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Anti's MicroStealth Cab Design (Dr. Bud Method)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Ordered my Eyeclops. 4-14 days shipping. Lets hope closer to 4. Paid $35 including shipping. But... we'll have macro pics in 4-14 days folks... just in time for harvest.


Sorcerer's Apprentice


I'm looking forward to see how you like the eyeclops. :smile:

There's a thread around here somewhere with people posting pics of their own results with it. Certainly better than the results I was getting with my handheld scope, plus the ability to post pictures and keep a record of the changes.... definitely worth the price. (A little less than 3x more.)

The handheld radioshack 60x-100x had something on the lens that I couldn't clean off. It was very easy to focus on the.... film... on the interior of the microscope's lens than to focus on anything in front of the lens.

I'm sure i could've gotten a better one that would've worked a little better, but I was already turned off by it. Kept original packaging and reciept so it's already back on the shelf, I'm sure. (I did tell them the issue I'd had with it.)


New member
I had a previous account here with my first micro-grow over a year ago but couldn't remember the password or username so I made a new one. Either way, that first build was a major learning experience for me (lots of mistakes). I thought I had a new build ready to try out then I found your topic.

I have been following through with this since the beginning and to be honest, you made me completely rethink my build. I have since scratched it and redone my drawings to look very similar to yours in the end.

For me, smell is the main issue. While stealth isn't an important thing for me, I am being extremely cautious about the smell. So I want to know how your filter has acted so far? Does it cover the smell well or would you have preferred going with a manufactured carbon filter? After reading this entire topic, I didn't see the reason why you changed from a push-based filter to a pull, care to explain why? Perhaps I missed it even after double checking.

tl;dr so i shortened it.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
For me, smell is the main issue. While stealth isn't an important thing for me, I am being extremely cautious about the smell. So I want to know how your filter has acted so far? Does it cover the smell well or would you have preferred going with a manufactured carbon filter? After reading this entire topic, I didn't see the reason why you changed from a push-based filter to a pull, care to explain why? Perhaps I missed it even after double checking.

So far, my filter has been a champ. I'm sitting next to my cab right now. Smells like the rest of my house.

If I could've fit a manufactured carbon filter into my space, I might've considered one. If price is no object to you, go for it. (Mine, including carbon, cost less than $20.) If you bought the filter first and then built your space around the filter, that might be a good way to go.

The reason I switched from push to pull is simply that it was suggested to me that it's easier on the fan to pull air through a carbon filter rather than trying to exhaust into a filter. If it makes it easier on the fan, that means the fan can run quieter and last longer.

I've tried to listen to the suggestions that were made by the longtimers. From what I read in other people's threads, I made a wise decision with that choice. I see people who are running 5 or 6 23w CFLs with temps in the 90's!!! I'm running 6 42w CFLs and my temps are in the low 70s... why? I listened to RedGreenery when he said "Put glass in there and give your lights their own exhaust fans."

Good luck!


Anti, great job man! Love all the planning that went into your box.

It all looks very well built. What were the tools that came in handy most in terms of making the box? All I've really got right now is a cordless drill w/ accessories and want to get what's necessary to make something similar to your setup.

Thanks in advance,
-Rek :rasta:


Sorcerer's Apprentice


What were the tools that came in handy most in terms of making the box?

The tools that I used were a drill and a jigsaw. I bought a 1" hole saw bit for starting the bigger pieces, and then cut the rest out (intake/exhaust holes) with the jigsaw. I had the wood pre-cut for me at the hardware store, so I didn't have to make any rip cuts.

I bought tougher-than-nails wood glue and some cheap $1 fine grit sandpaper. Other than that, I bought a couple of angle clamps:


These things are a great help if you're working alone. You can use it to clamp two boards together at a 90 degree angle and hold them for you while you screw them together. I paid about $7 each for them.

Hope that helps!

guest 77721

Hey Anti,

Wow, that's all that comes out when I see the fantastic job you did on your cab and how well you're doing on your grow.

I'm glad you popped in on my thread because I forgot that I had given you a few pointers back in the design stage.

You're a testament to the quality of help available from this community and the depth of knowledge available. I know that I'd never come up with half the great ideas on my own.

I'm sorry I didn't follow your thread closer....


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Update w/pics! I got my Bionicam! Come See!

Update w/pics! I got my Bionicam! Come See!

So I got my bionicam yesterday and I had everybody out to be watered today so I decided to try it out. I kinda suck at it, but i managed to get a few shots that are certainly aesthetically interesting. It's a real bitch to try to keep the shot in focus while pushing the button. I'm sure I'll get better soon.

First is #3, Second two are the AK

#6 is turning purple

I took some pics with the regular digital cam too, but I haven't had a chance to crop & chop in pshop so those'll have to wait til tomorrow. But #6 and #9 are both showing signs of purple in among the green in the buds and the topmost fan leaves are also turning purple. It's honestly really beautiful, but I'm hoping it's just a genetic display and not some kind of horrible nute deficiency.

You're a testament to the quality of help available from this community and the depth of knowledge available. I know that I'd never come up with half the great ideas on my own.

Thank you for your kind words. I agree that the community is a formidable one. I have very little experience of my own but I had read several growing books and watched hours of DVDs on growing.... but none of that even came close to the amount of knowledge, photos and experimentation available on these forums. I am doing my best, in my limited way, to contribute to that tradition with this thread.


New member
holy shit dude you did it!! the best way to grow period.

and i know you may want to check this video out even tho its long its very specific like you like it :joint:
he explains uvb lights

i know you have glass shields and how if helps with temps...
do you think it cuts back the some of the light hitting your plant unlike drbudsgreens and hurt your yields ?

and i just might do a dresser grow like this but i still have alot more planing to do :cool:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
i know you have glass shields and how if helps with temps...
do you think it cuts back the some of the light hitting your plant unlike drbudsgreens and hurt your yields ?

I recently read a thread where they were doing comparisons of glass shielded reflectors for HID lamps and if I remember right there was an average of a 2% difference because of light refraction.

The lumen levels in this cab (though not necessarily entirely relevant to plant growth) are at a level comfortably higher than the minimum of 5000 lumen/sq ft that i've often seen recommended. So even at a 2% or even 5% or more light loss from glass, there still ought to be a healthy amount of light penetrating.

If lumens are calculated at 1ft from the bulb, then you can expect to have reasonable penetration for up to 12" beneath the bulb. Since the room size beneath the glass is only 23" and the soil containers are 8" tall... this means that there are only about 15" of space between the soil level and the glass, which is directly beneath the lights, (perhaps 3/4" of space). So, that means that there should be "good" light penetration to all but the last 4-5 inches above the soil.... and even there, the light penetration isn't zero.

I'm pretty sure that's one of the "secrets" to the Dr. Bud method, anyway. Many light sources + short canopies = light penetrates all the way to the dirt.

As far as yield goes, he got around 8g per plant average. I haven't harvested anything yet. (But we're so close I can taste it.) So we'll see.

Also, the benefits of keeping temps in a comfortable range without the need of hurricane force winds whipping around the cab may come to outweigh the small amount of light loss due to the glass shielding. I suppose we'll see.

We won't REALLY know what this cab can do until 2 harvests from now. I have some clones waiting to take their mothers place in the right cab. The potential moms will be harvested and go into the left cab to reveg. Each plants harvest will be dried and placed in separate jars for curing. Once I determine which plants I like, I will eliminate the other potential mothers and keep the ones I really liked and begin cloning them in cycles. (A batch of plant A one week, a batch of B the next week, a batch of C the next week, then repeat. Or whatever.)

and i just might do a dresser grow like this but i still have alot more planing to do :cool:
I highly recommend doing all of your planning, posting your plans, and soliciting the scrutiny of those who have gone before you. There's some crafty muthas out here, mostly lurking.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
UPDATE w/pics Day 79 from Seed (Day 48 of 12/12)

UPDATE w/pics Day 79 from Seed (Day 48 of 12/12)

Ok. So these pics were taken the same day as the tric pics.

left chamber..............right chamber.............right chamber

Magical Mystery Plant #6 turning purple. Even the buds.
(though it is probably very hard to tell with these pics.)

If anybody has a clue, hook a brotha up.

Green Smoke

I recently read a thread where they were doing comparisons of glass shielded reflectors for HID lamps and if I remember right there was an average of a 2% difference because of light refraction.

I've read in these forums that as much as 15% of the light is absorbed by the glass. I don't know if that's true or not but, I don't care. I still swear by a glass shield and continue to use one. (Looks much like Antis) I would never control temps without it. I also overkill on the light to make up for it, just like Anti. What Anti hasn't told you yet (I'm sure he just forgot :smile:) is to clean that glass every time you open the cab.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
What Anti hasn't told you yet (I'm sure he just forgot :smile:) is to clean that glass every time you open the cab.

Good point. It does get dusty. I wipe it with a dry cloth when I open and I've taken the bulbs all the way out a few times and carefully windexed both sides of the glass, avoiding streaks. Every little bit of light penetration helps, right?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
UPDATE w/pics! Day 82 from seed, day 50 from 12/12 TRIC PORN!

UPDATE w/pics! Day 82 from seed, day 50 from 12/12 TRIC PORN!

Ok. So I was playing around with my new Bionicam again today. And I got some more pics to share with you. I got several pictures of Magical Mystery Plant #6. She's the purplest of the 3 plants that are developing purple fan leaves and purple buds. You should get a much better idea of the purple color I'm seeing. I'm interested in your thoughts on the coloration and I'd love if anyone with any experience with this would chime in on tric development and offer their thoughts. Thanks.

(Most of these shots were taken by my girlfriend, who is awesome.)

Magical Mystery Plant #6 on day 50 of 12/12 @ 100x

Magical Mystery Plant #6 on day 50 of 12/12 @ 200x

AK47 on day 50 of 12/12 @ 100x



NICE!!! :smoke:

thinking about re-doing my cab after flippin thru your thread.

real nice job on the cab, and grow.



New member
I am very interested in this cab. I have been researchine this forum and several others over the past months and am about ready to build...thanks for all the great info your seems almost perfect to my needs as well.


Active member
Damn nice box Anti, followed your sig link from the Ath thread here.
Wow, very impressive, and your turning out some beautiful plants with it.

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