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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)


These quotes go back to January 2008 and I see that gramsci.antonio is no longer posting here, but simba still is.

simba, in nature it is increasingly longer nights that signal to plants (annual and perennial) and animals alike that winter is on the way, not the increasing domination of total daylight by sunrise and sunset (i.e. more red).


Im not simba, but I wanted to point out that with phytochrome (Pr and Pfr) plants most certainly can and do measure the respective blue : red : far-red light.

These ratios do affect the plant's life cycle, and can be used as triggers for flowering (in conjuction with or absence of the reduced photoperiod), and for signalling when the plants life cycle end is imminent.


Im not simba, but I wanted to point out that with phytochrome (Pr and Pfr) plants most certainly can and do measure the respective blue : red : far-red light.

These ratios do affect the plant's life cycle, and can be used as triggers for flowering (in conjuction with or absence of the reduced photoperiod), and for signalling when the plants life cycle end is imminent.

You're right.

And for crying out loud it was only last night that I was reading about using far red to manipulate the cycle and stop flowering.

This folks is what happens when I overload with information. Some of it leaks out the brain.


This thread has also got me wondering if an MH wouldn't be better for flowering a short SOG than an HPS. Has that question been definitively answered?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You'll be fine. I apologize for throwing too much info too soon. There are people doing great grows with lesser lamps than yours. Use your lamp up and, when it needs replacing in a year or two give CMH a look. Hell, by then LEDs may have finally arrived and you won't want HID at all.

Grow, smoke, be happy. Again, my apologies for worrying you unnecessarily.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
heya. been a while.. been so busy.. new stuff to.. YA!!!!!!

im reading the past pages since last visit and will answer any Q's i see..

Burn one if ya got one..

You seem very familiar with the P.L. Lighting products so hopefully my question will be pretty easy.

I have some P.L. fixtures circa 1990 and in the case of 2 specific units, they've never been used. The other fixtures which have been used were purchased to run the Philips AgroSun 430 bulbs which at that time were the 'hot ticket' - pre 600-watt era.

If I purchase the Philips CMH bulb to run in a new but older model 400 watt HPS P.L. - do you think there's much reason that I could expect any problems?

This set up would be for the veg area of a medical grow - about 30" x 30" - if that. The flower room is a P.L. 600 watt HPS (I can't recall if it's a Hortilux or a Philips bulb this time. I stick with those 2 brands 'just because')

Thanks for any help.



Tom 'Green' Thumb
From reading that article (Thanks by the way!) I would not even consider getting an ellectronic ballast at this time. The main reason being that the lumans don't last nearly as long. I am already paranoid using my bulbs more than five times, with the ellectronic ballasts I would be changing bulbs every 2 times. Just my input.



Active member
Yah hortilux rakes the electronic ballast saying
they reduce bulb life; which is unusual for a bulb maker.
Why tell people this?
They'd sell more bulbs if they push electronic ballasts.
Sounds like they have integrity........


Hey Guys,

I'm about to buy some 400w CMH lamps from advancedtechlighting, i have only some concerns as I live in Europe:
I have a 400w ETI Ballast http://www.etisa.com/ingles/catalogo.htm which I'm using on an HPS...
this bulb http://advancedtechlighting.com/cdmed18.htm is said to be HPS retrofittable, so it should work on an HPS ballast... my question is: as far as your experience tells, will any HPS 400w ballast work or should I also buy the ballast presented in the site? In this case, the ballast will normally work on European electric standard or could it get fucked up?

master shake

Active member
Figured I'd post this, probably been discussed here:


Now from what I know the Philips CMH only puts out 34000 lumens and my hps puts out 55000...But looking at this chart and the SPD chart you can clearly tell a CMH puts out from 3-6x the amount of useful light. On top of that the heat advantage allowing the lamp to be much closer to plants, I'll take the 34000 lumens.

Can't wait for mine to arrive, seeds have popped and I don't wanna break out the CFLs again!


Active member
can't really speak for the charts but we are not getting
what I would call a dramatic increase in plant growth or flowering
There may be some changes in cannabinoid profile but other than
that, I've not seen "dramatic" changes in plant growth;
not that I can see anyway.


Hey Guys,

I'm about to buy some 400w CMH lamps from advancedtechlighting, i have only some concerns as I live in Europe:
I have a 400w ETI Ballast http://www.etisa.com/ingles/catalogo.htm which I'm using on an HPS...
this bulb http://advancedtechlighting.com/cdmed18.htm is said to be HPS retrofittable, so it should work on an HPS ballast... my question is: as far as your experience tells, will any HPS 400w ballast work or should I also buy the ballast presented in the site? In this case, the ballast will normally work on European electric standard or could it get fucked up?

High ripman,

That ballast will be ok. Results a far more convincing than any other bulb i used before.



New member
well its been a couple weeks since i posted last.
i harvested a few plants and heres what i found.
overall the leaves were big and healthy, which makes for a happy healthy
the grease was just thick. i've never had resin like this.
the weight of the buds were noticeably heavier....i know i know, it was still wet. but even the wet weight was heavier than wet weight before.
the buds were thicker as well, the popcorn was impressive too.
the only negative thing i have to say is i'm leaving the rest of the crop an extra week. it still needs more time. i could harvest now but it just isnt quite done....not that adding a whopping extra week is bad.

oh and my electric bill dropped a $100 :woohoo:

i see no reason to complain
i like these lights after all :joint:
well its been a couple weeks since i posted last.
i harvested a few plants and heres what i found.
overall the leaves were big and healthy, which makes for a happy healthy
the grease was just thick. i've never had resin like this.
the weight of the buds were noticeably heavier....i know i know, it was still wet. but even the wet weight was heavier than wet weight before.
the buds were thicker as well, the popcorn was impressive too.
the only negative thing i have to say is i'm leaving the rest of the crop an extra week. it still needs more time. i could harvest now but it just isnt quite done....not that adding a whopping extra week is bad.

oh and my electric bill dropped a $100 :woohoo:

i see no reason to complain
i like these lights after all :joint:
taureauchien how many cmh bulbs were you runnin with?

master shake

Active member
Just got my bulb hooked up and damn it's bright! Hope the seedlings like it...

Anyone know why the lamp has a green spot on the tip??


Got a breeder friend who initially thought CMH were the shit and now into his 2nd flower cycle with em can't wait for his halides to show up to replace em...no he does not use HPS for flowering but Son Agro fits his bill OK. Said he started to see some nute uptake issues with the CMH's that just keep getting worse...and yes he knows how to grow indooors...lol. So it's back to cool halides, warm halides and possibly Son Agro. Was waiting to see what he thought of em and glad I never purchased any and let him try em out.

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