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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


New member
WOW guys, your stuff is the most amazing i've seen so far.

Here, in Austria (near to german border) it#s nearly impossible to score such a

quality. The most time i get offerd "quality" hash, but it ended up to be very

commercial hash, thats hard as a stone and smells and tastes disgusting.

I must confess that i am a litte bit jealous, but thats the way of life.

The best score was some black afghan about 5 years ago...

So guys enjoy your smoke and please post more pics :)


I never bought Weed again since BriX is around,only hash from my trusted supplier.
how can I realize if weed is treated with brix?

I pay 5,50€/g for skunky weed at my mate here, who gets his stuff bricked (not brixed :D ) via post outta holland. it's good and often even very good. I always take close looks to the buds before buying and smoking 'em. never seen something wrong yet.

is it possible to notice via eyes only, if weed is treated badly with whatever they might put into it, like brix?
straight outta Marocco can come the worst shit, too
depends only one da reseller....

Bzw: nowadays a lot of Maroccans make ice......!!

you´re right and i also know that alot of them make ice, i´ve been there already.
And be sure that i know how to seperate a good from a bad hash.:joint:


Polle Pot

Heres a bad example of maroccan shite..

The hash looks good by apperance. But its an owful smoke. It doenst get you high much, and its not so pleasant to inhale either. I can smoke 1 gram of this in a joint and be like "when will the high hit me?"

The hash bubbles lightly when you flame it. I suspect it 2. grade kief, mixed with a wierd oil, then sold as quality resin :mad:

Watch out when you buy hash, friends.


Active member
yes polle pot,I have seen a lot of this kind of crappy hash,look like good but if you heat or smoke it has some solvent taste..and the buzz is very low


I'm in Ireland and encountered Brix weed the other day..I amnt growing my own yet and havent endless amounts of money so i did smoke it...lol It was a harsh smoke and left a hard ash inside the bong cap..also the most disgusting thing was when i rubbed a bit of ash between my fingers it was sort of sticky or shiny or something..its hard to explain but it def was not normal...Can't wait till im outta here..peace


oops Double Post!!

A good opportunity to say the new fake Maroc is very uncool :(

All hash should be pure, only greed means contamination :(



Ah, the good old days

Ah, the good old days

When I lived in Germany as a teenager I remember the guys selling hash at the arcades, half the time it was 100% cooked henna. I learned pretty quickly how to figure out the difference and find the most potent sticks. Also how to build a carburetor out of a soda can. My drinking alcohol always tapered off when I found good hash because I wanted my faculties about me to experience and enjoy the pure THC.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
A friend from up in the great white north sent me a care package that included some Afi resins...
Now I know Afi resin is mostly shite now but this is actually OK resin...Grade scale like mid-grade Moroccan...Definitely better than what I found in the dam...
Damn I sure wish I could find some top-o-the line afi but I think it is a dream now...

Top piece in the pic is where I snapped the piece when it was cold...The lower piece was cut with a knife to show it's texture...Brownie-Cake-like,,,very similar to Moroccan...Not as bubbly as the samples you will see from Haze if you know what I mean....(but does bubble a little) ....................CC
Those eggs look great, but I used to buy some hash like Pol Pot has. I don't recall a solvent taste, it burned great on a nug. It would do nothing by itself and not even burn right, but on a nug it was just perfect and not at all to much. It would char like that with a flame, but then it would get lose and crumble up nice. I remember someone complaining that they smoked some on it's own and nothing. Well, even with butter and mash potatoes it was a rip off. But man, on some nice dense, those old Canadian buds not kiefed with a nice white ash. Just great and not at all to stoned, no mental problems just so nicely relaxed. I find really good bubble will put me over the top and pile on the anxiety, these cheap buds and cheap hash was just perfect. Something like ten bucks a gram, or five, I don't recall. I think I got almost eight grams for forty bucks or thirty, from someone trying to get through Horticulture college. I know he got things cheaper, but people have to pay for school and the thrift store ripped people off more than that! Man, that hash that I used to get must of been worse than that flame pic. It was very dry and hard, blonde in the center but not very blonde. I'm surprised that hash moved, but it went great with well crappy nugs that beat beasters. I really like old hash and pot or I get to fried, unless it's a great indica. I think that old hash was something close to Moroccan, small trichromes make dense hard hash. But it could of been some Canadian hash, just some sort of Sativa/indica plant. I wish I had a taste of that, it was a waste to smoke it in the morning. It just meant more hash by night time and man, I burned that with a lot of people that don't come knocking anymore and that is mean. It's mean when people only knock and that is when they don't have any, or just a tiny bit.


Yes, Peshawar is said to have cheap hash from the tribal areas like the Orakazi Agency and tribal places alike that are "off limit" to tourists.

Peshawar is far from here at Gilgit, but a dealer here
in town sold me some so-called "Twisted Gharda" from Waziristan, or the surrournding regions, calling it "Pesahwar Gharda".

This first deal of hash was super soft, like first rub cream. Exactly like pure malana charas, but costing only 1,000rs ($12.50 excactly), for about 40-50 grams. That breaks down into about $0.25 to $0.30 cents a gram) So it was an OKAY first deal in Pakistan, I think....

The second deal in Gilgit, from the same dealer, sold me the same soft cream charas at 40 grams for 1,700rs, or $22.00usd ($0.50 per gram!)
I was notvery happy with this second deal at all, but then again, I did not get to met the dealer yet, and therefor could not bargin with the "middle man".

(First two deals I went through my Hotel Manager who is very Islamic, no drinking, honest, but regardless he over charged me big time!)

The third and final deal in Gilgit took place three days ago. It was from the same dealer, whom I finally met for the first time in person, and finally did the deal alone!

He had two types of hash, both from "Peshawar". Both are made and imported from the infamous "restricterd tribal areas".
The first hash was the same as the first two.... Sticky, soft, and creamy with a good smooth high.

BUT, the third stuff offered looked more raw, smelt nice, felt crumbly, and appeared to be the famous "twisted gharda" seen on ICMag threads.

This third hash is brown on the outside, light on the inside, sweet, and crumbes with normal heat (no flame needed). It is not extremely sticky like the first two charas, but it needs tobbacco to burn, unlike pure sifted hash, which I am DESPERATE to find.

The third deal cost me a grand total (after much barganing) for 3,300rs, or $42.50usd, for exactly 100 grams. He took us to a bakery and weighed it on an old scale as a dealer should weight his product infront of the buyer!

So the grand total is 6,000 Pak rupees (OR $75USD) for a total of 180-200grams.
Basically I paid $0.30 tp $0.35 per gram for what the locals call "mid quality" Hashish, but it beats any Parvati hash so far!

On the contrary, this is Gilglit: The largest, most touristic transit town in the Northern Areas. Also, it is July, known better as dry season. So Perhpas, if you add up these many situations, the three deals were OKAY, even for a man on a budget.

BUT, I am stilll on a hash-venture into the Hindu Kush. All to look for and document the BEST hash and ganja strains.

Regardless of it all, I am looking for the better stuff like posted here on ICMag's "Pakistan" and "world wide hash" threads:
The EXACT same smoke you and a few brave travelers paid a mere $0.10-$0.15 per gram for, or 100 grams per 1,000 rupees!

Perhaps in Yarkhun gol, Matsuj, Sor Laspur, Turikho, Mulkho & Tirich valleys, and the Nuristani areas of Kalash valleys will provide me with such quality and inexpensive Hashish as many spoke of!

Pictures will be posted as soon as I find a computer with an old memory card insert!!!!


Active member


this hash is called ASILAH,reddish in color and is one of the last hash made with 100% moroccan genetics..








Well-known member
Best quality i ever seen here in Spain. People call it Hardin also Hardalah.

Texture like Black rubber hashish i tryed in Pokhara last year.












very nice ! or i should say incredible! itd be nice to know price?
