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Man I looked at the pics online but being colorblind doesn't help LOL. Any ideas? Hopefully the pic is here


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Sorry to hear you're having problems. That could be a few things, if you could provide a few things such as what you're feeding them and how often as well as the pH that would be great. Also a picture of the entire plant would be helpful to see if its too close to the light as blowwhole mentioned above. Cool dragon btw, Best of Luck!


New member


That leaf was not on the top but it was the second set. It was pretty warm in the little veg area I have. The plant was only under 2 70 watt MH that were 1.5 feet above it. They are grown is soil and I use RO water as I am on a well pump. I also recently added a new water line into my house that is before my softener so that I have water with calcium and good stuff. I will get a pic today for everyone. I have since moved it into the larger climate controlled room as I have no flowering plants going yet.


New member
So Far no nutes at all. I do not have a whole lot of soil options either so it is a mix of MG with added perlite. I know all of the MG haters but it is what is readily available without having to drive 50 miles


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Dude - I'd WALK 50 miles for good stuff to grow in. and about ANYTHING is better than MG.

Do you think all those MG haters you speak of have NO REASON?


And your plants are not happy, so between the haters and the plants - I rest my case.

Yes I too once "grew" - or tried to, in MG.
When it comes to cannabis and growing in MG - it's an uphill battle.


Is there a lot of that going on or just a few leaves? what is happening to the newest growth?


Miracle Grow ain't that bad... free fungus gnats, but it ain't THAT bad. Dude probably has to drive 50 miles each way, like me! Too far!

Here's a little bud or two from some MG soil. It's the Gardener, not the soil!


New member


Miracle Grow is definitely not the best, but I have had a few successful grows with it. I am not blaming it on the soil.

How long has this problem been going on? 1 week
What STRAIN are you growing? White Rhino
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)seed
What is the age of your plants?1 month
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?2.5 weeks
How Tall are the plants?1.25 feet
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)2 gallon? ones I always use
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)MG 6 cuft + 3 small bags perlite
What Nutrient's are you using?None Yet
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
How often are you watering? when soild gets close to dry usually by feeling plat container weight
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?2 70W MH ( moved into large room today) now will be 1000W MH & 600W HPS
What is the distance to the canopy?3.5 feet
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)50
What is the canopy temperature?77
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)77
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?small ac and 2 small fans for circulation
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? oscillating
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?RO
Are you using water from a water softener? yes but then it goes through the RO system we had installed
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?no
Are plant's infected with pest's?
I do not see any


Active member
you just said MG 6 cuft. What kind of MG? potting mix, moisture control, organic vegetable, organic choice potting mix?

Do you have any way of telling pH?


Active member
are you planning on getting this grow done start to finish with no other nutes except what's in the soil?

50 miles each way where? to get quality soil? or lowes?

- SubN


I'm just guessing here, cause your pic looks like to big clawed hands grabbing toward a leaf, so try this.

I notice you don't know the runoff pH. There's the problem. Your runoff is too acidic, as per tendency in MG soil. This is causing lockout.

flush plant with pH balanced water to compensate for acidic pH. don't go over about 7.6 or 8.0 though with flush water!

Add lime at rate of one handful per pot when using MG soil to balance out the acidity. Mix with new soil. Once pH is established, come back and let me know what it is and I will try to help more.

pH kits from pet store will do for now. Go to Wally World or sumthing and do a runoff pH test and let us know how it turns out.

a nickel sez I'm right! wanna bet? lol :biglaugh:


New member


spadedNfaded- Lowes is about 25 miles each way. 50 miles to a better facility to get better soil. The 2 that are the same age as the leaf I showed you are at the age when I start giveing them nutes. I have Peters 20-20-20 for the rest of veg.

Lola-Gal- I checked my housewater with the pools PH test kit. PH way low.

What kind of PH up can I use? pool stuff? Please let me know.


No, order pH up from online place so you can adjust your water in future.

Till then mix up some lime and water and check the pH. Don't get it above 8 ! OK? Flush the plant with 3 times the volume of the pot.

About one tablespoon of lime to a gallon of water, shake shake shake. Water plants AFTER checking the pH of this solution! Dont get it too high or shock the plants!

They will get better soon as the pH starts coming up a little.

To prevent in future, use MG Organic Choice Orange Bag, if you can find it. I don't like moisture control, too many sticks. Add a good handful of the lime to the pot of dirt when mixing it together. This helps with the acidic (low ph of MG soil).

It would be a good idea to get a PH meter if you can! Those pool thingys are not very accurate and can cause problems, especially if pH is higher or lower than the normals on the pool tester. Good luck.


New member
Can you give me an example of the ph up that I can use. I do have some peletized dolomite lime.

I take that was a no on usning the pool ph up that I have. Bummer.

You are right about the sticks as well. They did have the Organic Soil so I will get some of that to have it ready at transplant time.

I will get the ph meter.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Aquarium PH up is perfectly fine.

I have heard that pelatized lime isn't the best - takes FOREVER to break down into useable form for plants - Sweet leaves soil sweetner - I think is what I've got now - but powdered not pelatized

Do a search on pH and testing - that will keep ya entertained till the tester gets there.

(Get a good tester - and calibration fluids - they will be your friends till ya get up and running better.


I've used pH down and up meant for ponds and it works great. There are several household items you can use to adjust pH.

pH Down: Lemon juice
pH Up: Baking Soda


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
citrus juice IS NOT STABILE

same for vinegar

Test it and it's different in an hour

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