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Shalom icmag. Got a question about revegging. I have a safari mix that is out of this world. I didn't take clones so I wanted to reveg the plant. I cut of the main stem but left some bottom leaves and cut of the popcorn bud leaving a few leaves that were growing underneath where the bud was growing.

Anyways, my question is how long under 18/6 would it take to return the plant to the vegative state?

Which light should I use, the 125w cfl under a gull wing hood or the 400w MH that I was using to flower the plants?

Thanks in advance for the replies.


New member

Oh yeah, these were grow in MG soil with perlite roughly 80/20 with a liberal dose of dolomite lime. grown using the lucas formula. These were flushed regularly and I also added small amounts of hygrozyme, floralicious+ and big bud liquid weeks 6-8. Also fed with molasses approximately every other watering from about week 4 of flower until the end. flushed for 5 days straight water. These were grown from seed with about five weeks of veg time.
Please excused my rambling, I am baked, I'm just trying to be as detailed as possible so I can get the help I need.

Which reminds me of another question. When should I start feeding veg nutes? I use fish emulsion with again small (even smaller doses in veg) of hygrozyme and floracious plus


You should cut the roots back to more or less the size of your fist. At least it worked for me, and it makes perfect sense to grow new roots as most of the plant material was cut away.. I didn't need to water it for a month after the initial watering.

This one I revegged under a 52W CFL (2700k), and after couple of weeks it started to show some new growth. And month and a half after that it's bigger and better than ever before :woohoo: After this it seems stupid NOT TO reveg, since the plant will probably produce more than on the first time, and one basically doesn't have to do anything but change the soil.

About three weeks after I left those few popcorn buds to reveg.

And this is what I have a month after previous pic..

23 liter / 6 US Gallon container under the Sun

I'll now let it grow roots to fill the new container. This will probably take a week or two and after that it's SCROG time :D


ICMag Donor
and cut of the popcorn bud leaving a few leaves that were growing underneath

Could you clarify this , new growth appears from the top of the small buds that you leave on the plant which you may have removed ...........


New member
Thanks for all the responses and the link. The pictures definately helped. I think I definately will prune the root ball. I need to be able to get 20-30 clones in about a month so I think I will go with the bigger light.

Does that seem feasible to reveg enough in a month to get 20-30 clones or is that a bongdream?

Again thanks to everyone for the input


That is my first reveg so don't count on my expertise but I would say it's not impossible. If you have the popcorn buds left those will produce heck of a lot clones. I took my clones when they were like 5cm/2inch tall and most of them rooted after all.


New member
Ok, I trimmed the root ball and repotted it with fresh soil. I hit them with fish emulsion, floralicious plus and hygrozyme and put them under the 400w. I think in a week to 10 days I should see some new growth one they get over the shock. we'll see...