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Re Veg?


New member
I've been doing some research on re veging my girl. Should you flush through with water and go back to grow formula after the initial harvest. Is it also true that you should only harvest about 1/3 of the plant mostly tops. Any information on this topic is great.


dude, take almost all the plant, leave a few buds at the bottom and some leaves, dont need much,3 tiny bud sites will suffice, take rootball out of container and trim back the root ball to about half what it was , transplant in new soil , then lights on 24/7 and a dose of high n ferts, and wait, thats how i do, shit , on my last try i didnt even trim the rootball, i mean 3 tiny buds will throw many branches, when they grow a bit, lst them while they are flexible and spread them out a bit,harvest sooner when ya reveg , it helps, sooner the better,peace


New member
bagseed, thank you for the reply. 3 more weeks and we will be giving that a try for the first time.Hate to lose mama she is nice.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
I dont think this should be in ICMag 420 Cup-Amsterdam section


personally, we do not trim the root ball on reveg-
water 24/7 lights, we hold off on ferts also
we leave a good amount of green on the bottom.


Revegin', single leaf and new growth

Revegin', single leaf and new growth

I dont think this should be in ICMag 420 Cup-Amsterdam section

:yeahthats:yeahthats HEY MODS... move this thread!! thnx

also, here is a pic of the reveg of White Satin

tool a little while.

we generally wait for the funny one leaf formation to stop and see normal leaf developement and a bunch of new growth before we take clips.

you can kind of see the cut stem in the middle there stickin up, the one leaf formation, then above that they return to normal, actually after looking at em for the pic, going to take cuts!!!!


I trimmed my girl's roots from 10 liters back to about size of a fist, waited for a month and man is she's looking good now at 12/12 lights :D Once again I have to say that I'll reveg every single plant only if I can!

Check out http://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=2453857&postcount=5 to see some pics.

And for me it makes perfect sense to trim the roots after most of the plant material is cut away. Or can the plant kind of recycle its roots so that old roots will support new growth? Or do the old roots just rot away and take up precious space? Anybody?


if ya got two, one re-pot and cut root ball, other don't, see which one re-gens faster.
we do not like to cut the root ball, but nothing wrong with an up-pot if original is in a small one..

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