method of using Liquid Culture if you want.. It's actually easier and way way more less likely to contaminate.. Also uses the same spore syringe type style.. So if interested let me kno and I can help.. Sry to hijack this thread..


Active member
Have you considered using your cakes to spawn to a bulk substrate?? It's an easy task and could increase your yields 10 fold.. It's simple I have a TEK written out already if your interested but here is the basics.. You crumble your cakes and add them to another material and wait for that all to fully colonize and then case.. Anyway if you think you might be interesteds let me know and I can help... Check out Bababoey(sp?) thread it's full of information I've written up and can help you tons.. Also A+ choosing Mycosupply.. They are a highly reputable and respected company.. Alittle pricey but A+ from everything that I have heard..

Hey, dude, I need that TEK!!! That's what I'm wanting to do. :woohoo:

~Abbie :joint:


Which one do you want? I have a nice Coco Coir TEK and a nice poo/straw TEK. COco works great.. It's an amazing substrate.. If you get the moisture content right you don't have to case at all..


Active member
Which one do you want? I have a nice Coco Coir TEK and a nice poo/straw TEK. COco works great.. It's an amazing substrate.. If you get the moisture content right you don't have to case at all..

I'm reading up on some stuff and found that coir/coffee grounds is a good bulk substrate. There's also compost or straw/poo, but those I'd rather do outside. But, this is going to be an inside grow. So, hit me with that coir tek, bro.

~Abbie :joint:


For Coco..
1. You want to 1st add water to it and let it expand... Usually one brick of Coco will take about a gallon of water.. Do this in a pot ontop of the stove..

2. After the Coco is expanded then add your addatives.. You should add about 1 quart of vermicullite, 1 quart of coffee and one half pint of gypsum to every brick.. By brick I mean those small bricks not those huge bails.. If you are not using bricks I would add 1 quart coffee, 1 quart vermicullite and 1 half pint gypsum to about every 7-8 quarts.. But you could just round it off to 10quarts.. So every 10 quarts of expanded Coco add 1 quart verm, 1 quart coffee and 1 half pint gypsum.

3. Now you need to make sure your substrate is at field capacity.. Squeeze it to find out.. When you squeeze it only a few drops should drip out.. When you squeeze hard a few more drops should drip out..

4. After the moisture content is right you need to heat it.. The best way is to heat it all in a big spaghetti type pot ontop of the stove.. Heat it up to about 180 degrees.. If you get it alittle higher (up to 200 degrees) that is fine as well but don't go over that temperature..

5. After it's heated pour it all into 5 gallon buckets, use as many as you need.. Put the lids back on the buckets and let them sit overnight.. During this time they will hold there temperature for a few hours and then slowly cool.. When I say wait until overnight I mean it.. Patience! haha Patience is the most imprtant thing to Mycology..

6. After they sit overnight they are ready to mix with spawn.. Mix your substrate with spawn to about a 10 to 1 ratio.. That is 10 quarts of substrate to 1 quart of spawn.. You can mix them at a higher ratio is you want.. But don't go higher then 10 parts substrate to 2 parts spawn. Or 10 quarts of substrate to 2 quarts of spawn.. Goodluck...


Active member
I'm thinking this method would be best if I was taking this outside. That is going to produce a LOT of substrate. I'm thinking of going with Brother Bear's tutorial. That is about the size of what I'm doing. He had 8 jars, I've got 8 jars. Only going to have one FC in my bedroom.

~Abbie :joint:


You could use the above method and fit it inside a 66 quart storage container.. And possibly yeild about 8 ounces dry.. About 4 on average.. Usually every half pint jat only produces about 4 grams of mushrooms dry..


Active member
You could use the above method and fit it inside a 66 quart storage container.. And possibly yeild about 8 ounces dry.. About 4 on average.. Usually every half pint jat only produces about 4 grams of mushrooms dry..

Could you elaborate on how I would use the bulk substrate in the 66 qu. storage container? Would I need the perlite? Would I drill it full of holes like the shotgun FC?

~Abbie :joint:


No perlite needed.. You would need to drill a few 1 inch holes but nowhere near a shotgun terrarrium.. I will PM you a nice link..


HAHa no prob ABBIE I'm glad you liked the tutorial.. Anyway if you have any more questions feel free to ask.. I'll help you in any way..


Active member
Day 5

Day 5

I see some colonization...here's a B+ jar...


Here's a closeup...


I'm on my way! :woohoo:

~Abbie :joint:


Looking good.. Make sure to keep an eye out for contams.. So are you going to build a monotub?? It's one of the most superior methods.. Greenhouses can also provide very high yeilds.. But a monotub is so simple and cost effective.. And for a 1st timer or somebody not as experienced a monotub is amazing..


Awesome cuz... Make sure to post pics!! If you can that is.. Anyway what are you using for substrate?? Coco?? That to me is the best substrate.. Hore shit and straw are good.. But who really wants to work with shit?? I never would..

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