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I want some colors!


So Ive read in several arcticles that low temperatures can induce colors such as purple. So I have a few plants that have purple genetics and I was wondering if this would work?
I was going to bring flowers too peak maturity then cut the lights for 72 hours to help pack on a little resin (I know some say this is bunk, but I do it anyways) while dropping the temperature by turning down the temperature during these last 72 hours.
Will this induce some purple?


I think you might need about 2 weeks of below 60 degree temps to bring out the real deep colors but it depends on the strain too, I have some nice purple srtains that are purple no matter what the temps, I'll try and find 'em and edit my post. Best of luck, we all love some color...:joint::joint: This one is always purple no matter what the temps:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
To induce the color with lower temps u will need longer then 72 hrs more like 2-3weeks of low temps ..... I got some purple indica that is puprple blue even at warm temps ...and my green crack turns pretty fall colors with cold temps at night


Lilly, those are awesome budz, see I want something like that, absolutley beautiful. Thats a really cool picture by the way.
yea shit i ahve a real gdp cut and im on day 66 flower and very very lil purple becuse of the temps...the coolest it gets with lights off is like 75 so not much luck here.....and yes its the real deal just tooo damn hot for her


european ganja growers
most plants will trun slighty purple when exposed to cold temp not just Ganja (try feeding ice cold water aswell)....ive got a purple pheno of trainwreck..only reson i found her was that i could not get my heat source sorted for winter and my plants were in nightime temps of 50 sometimes lower:yoinks:... after a week or so most plants started to turn slightly purple, but this 1 plant was more purple than the rest (my keeper)........now growing in the summer she dont turn purple as easy = to me cold temps will bring out the purples,,,,

i will try and find a pic bro... crap pic only 1s i could find



keep it green


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
cooler temps drop nitrogen 2wks into flower for indicas start flush 1 wk earlier can help bring some purple to the leaves indoors. but genitics play a big role in purple cylx like Lilly's plant

[ cut the lights for 72 hours to help pack on a little resin (I know some say this is bunk, but I do it anyways) ]

right on but honestly all darkness really dose is insure all the nutrients are in the rootzone and not up in the plant. allowing for a smoother tasting and faster curing plant


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
[/QUOTE] right on but honestly all darkness really dose is insure all the nutrients are in the rootzone and not up in the plant. allowing for a smoother tasting and faster curing plant[/QUOTE]

yup. that and the long flush would help the flavors a lot. I'd love to taste that.

Lilly: what strain is that? It sort of reminds me of an Aurora Indica i had back in the day. Nice.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on but honestly all darkness really dose is insure all the nutrients are in the rootzone and not up in the plant. allowing for a smoother tasting and faster curing plant[/quote]

yup. that and the long flush would help the flavors a lot. I'd love to taste that.

Lilly: what strain is that? It sort of reminds me of an Aurora Indica i had back in the day. Nice.[/quote]
{yup. that and the long flush would help the flavors a lot. I'd love to taste that.}

lately i've been going in on day of chop 1 hr early turn off my veg lights, and light some candels then chop the harvest hang it on some hangers. then later trim it and do what i do lol, 10 days off the plant it's quite nice smooth :joint:


I thought all purple/red weed I smoked was way over rated myself, until I finally found the KF.It is very potent, ask Hubcap he knows even better than I do, some look like this...


Color for everyone

Color for everyone

Hi everyone,
some color have diferent reason
Purple can be because is cold but also genetics, yellow is somethink wrong with food, but can be in flushing process too or color or less place in the pot.
White can be cause genetics or young flowering
There is everything.
Genetics Jackie White.(White all the time)
Purple cause was cold weather.
Yellow cause I want delicious taste and flower was hungry...

Enjoy foto:muahaha::beat-dead



Life is one big grow........
some said purple....

here a my violatorKush(diesle Pheno)

Grown in summer by 30celsuis




uhhhh sorry for not having a pic from my fall grow..she was deep purple