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Fungal tea - Foliar application?


Active member
I'm about to deploy a fungal tea (my first attempt at a fungal dominated tea), and I was originally going to only use as a root drench, but I am now wondering if it could also be applied via a foliar spray? Is there any benefit?

Ingredients used were, some EWCs from my own worm bin, soil samples collected locally, soy sauce, and water that had been used to cook spaghetti.

It had a nice froth on it after about 14 hours brewing


Active member
soil drench only is the standard thing to do. Not sure why, but that's what I've been told and done.

I only use them on perennials, btw, also because of what I've been told, but I don't know the reason why.


Active member
hey tac, is there a reason? i'm not saying you are wrong, but maybe you know why I was told only to do soil drench with my roses etc...? I think it was on a radio call in show and the topic was teas.

the tea described was made using compost from a pile that is almost all brown stuff.
Simplistic Jibby-Talk

Simplistic Jibby-Talk

Fungi veg foliars are fine - good guys eat bad stuff.

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Would you please name a few of these "good guys"?

Where did this "bad stuff" come from in the first place?

Please be specific.

Exactly what benefits are conferred by spraying with bacteria/fungal tea?

Name the "toxins" it removes. Name the "pathogens" it eliminates.

Quantify any speed in growth or size of yield.

No cut & paste platitudes from "true believers" allowed.

Cite published research from peer-reviewed / refereed journals.

If your CV reflects formal training, feel free to pull rank.

Otherwise, spare us the hot-air & smoke-rings.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Would you please name a few of these "good guys"?

Where did this "bad stuff" come from in the first place?

Please be specific.

Exactly what benefits are conferred by spraying with bacteria/fungal tea?

Name the "toxins" it removes. Name the "pathogens" it eliminates.

Quantify any speed in growth or size of yield.

No cut & paste platitudes from "true believers" allowed.

Cite published research from peer-reviewed / refereed journals.

If your CV reflects formal training, feel free to pull rank.

Otherwise, spare us the hot-air & smoke-rings.

Although I agree that this is a simplistic nonsensical statement, I did not notice the author making any references to toxins and all the other items you asked for peer reviewed literature on.

I do question your motivation in posing these questions. Certainly it is not to truly learn because I've never received that email from you seeking peer reveiwed literature on the subject which I offered previously. One can only conclude that you are motivated by a need to stir up angst and therefore might be catagorized as an Internet troll.

Additionally, your question posed which asks where 'bad stuff' comes from is so juvenile as to make me wonder just what bubble you live in.


Active member
hey microbe,

what's the deal with fungal teas/compost vs. bacterial (noting there is some of each in the other)?

I haven't been keeping a "fungal pile" these days, because I refuse to take care of my ungrateful landlady's perennials. Should I be keeping a fungal pile for my annual crops?
Hallowed Hogwash ...

Hallowed Hogwash ...

I do question your motivation in posing these questions. Certainly it is not to truly learn because I've never received that email from you seeking peer reveiwed ( sic ) literature on the subject which I offered previously

Here to "truly learn"?

Nah, I'm just here for shits and grins!

If the research you cite is solid, post it.

Why "slide it under the door" by using a PM?

La-de-dah-hippie-dippy-horse-shit grow-schemes are dime a dozen.

They've been a recurrent virus, and a standing joke, for over thirty years.

( After all, they're still selling "Phototrons" aren't they? )

Additionally, your question posed which asks where 'bad stuff' comes from is so juvenile as to make me wonder just what bubble you live in.

Would you care to answer the question?

That pious pontificator up North in Stickey-ville never bothered to answer that question either. ( The claim came directly from the first page of his thread, as copied directly from the first page of his web-site that sells compost tea brewing machines. )

If the question is so "juvenile", then the answer should be easy for you.

Here are the relevant url's:

http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~linda .../Literature files/Compost tea references.html

http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~linda ...yths_files/Myths/magazine pdfs/CompostTea.pdf

Here are the citations from peer-reviewed/refereed journals that fail to support most claims made for beneficial use of compost teas.

The blithering bumbler up North called these cites "garbage", but he failed to cite any "basis of knowledge " ... a CV, or any other qualification. If he has ever published any scientific article, in a peer-reviewed journal, he conveniently forgot to mention it.

Literature on Compost Tea and Disease Suppression
Compiled by Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, PhD
Associate Professor and Extension Urban Horticulturist, WSU Puyallup



Arora , T, Y. Eklind, B. Ramert and S. Alstrom. 2005. Microbial analysis and test of plant pathogen antagonism of municipal and farm composts. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 22 (4): 349-367.
Chen , W., H.A.J. Hoitink, A.F. Schmitthenner, and O.H. Tuovinen. 1988. The role of microbial activity in suppression of damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum . Phytopathology 78 (3): 314-322.
Crohn , D.M. and M.L. Bishop. 1999. Proximate carbon analysis for compost production and mulch use. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 42 (3): 791-797.
Erhart , E., K. Burian, W. Hartl and K. Stich. 1999. Suppression of Pythium ultimum by biowaste composts in relation to compost microbial biomass, activity and content of phenolic compounds. Journal of Phytopathology 147 (5): 299-305.
Erhart , E. and K. Burian. 1997. Evaluating quality and suppressiveness of Austrian biowaste composts. Compost Science and Utilization 5 (3): 15-24.
Fayolle , L., R. Noble, E. Coventry , S. Aime and C. Alabouvette. 2006. Eradication of Plasmodiophora brassicae during composting of wastes. Plant Pathology 55(4): 553-558.
Hoitink , H.A.J., A.G. Stone and D.Y. Han. 1997. Suppression of plant diseases by composts. HortScience 32 (2): 184-187.
Hoitink , H.A.J, D.M. VanDoren Jr. and A.F. Schmitthenner. 1977. Suppression of Phytophthora cinnamomi in a composted hardwood bark potting medium. Phytopathology . 67 (4): 561-565.
Kannangara , T., R.S. Utkhede, J.W. Paul and A.K. Punja. 2000. Effects of mesophilic and thermophilic composts on suppression of Fusarium root and stem rot of greenhouse cucumber. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 46 (11): 1021-1028.
Kavroulakis , N., C. Ehaliotis, S. Ntougias, G.I. Zervakis and K.K. Papadopoulou. 2005. Local and systemic resistance against fungal pathogens of tomato plants elicited by a compost derived from agricultural residues. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 66: 163-174.
Lumsden, R.D., P.D. Millner and J.A. Lewis. 1986. Suppression of lettuce drop caused by Sclerotinia minor with composted sewage sludge. Plant Disease 70 (3): 197-201.
Mills , D.J., C.B. Coffman, J.R. Teasdale, K.L. Everts and J.D. Anderson. 2002. Factors associated with foliage disease of staked fresh market tomatoes grown under different bed strategies. Plant Disease 86 (4): 356-361.
Mochizuki , T. and K. Yamakawa. 1988. Method for screening the resistance to Fusarium crown and root rot Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. radicis lycopersici of tomato in the early seeding stage. Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Vegetables Ornamental Plants and Tea Series A . (2): 217-238.
Ryckeboer , J. and J. Coosemans. 1996. The suppression of clubroot ( Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor.) on cauliflower after the addition of biowaste composts to the potting soil. Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent . 61 (1): 31-41.
Scheuerell, S.J., D.M. Sullivan and W.F. Mahaffee. 2005. Suppression of seedling damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum , P. irregulare , and Rhizoctonia solani in container media amended with a diverse range of Pacific Northwest compost sources. Phytopathology 95: 306-315.
Spencer , S. and D.M. Benson. 1982. Pine bark hardwood bark compost and peat amendment effects on development of Phytophthora spp. and Lupine lupinus angustifolius root rot. P hytopathology 72(3): 346-351.
Spring , D.E., M.A. Ellis, R.A. Spotts, H.A.J. Hoitink and A.F. Schmitthenner. 1980. Suppression of the apple collar rot pathogen in composted hardwood bark. Phytopathology 70(12): 1209-1211.
Szczech, M.M. 1999. Suppressiveness of vermicompost against fusarium wilt of tomato. Journal of Phytopathology 147(3): 155-161.
Tilston, E.L., D. Pitt and A.C. Groenhof. 2002. Composted recycled organic matter suppresses soil-borne diseases of field crops. New Phytologist 154(3): 731-740.
Traenkner , A. 1992. Use of agricultural and municipal organic wastes to develop suppressiveness to plant pathogens, pp. 35-42. In: E.C. Tjamos, G.C. Papavizas and R.J. Cook (eds.), Biological Control of Plant Diseases: Progress and Challenges for the Future. NATO ASI Series No. 230, Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Ueda , T., H. Kai and E. Taniguchi. 1990. Growth inhibition of soil-borne pathogenic fungi by typical sterols. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22(7): 987-992.
Widmer, T.L., J.H. Graham and D.J. Mitchell. 1998. Composted municipal waste reduces infection of citrus seedlings by Phytophthora nicotianae . Plant Disease 82(6): 683-688.
Zinati , G.M. 2005. Compost in the 20th century: A tool to control plant diseases in nursery and vegetable crops. HortTechnology 15(1): 61-66.


Litterick , A.M., L. Harrier, P. Wallace, C.A. Watson and M. Wood. 2004. The role of uncomposted materials, composts, manures, and compost extracts in reducing pest and disease incidence and severity in sustainable temperate agricultural and horticultural crop production - A review. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 23(6): 453-479.
Litterick , A.M., C.A. Watson, P. Wallace and M. Wood. 2004. Compost teas - a simple disease control solution for organic crops?, pp. 188-191. In: A. Hopkins (ed.) Organic farming: science and practice for profitable livestock and cropping . Newport, Shropshire, UK
Scheuerell, S. and W. Mahaffee. 2002. Compost tea: Principles and prospects for plant disease control. Compost Science and Utilization 10(4): 313-338.


Al-Dahmani, J.H., P.A. Abbasi, S.A. Miller and H.A.J. Hoitink. 2003. Suppression of bacterial spot of tomato with foliar sprays of compost extracts under greenhouse and field conditions. Plant Disease 87(8): 913-919.
Cronin , M.J., D.S. Yohalem, R.F. Harris and J.H. Andrews. 1996. Putative mechanism and dynamics of inhibition of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis by compost extracts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28(9): 1241-1249.
Daami-Remadi , M., H. Jabnoun-Khiareddine, F. Ayed, K. Hibar, I.E.A. Znaidi and M. El-Mahjoub. 2006. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of individually compost fungi for potato Fusarium dry rot biocontrol. Journal of Biological Sciences 6(3): 572-580.
El-Masry, M.H., A.I. Khalil, M.S. Hassouna and H.A.H. Ibrahim. 2002. In situ and in vitro suppressive effect of agricultural composts and their water extracts on some phytopathogenic fungi. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18(6): 551-558.
Elad, Y. and D. Shtienberg. 1994. Effect of compost water extracts on grey mould ( Botrytis cinerea ). Crop Protection 13(2): 109-114.
Fokkema, N..J. 1993. Opportunities and problems of control of foliar pathogens with microorganisms. Pesticide Science 37(4): 411-416.
Grebus, M.E., M.E. Watson and H.A.J. Hoitink. 1994. Biological, chemical and physical properties of composted yard trimmings as indicators of maturity and plant disease suppression. Compost Science and Utilization 2(1): 57-71.
Hardy , G.E.S.J. and K. Sivasithamparam. 1991. Effects of sterile and non-sterile leachates extracted from composted eucalyptus bark and pine-bark container media on Phytophthora spp. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23(1): 25-30.
Kai , H., T. Ueda, and M. Sakjaguchi. 1990. Antimicrobial activity of bark compost extracts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22(7): 983-986.
Kokalis , B.N. and K.R. Rodriguez. 1994. Effects of pine bark extracts and pine bark powder on fungal pathogens, soil enzyme activity, and microbial populations. Biological Control 4(3): 269-276.
Kuc , J. and N.E. Strobel. 1992. Induced resistance using pathogens and nonpathogens, pp. 295- 301. In: E.S. Tjamos, G.C. Papavizas, and R.J. Cook (ed.) Biological Control of Plant Diseases: Progress and Challenges for the Future . NATO ASI Series No. 230. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Kumar, P.M.P., S.M.H. Qadri, M.D. Maji, S.K. Gangwar and B. Saratchandra. 2000. Biological control of Phyllactinia corylea (Pers.) Karst, using composted plant extracts. Indian Journal of Sericulture 39(1): 81-83.
Mapleston, P.A., J.M. Whipps and J.M. Lynch. 1991. Effect of peat-bran inoculum of Trichoderma spp. on biological control of Rhizoctonia solani in lettuce. Plant and Soil 136 (2): 257-264.
McQuilken, M.P., J.M. Whipps and J.M. Lynch. 1994. Effects of water extracts of a composted manure-straw mixture on the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea . World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10(1): 20-26.
Mello , A.F.S., S. deA. Lourenco and L. Amorim. 2005. Alternative products in the in vitro inhibition of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum . Scientia Agricola 62(2): 179-183.
Militante, E.P. and B. Krishnapillay. 2002. Biological control of forest tree diseases. Basic Principles of Biotechnology and Their Application in Forestry 117-125.
Nagai, H., M Matsusaki and M. Ogiso. 2002. Disease suppressing of Fusarium crown and root rots of tomato by antagonistic bacteria AP-1. Research Bulletin of the Aichi ken Agricultural Research Center (34): 105-110.
Ozer , N. and N.D. Koycu. 2006. The ability of plant compost leachates to control black mold ( Aspergillus niger ) and to induce the accumulation of antifungal compounds in onion following seed treatment. BioControl 51(2): 229-243.
Redl , H. and K. Bauer. 1990. Investigation of alternative agents with respect to their effectiveness against Plasmopara viticola and their influence on yields under Australian viticultural conditions. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 40(3): 134-138.
Sackenheim , R, H.C. Weltzien and W.K. Kast. 1994. Effects of microflora composition in the phyllosphere on biological regulation of grapevine fungal diseases. Vitis 33(4): 235-240.
Samerski , C. and H.C. Weltzien. 1988. Investigations on the mode of action of compost extracts in the host-parasite-system sugar beet—powdery mildew. Journal of Plant Disease Protection 95(2): 176-181.
Sharma, V.P. and C.L. Jandaik. 1994. Effect of some plant materials in controlling different moulds in Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 24(3):183-185.
Tautorus , T.E. and P.M. Townsley. 1983. Biological control of olive green mold in Agaricus bisporus cultivation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45(2): 511-515.
Trankner , A. 1992. Use of agricultural and municipal organic wastes to develop suppressiveness to plant pathogens, pp. 35 42. In: E.C. Tjamos, G.C. Papavizas, and R.J. Cook (ed.) Biological Control of Plant Diseases: Progress and Challenges for the Future . NATO ASI Series No. 230. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
van Os, G.J. and J.H. van Ginkel. 2001. Suppression of Pythium root rot in bulbous Iris in relation to biomass and activity of the soil microflora. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33(11): 1447-1454.
Wang, P.C. and J.W. Huang. 2000. Characteristics for inhibition of cucumber damping-off by spent forest mushroom compost. Plant Pathology Bulletin 9(4): 137-144.
Welke S.E. 2005. The effect of compost extract on the yield of strawberries and the severity of Botrytis cinerea . Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 25(1): 57-68.
Weltzien , H.C. and N. Ketterer. 1986. Control of downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola (de Bary) Berlese et de Toni, on grapevine leaves through water extracts from composted organic wastes. Journal of Phytopathology . 116:186-188.
Weltzien , H.C. 1990. The use of composted materials for leaf disease suppression in field crops, pp. 115 -120. In: Crop Protection in Organic and Low-Input Agriculture . British Crop Protection Council Monographs No. 45, l.
Weltzien , H.C. 1991. Biocontrol of foliar fungal diseases with compost extracts. p. 430 -450. In: John H. Andrews and Susan S. Hirano (ed.) Microbial Ecology of Leaves. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY.
Yohalem , D.S., E.V. Nordheim and J.H. Andrews. 1996. The effect of water extracts of spent mushroom compost on apple scab in the field. Phytopathology 86(9): 914-922.
Yohalem , D.S., R. Voland, E.V. Nordheim, R.F. Harris and J.H. Andrews. 1996. Sample size requirements to evaluate spore germination inhibition by compost extracts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28(4/5): 519-525.
Yohalem, D.S., R.F. Harris and J.H. Andrews. 1994. Aqueous extracts of spent mushroom substrate for foliar disease control. Compost Science and Utilization 2(4): 67-74.
Zhang , W., D.Y. Han, W.A. Dick, K.R. Davis and H.A.J. Hoitink. 1998. Compost and compost water extract-induced systemic acquired resistance in cucumber and Arabidopsis . Phytopathology 88(5): 450-455.


Aerts , R., B. De Schutter and L. Rombouts. 2002. Suppression of Pythium spp. by Trichoderma spp. during germination of tomato seeds in soilless growing media. Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent . 2002; 67(2): 343-351.
Al-Mughrabi , K.I. 2006. Antibiosis ability of aerobic compost tea against foliar and tuber potato diseases. Biotechnology 5(1): 69-74.
Cronin , M.J., D.S. Yohalem, R.F. Harris and J.H. Andrews. 1996. Putative mechanism and dynamics of inhibition of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis by compost extracts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28(9):1241-1249.
Diánez, F., I. Trillas, M. Avilés, J.C. Tello, M. Santos, A. Boix and M. de Cara. 2006. Grape marc compost tea suppressiveness to plant pathogenic fungi: Role of siderophores. Compost Science and Utilization 14(1): 48-53.
Scheuerell , S.J. and W.F. Mahaffee. 2004. Compost tea as a container medium drench for suppressing seedling damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum . Phytopathology 94(11): 1156-1163.
Sturz , A.V., D.H. Lynch, R.C. Martin and A.M. Driscoll. 2006. Influence of compost tea, powdered kelp, and Manzate Reg. 75 on bacterial-community composition, and antibiosis against Phytophthora infestans in the potato phylloplane. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology . 2006; 28(1): 52-62.
Utkhede, R. and C. Koch. 2004. Biological treatments to control bacterial canker of greenhouse tomatoes. Biocontrol 49(3): 305-313.
What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Would you please name a few of these "good guys"?

Where did this "bad stuff" come from in the first place?

Please be specific.

Exactly what benefits are conferred by spraying with bacteria/fungal tea?

Name the "toxins" it removes. Name the "pathogens" it eliminates.

Quantify any speed in growth or size of yield.

No cut & paste platitudes from "true believers" allowed.

Cite published research from peer-reviewed / refereed journals.

If your CV reflects formal training, feel free to pull rank.

Otherwise, spare us the hot-air & smoke-rings.


Someone was born with a small dick.:dueling:

Alright Dude - Ill give ya some real world info first.

Ive for years had issues with mildew spots growing on walls in a small underground concrete basement closet "moisture city"

Besides all the standard ways to fight it I researched & found that in the same way beneficial organisms that help the roots help the leaves in the same way. Started adding my Bio Fungicide spary to leaves to build up a defense & its no longer an issue anymore.

Piranha, Tarantula, and Scorpion Juice can be combined together into one spray, and is an effective foliar spray against fungi that attack plant foliage. (i.e.. Pythium spp., Rhizoctania solani, Fusarium spp., Botrytis cinerea (bud rot), Sclerotium rolfsii, and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa). if these problems develop or are likely to develop you can give a foliar spraying as an active defense. Piranha is a Yield Enhancer and Bio Fungicide. One of the fungi in Piranha (Trichodermia) is one of the most aggressive colonizers of any known beneficial fungi...and will rapidly expand once they take hold. As with any foliar application, the further into flower you go, the less you should spray your plants. Even if spraying with a beneficial fungi.You are still delivering far more water than product. If you do not want to foliar spray you can apply some dry powdered Piranha, directly on a mold infected portion of bud, to stopped the mold from spreading through the rest of the buds on the branch. Anywhere you need to remove plant material "paint on" a dab of pure powder where you cut.This will stop the juices from the fresh cut from acting as a nutrient for mold, etc. and stop the further spread on that section.

Piranha, Tarantula... Once mixed into your foliar bottle...about 48 hours,and you should start fresh

Advanced Nutrients - probably the biggest experimental company in the world in these areas.

Thats about all the time im willing to give your silly questions.:jerkit:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
'Bad stuff' is everywhere; your skin, your refrigerator, the air, water, the soil. Yin & Yang. BTW, the reviewed (& unreviewed) literature I am willing to apprise you of are specific to microbial interactions related to plant growth; mycorrhizal helper bacteria/archaea, helper fungi, chemical messages passed, nutrient cycling, etc. and not so specific to CT as you seem to think I have asserted. It has been repeated to you that CT is a tool in a program and a damn good one. It is just a logical progression that if positive effective microbes are extracted, multiplied (in proportional numbers) and applied to soil/plants, the benefits observed in studies are likely acerbated (especially in a transition stage). Also, I specifically said not by PM but by email.
Just for the record ...

Just for the record ...

Ive for years had issues with mildew spots growing on walls in a small underground concrete basement closet "moisture city"
Besides all the standard ways to fight it I researched & found that in the same way beneficial organisms that help the roots help the leaves in the same way

Just for the record, did those "standard ways" include running a de-humidifier in the space to lower the humidity and keep it there?

Dumping condensed water on the plants re-cycles it, over and over.

No matter how it has to be "jig-rigged", the space would produce more, and have fewer hassles, if it had better ventilation.


Active member
we aren't talking about closet ventilation, are we? Ventilation is not always possible (as in an orchard that gets moist cool windless nights), and he only used the situation as an example of one microorganism killing, eating, displacing or precluding another.

Remember that drug called penicillin? Some dude observed the effect that particular mold had on bacteria. Ever wonder why cheese and yogurt are even possible? Why don't harmful bacteria show up during fermentation and aging? It certainly isn't sterile.

So the basic idea of one microorganism displacing another is not strange. All that's left to discuss, hopefully in another thread that is not asking for practical advice so you don't waste everybody's time, is whether or not ACT accomplishes that on the leaf surface. That would be a valid discussion. This one - it's just you trolling.