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Former P.O.W
ICMag Donor
Surfing use to be a way of life for me.From 1980 to 1985 I surfed everyday rain or shine if there were ride able waves.
My first time surfing and smoking pot happened in of all places BALI.It was Christmas 1975,I was 15 and my parents worked in the middle-east so we took a vacation to Bali.I stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel and there was a American hippy/surfer tour guide that took tourists all over the island .My family and the guide hit it off so he offered to take my brother and me surfing each afternoon once he finished working.So this guy hooks me and my brother up with a 9 foot board and say the place were going to is about a mile away and that we have to walk.Well I'm thinking this is going to be one hell of a walk! Longboards are heavy! Once we got walking ,our new found friend sensed that we wern't too thrilled about the walk and asked if we were cool, my brother and I looked at each other and said yeah but we didn't know what he meant.He then pulls out abag of weed and one of the coolest wooden pipes that I have seen.By the time we got to the beach I was stoned stoned stoned!
For the next week after that I went out everyday and learned how to surf and smoke pot.Bali was my favorite places in the world but I don't think its the same anymore.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice pics titoon...krizznapp that sounds like it must of been a hell of a time....Peace

Moldy Dreads

Active member
As the circle jerks once said

I was so wasted ,i was wasted
I was so wasted ,i was wasted

I was hippy
I was burnout,
I was dropout,
You know i was outta my head,
And i was a surfer ,i had a skateboard
It was so heavy and man,
You know i lived in the sand and ,

I was so wasted ,i was wasted
I was so wasted ,i was wasted
That's Black Flag!!!!!!

but yeah, surfing is fun, I prefer snowboarding and skateboarding, because the water here is ridiculously cold in good months, I like surfing in 70 + degree water!


atleast i think i can say i surfed..

the breaks of Santa-Teresa in costa rica.. miss it but i remeber it as if it was yesterday.

think ill most likelly get one of those ugly cheap epoxy boards one day and desperatelly start paddling down the coast of spain in direction of africa looking for breaks..



it was the best 8 months of my life :D

weed a bit expensive, but great food and lovelly mindset.

made me move to spain after that trip.


ICMag Donor
That's Black Flag!!!!!!

but yeah, surfing is fun, I prefer snowboarding and skateboarding, because the water here is ridiculously cold in good months, I like surfing in 70 + degree water!

They probably both did a version of it,surfing makes for great memories.Like being out with friends,when its really good,but uncrowded.Its been awhile,Last time i went out with a friend ,it was cranking.....i realized after that, i better get back in shape,before going out again.Its the ciggarettes !!


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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya cigs are garbage Snagglepuss...you need to get back in the water:D


7'6'' Davo here.....I only ride it when it is small.

when it is big I ride my bodyboard. I been laying down for over 25 years, standing up for about 10. Anybody remember Jay Reale?



I cough up honey oil
i went out last weekend. its been awile! cant seem to get up as fast as i use to but still a blast. ventura btw. L8r


Registered Non-Conformist
I ALWAYS smoke a bowl as I am putting on my wetsuit... Out the back of my Station Wagon, as I take my time.....

Doesn;t matter much, usually one loses the buzz as soon as one hits the water... Another high takes over....

Unless it is a very warm day, the waves are small and easy, and I smoked some CHEESE or KUSH. lol.

I was once out at Ocean Beach, and the waves were spectacular... There were about 5-10 people on the peak I was on, and it was firing so much that EVERYONE got their waves.... A great OB moment, when all were stoked for everyone elses' ride as much as their own.

It was THAT nice of a day.....

One Dude got so stoked that he was like at a loss what to scream....



We all had a great laugh... So happy....


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice that good to hear stasis...sort of like your "perfect day" of surfing:D...peace


Registered Non-Conformist
Stewart only partially owns Pipe... He is a bodyboarder...>!!!

Now, Jamie O' and some of the new kids do....

I am amazed at the talent coming out of North Shore Maui... I spent some time there, and surfed with these guys.... It was an amazing few years...


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya true that stasis...ya those hawaiian dudes are crazy


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Hello and welcome to the surfing forum 808...im guessin your a girl???